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[the classical six arts (propriety,music,archery,riding,writing,arithematic)]∶儒家所谓的礼(礼仪)、乐(音乐)、射(射箭)、御(驾车)、书(识字)、数(计算)等六种才艺(2)[various Confucian classics]∶古代称《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《易》和《春秋》六种经书。也泛指各种经书(3)[six styles...

The BL Zweig collection, given to the library by its trustees in May 1986, includes a wide range of items of surprising variety and rarity, among them Mozart's own Verzeichnüss, that is, the composer's own handwritten thematic catalogue of his works. The German writer Stefanie Zweig (b....

Study on the Child Image of the Catcher in the Rye From Linguistic Perspective 从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中的儿童形象 A CHILD OF NATURE: ON EMILY DICKINSON'S NATURE COMPLEX 璞玉无暇,浑然天成:论艾米莉.狄金森的自然情结 A POLYPHONIC ANALYSIS OF THE SOUNF AND FURY “对位法”...

用英文介绍深圳 8句以上
of course there are numerous “theme parks” famous both in China and overseas, because Shenzhen’s theme parks are not only multitudinous but also excellent, they take the lead in China’s theme parks, some people even entitle Shenzhen the “Capital of Thematic Parks” as a good...


(一)罗夏克墨迹测验(RIBT)由瑞士精神医学家罗夏克于1921年设计。 (二)主体统觉测验(Thematic Apperception Test, TAT )美国心理学家H.A.Murray和C.D.Morgen1935年编制。 (三)房树人测验房树人测验(Tree-House-Person), 又称屋树人测验,它开始于John Buck的“画树测验”。John Buck于...


[3]Crosta A P, McmMoore J.Enhancement of landsat thematic mapper imagery for residual soil mapping in SW Minais Gerrain[A].In:Proceedings of the 7 th(ERIM)Thematic conference: Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology[C].Calgary,1989,1173-1187 [4]Loughlin W P.Principal component analysis for ...

make a poster about sports ,写一篇英语作文,要求原创
How to make an excellent psoter about sports?firstly,you should know what colors reflect the sports.we know sports mean energy and the color like orange or red which should be used as the thematic color of the poster.sencondly,you need have great ideas and inspiration ...


赤海15750567998问: mathematical是什么意思 -
平原县天苏回答: mathematical 英[ˌmæθə'mætɪkl] 美[ˌmæθəˈmætɪkəl] adj. 数学的;精确的;绝对的;可能性极小的 [例句]Mathematical or rational truths could surely remain true.数学公理或真理是永远不会错的.

赤海15750567998问: mathematical 怎么读 -
平原县天苏回答:[答案] mathematical[英][ˌmæθə'mætɪkl][美][ˌmæθəˈmætɪkəl]adj.数学的;精确的;绝对的;可能性极小的双语例句1.done with mathematical precision以数学...

赤海15750567998问: 英语中mathematic;mathematical两词有什么区别
平原县天苏回答: mathematic(adj)数学的,精确的.同mathematical(adj) 两词词性相同,但mathematic更用于加过s的名词mathematics,数学,为不可数名词,同math. (这是我结合百度词典说的,mathematic是adj.但我刚翻阅过中学生词典,没有这个mathematic词只有mathematics,为名词.你可以查牛津词典,看有木有这个词) 不过我是英语学霸,傲娇一下,嘿嘿.希望帮到你吧>o评论000

赤海15750567998问: 数学的英语单词是什么啊
平原县天苏回答: mathematical

赤海15750567998问: mathematic和mathematical这两个形容词的区别,用法以及意义上的不同,求例句以及详解 -
平原县天苏回答: Mathematic偏重指数学理论研究1. These include areas like history, literature, mathematic and science. 包括历史,文学,数学和自然科学.2. Romberg integration algorithm: a method for integrating mathematic functions, in MATLAB. 龙贝格积分...

赤海15750567998问: math是英语的数学吗?
平原县天苏回答: math是算术的意思 mathematical 是数学

赤海15750567998问: matlab 和 mathematical 哪个比较好? -
平原县天苏回答: mathematical和maple偏向纯数学应用.matlab对工程应用可以提供很多现成的算法,偏向应用一些.国外的工程类科系偏好matlab的多.以你自己的应用来考虑吧.

赤海15750567998问: “数学”用英语咋说? -
平原县天苏回答: 应该是mathematics!!! 或者mathematical studies

赤海15750567998问: mathematical science 和mathematics区别是什么?
平原县天苏回答: mathematical science 数学科学范围广,大可到天体测量,小可到DNA排序解码,mathematics是纯数学,像华罗庚研究的是纯数学.

赤海15750567998问: 什么是数学分析? -
平原县天苏回答: 数分老师说,数学分析就是5个证明题,每题20分..

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