
作者&投稿:呼斌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

an error occurred什么意思
error错误,过失; 误审,违法; 误差。occurred发生(occur 的过去分词)。an error occurred 的意思是:出现错误


cannot attach too much importance to 应该翻译为:“再怎么重视都不为过……”cannot ... too much ...都可翻译为:“再……都不算多,都不为过”e.g. We can never do too much for the people.我们再怎么为人民服务都不嫌多。如有不明,欢迎追问 如果有帮助,请及时采纳,谢谢!

怎么否定回答Can I have an apple?
你好 否定回答是 No,you can't

英语求助 急2.The heating system here has an
10 A cannot but 后面跟动词原形 cannot but be 11 B hardly 否定表示几乎没有,句子就用肯定 12 A the hotel which we stayed 那幢我们呆的旅馆 13 A as 因为,其他都没因果关系 14 D whatever 不管什么事都可以做 15 D why i shoud now 做 reason同位语 16 A in which 以某种方式 17 C...

You cannot accept an opinion ___ to you unless it is based on fac...
D 句意:你不能接受什么观点,除非它以事实为基础。动词offer的逻辑主语就是opinion,opinion和动词offer构成逻辑上的被动关系,表被动,用过去分词。【考点定位】考查非谓语动词中的过去分词。

1、只要你有耐心,总有成功的机会。——德国叔本华《叔本华全集》亚瑟·叔本华(德文:Arthur Schopenhauer,1788年2月22日—1860年9月21日,享年72岁),德国著名哲学家。2、无论何人,若是失去耐心,便失去了灵魂。——英国培根《培根随笔》弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon,1561一1626年),第一代圣...

a 是元音 an 是元音的辅音 后面 没有元音就用 a 有元音就用 an 元音字母是指语言里起着发声作用的字母,是为元音字母。元音又作“元音”在拉丁字母中,A、E、I、O、U通常都是元音字母. 辅音字母是一个和元音字母相对的条目,所有非元音字母的,就是辅音字母. 音素:人说话的声音是由若干单个的...

but cannot is far more common in all contexts. Indeed, can not has come to be so unusual that it may be read as an error. The two-word form is advised only in a construction in which not is part of a set phrase, such as 'not only . . . but (also)': Stevenson ca...

an error occurred and cannot continue.please restart your game...

鄞倪18576826488问: 大学英语(二)阅读理解,Our surroundings are being polluted faster than ever and it seems that people cannot prevent it.Time is bringing us more people,... -
渠县茵花回答:[答案] 1,A "Time is bringing us more people" 时间的推移带来更多的人口 2,B “We make "increasing industrialization"(工业化) our first aim. So we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our ...

鄞倪18576826488问: 一心不能二用的英语(谚语)
渠县茵花回答: 1. One can [should] not run after two horses [hares] at the same time. 2、A man cannot spin and reel at the same time3One cannot keep one's mind on two things at the same time.;One should concentrate on one's work.;One's mind can not ...

鄞倪18576826488问: 英文谚语及翻译a man cannot be robbed of his learned -
渠县茵花回答: 一个人不能剥夺他的学习

鄞倪18576826488问: Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate.In the next 30 years,man will face a period of crisis.Some experts believe that there will be a ... -
渠县茵花回答:[答案] 人类不能在按照这个速度增加下去,在接下去的30年里.人类将面临危机,一些专家相信会有一个大面积的粮食短缺,其他专家认为这有些过度悲观,让人可以预防形势比现在更糟糕.但要记住,世界上有三分之二的人仍没有足够的营养或者仍在挨饿. ...

鄞倪18576826488问: 急求!!!! -
渠县茵花回答: Man cannot live without air, although it cannot be seen or touched.人离开空气就活不了,尽管空气看不到又摸不着.

鄞倪18576826488问: Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sight of the shore. -- A. Gide
渠县茵花回答: 你好,翻译过来就是:人只有鼓起勇气,告别海岸,才能发现新的海洋. -- 纪德

鄞倪18576826488问: 在操作系统linux环境下,要怎么使用终端man+命令啊? -
渠县茵花回答: ALT+F1 进入终端,然后man+命令 你可以进入超级终端,在程序那里的,或者你按ALT+F1进入命令界面,登入用户 man ls man后面是跟"COMMAND" 例如man wc

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