
作者&投稿:蒯婉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

after aftermath aneath badmouth bath beath bemouth beth * birdbath bismuth blabbermouth blacksmith bloodbath booth both brandreth breadth breath breechcloth bridewealth brith broadcloth broth buckteeth bucktooth bypath centillionth cerecloth chaetognath challoth chaloth charoseth cheekteeth ...

4. Do you hope that the American team will win the game 5. You mop the floor and I'll clean the windows. OK 1. Many happy returns of the day!2. Would you be so kind as to do me a favour 3. Let's go and have some ice cream.4. Will you join us in a game o...

1 ooms oom edroom itchen athroom 2 se 3 ellow 4 irror 5 ups 6 hird

24.The fish is swimming in the small pool.25.The athlets are running like cars.26.We are having the lunch now.27.The telephone is ringing .28.Come on they are waiting for us.29.The couple are saving money.30. He is translating a new book.31.We are leaving tomorrow.32....

银楠13623637978问: Math.round()对负数操作问题 -
祁阳县月见回答: round public static long round(double a)返回最接近参数的 long.结果将舍入为整数:加上 1/2,对结果调用 floor 并将所得结果强制转换为 long 类型.换句话说,结果等于以下表达式的值:(long)Math.floor(a + 0.5d)特殊情况如下:如果参数为 NaN,那么结果为 0. 如果结果为负无穷大或任何小于等于 Long.MIN_VALUE 的值,那么结果等于 Long.MIN_VALUE 的值. 如果参数为正无穷大或任何大于等于 Long.MAX_VALUE 的值,那么结果等于 Long.MAX_VALUE 的值.

银楠13623637978问: Math.round()的一点小问题
祁阳县月见回答: 文档里说这个过程等价于 (long)Math.floor(a + 0.5d) 这就不难理解了吧 -24.8+0.5 = -24.3 floor( -24.3 ) = -25 24.45+0.5 = 24.95 floor( 24.95 ) = 24 floor( x ) 是取小于x的最大整数 -25是小于-24.3的最大整数,所以floor( -24.3 ) = -25 24是小于24.95的最大整数,所以floor( 24.95 ) = 24

银楠13623637978问: 这句FLASH代码是什么意思? -
祁阳县月见回答: on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(2); } 是当鼠标滑过按钮的时候,转到第二帧并停止 on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(1); }是当鼠标滑离按钮的时候,转到第一帧并停止

银楠13623637978问: java高手来啊.急急急 -
祁阳县月见回答: import java.util.*;public class Calculate{ int maxNum(int x1,int x2) { if(x1>x2) return x1; else return x2; } double maxNum(double x1,...

银楠13623637978问: 编写程序,求在四位数的奇数中,所有各位数字之和是25倍数的数的和. -
祁阳县月见回答: 1298515 用as3写的.用其他语言也大同小异 var sumtemp:int; for (var i = 1000; i { if (i%2==1) { var temp:int = i; var a:int = Math.floor(temp/1000); temp -= a*1000; var b:int = Math.floor(temp/100); temp -= b*100; var c:int = Math.floor(temp/10); temp -= c*10; if ((a+b+c+temp)%25 == 0) { sumtemp += i; } } } trace(sumtemp);

银楠13623637978问: JS 字符串类型的日期,在此日期上增加一秒,如:'2012 - 11 - 28 10:25:45'加一秒后变为'2012 - 11 - 28 10:25:46' -
祁阳县月见回答: <div align="right" class="STYLE1" id=time> <SCRIPT> function getNow() { var s;var d= new Date();s = ""+(d.getFullYear())+"年"+((d.getMonth()+1)<10?"0"+(d.getMonth()+1):(d.getMonth()+1))+"月"+(d.getDate(...

银楠13623637978问: 看补充 这个代码保存为html 显示的是滚动的汉字.可不可以改下代码让它显示数字或者拼音.50积分奉上! -
祁阳县月见回答: 产生随机字符的关键代码是:text = String.fromCharCode(3e4 + Math.random() * 33); 如果想要数字的话,可以改成:text = Math.floor(Math.random()*10); 如果想要英文字母的话,可以改成:text = String.fromCharCode(65 + Math.floor(Math.random()*25))

银楠13623637978问: 请问在FLASH中怎样把一个秒数转换成标准时间 -
祁阳县月见回答: 200秒 设置一个变量.200%60得到的数是秒数200%60为20 再用200/60然后用Math.floor取整到得分针数.如下 a=200 min=Math.floor(200/60); sec=200%60; if(min<10){ min="0"+min } time=min+":"+sec

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