
作者&投稿:驹仪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

any person or any persons?

Are there any people on the moon?No,there aren't.月球上面有人吗?不,月球上面没有人。

Were there any people ___ in the accident?
答案A 解析:本题考查的是alive的用法。根据题意:“这次事故中,有幸存的吗?”alive和living在句中都可以作表语和定语。alive作定语时常置于名词之后;而living作宾语时,既可置于名词前,也可置于名词后;但live作形容词时指物不指人。故此题应用alive。故正确答案为A。

anyone的读音是:英['eniw?n]。anyone的读音是:英['eniw?n]。anyone的例句是用作代词(pron.)We dislike to have anyone patronize us.我们不喜欢任何人对我们以恩人自居。anyone的词语用法是anyone指“任何人”,不指“任何一个”,any one指“任何一个”,但是有时也指“任何人”,现在比较不...

there not were any people here last night.改错
答案 were与not位置互换。解析:对含有be动词的陈述句进行否定,需要在be动词之后而不是之前加否定词not,句子中否定词加错了位置,所以应该将were与not位置互换。

There not were any people here last night(划横线)改正
错句:There not were any people here last night.划横线:改正:There were not any people here last night.

There weren't any people in this room yesterday.(改为同义句)_百度...
There were no people in this room yesterday not any = no 昨天这间房子里没有任何人 ~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~

are there any people on the bridge,什么意思
Is that westminster bridge down there?回答:Yes,it is.\/ No,it isn't Are there any people on the bridge?回答:Yes,there are.\/ No,there aren't are there any cars and buses?回答:Yes,there are.\/ No,there aren't 任意选择其中的一个.

there are some people near the gate 改为否定句
There are some people near the gate. 大门附近有些人。改为否定句时注意两点变化:一是在be动词(are)后面加否定副词not;另外some(一些)用于肯定句,改为否定句时要变成any,即:There are not any people near the gate.大门附近没有人。

There weren't any people in the park.这句话改成否定必须把many 变 any not many 是不完全否定

熊残18360305661问: people属于第三人称单数还是复数? -
定兴县葵严回答: people 是单复数同形:1,作“人、人们”讲时,总是以单数形式表示复数概念.比如我们可以说 many people, three hundred people, 但不可说 a/one people.2,people 作“民族”时,有单复数之分.a people 为“一个民族”, peoples 为许多国家或地区的不同民族.如: There are 56 peoples in China. 中国有五十六个民族.3,the people 指“人民”或确指的“人们”. We study for the people. 我们为人民而学习.

熊残18360305661问: many people后面需要加动词单数还是复数? -
定兴县葵严回答: many就表示是复数

熊残18360305661问: many是修饰可数名词复数形式后接 people是什么意思? -
定兴县葵严回答: many是“很多的;许多的”的意思;修饰可数名词,people是“人:人类”是个集合概念名词.many people不加S,如too many people

熊残18360305661问: 一道简单的英语题目!Manypeople - (visi
定兴县葵严回答: many people 不是三单,不用加负数.所以是原型,不变.

熊残18360305661问: many people被视为单数还是复数 -
定兴县葵严回答: are people永远是复数~

熊残18360305661问: 英语people可数吗 -
定兴县葵严回答: people集体名词,如等词都是集体名词,就是单个单词表示有几个组成的在里面. 家庭,家庭有很多人,不止一个 人,很多,不止一个 所以把它看做第三人称单数 somebody.someone.everyone.等词都是这样的. 如需更多请追问~ 谢谢~~

熊残18360305661问: Many people pretend that they understand modern art. -
定兴县葵严回答: 很多人对以现代艺术都是不懂装懂.分析句子,你指的是什么?这句话用一般现在时,在描述一种事情,过去发生过,现在也在发生,将来还会发生,故用一般现在时.很多人Many people 不是第三人称单数,后面的动词用一般形式,不用加以变化.还有其他问题吗

熊残18360305661问: many people drive的drive为什么不加S -
定兴县葵严回答: many people,表示:很多人.这里的主语people是复数,表示:人们.所以谓语动词不用三单形式,即就是:drive.例句:Nowadays many people drive instead of taking a bus or walking to work.现在很多人都开车而不是乘坐公交车或者走路去上班.

熊残18360305661问: in my class是三单吗? -
定兴县葵严回答: 答:我班上有很多人/同学.这句话的英语表达法是:There are many people in my class.或者说: My class has many people. 注意:my class是名词语组,作主语时前面不能加介词in了.作为一个整体的组织,my class应视为第三人称单数.

熊残18360305661问: many people
定兴县葵严回答: 对.people是复数型单词,是可数的.(虽然他的型式是单数的 )

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