
作者&投稿:大狐香 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

5.Foldthebambooleavesoverthetopoftheconetosealit,thentieitwithkitchentwine.6.Repeatwiththeremainingingredientsuntilallthezongziaremade.7.Steamthezongzifor2-3hours,untilthericeiscookedthrough.8.Servehotorcold.Conclusion TheDragonBoatFestivalisatimetorememberthesacrificesofQuYuanandtocelebrateChinesec...

滕物13761991761问: 英语两大语态 -
崇左市必伏回答: 英语中的语态问题汉语中虽有但语法有一定差距 如我们说:饭好了,老外通常说,the meal is served 但也有这样的情况,我们说:车走了,老外,the car is leaving 所以关键问题是对不同文化的理解,对习惯用法的熟知才能用好英语中的语态原创,加点分吧

滕物13761991761问: served怎么读 -
崇左市必伏回答: serve 英[sə:v] 美[sɚv] 过去式:served 过去分词:served 现在分词:serving vt. & vi. 1.(为…)服务; 任(职) 2.提供, 端上 vt. 1.向…供应 2.度过(某段时间) 3.接待;服务 4.对…有用;能满足…的需要 5.可用作,可当…使(尤指别无选择时...

滕物13761991761问: It is a traditional custom in Tibet to drink the wine before the meal - ------. A. serves B. is s -
崇左市必伏回答: 选B. 排除法先排除A,因为上菜中“meal”是被人端上的,所以要用被动 然后排除C,因为说的是习惯,既然习惯,那就是经常发生的动作,要用一般现在时,而不用将来时. 然后在B和D之间选一个,D是被动语态且没有谓语动词,只能用来做后置定语来修饰名词,其功能相当于形容词,翻译成"....样的...”,而这句话中“传统习惯是喝酒”已经是个完整的句子,只是在句尾加了时间状语“在上菜之前”,所以“上菜之前”只能作为时间状语从句来出现,而不是简单的带有后置定语的名词.

滕物13761991761问: 开饭了 的英语单词
崇左市必伏回答: Meal's time

滕物13761991761问: 这个空该填形容词还是副词.任务型阅读中的空an - ___ - served meal will often improve a child's appetite给的词是attractive,答案是attractively.为什么要填副... -
崇左市必伏回答:[答案] served是过去分词作形容词修饰meal,attractively是副词修饰形容词served.表示一顿准备地很诱人的饭. 楼主,当两个形容的词语不是并列关系,而是修饰关系就要用副词.而比如a big shiny hat里没有相互意思,就可以用两个形容词形式.

滕物13761991761问: It's a custom in China to have … before the meal is served.为什么用is serve -
崇左市必伏回答: 你好!is served在这里是备用作为被动的形式 翻译为:在XXX之前XXXX在中国已形成了一种传统.小马过河为您解答!~ 祝您学习愉快!~

滕物13761991761问: 用英文介绍年夜饭 -
崇左市必伏回答: 年夜饭英文介绍: New Year's Eve dinner is one of the customs of the Spring Festival, also known as the New Year dinner, reunion dinner, reunion dinner, especially the family reunion dinner at the end of the New Year's Eve. New Year's Eve dinner...

滕物13761991761问: 英语高手进~~拜托了~~
崇左市必伏回答: The way [in which a meal is --cooked-----(cook)and served] is most important and an attractively served meal will often improve a child's appetite. 这个句子的主干成分是the way is important. 从句是 in which (way) a meal is cooked and served, a ...

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