
作者&投稿:夷畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

答案是B,which指代前面的先行词 noise,引导非限定性定语从句,并在从句中作主语。2.有时引导词which可以指前面整个句子的含义。例如(NMET2000):Dorothy was always spe aking highly of her role in the play,___ ,of course , made the others unhappy.A.who B.which C.this D.wha...

It is Saturday. It's n(ine ) 九 o'clock in the m(orning ) 早上 .Liu Ming is c(losing ) 关the windows.Liu Fang is h(elping ) 帮助 her mother with cooking. They are m(aking ) cakes.做蛋糕 What is Liu Ming's f(ather ) 父亲 doing? he...

习惯-君夜潼 我的猫咪公主-小峰峰 一刀两断-大哲 I'm a girl like this-Rill父亲-筷子兄弟 我...被遗忘的角落-洪煜祺+shelly 白色雪花-钟洁+Rill 从相爱到分开-山野 好久不见-Me.小丑+Cyang xE...你给的回忆-aking+凌音 回味-曹迪凡 光年-Xun 挽留-李俊杰+颖宝儿伤不起的爱情-雨天+韩晶 寂寞之雪...

最后是学习的方向,写什么,我的写法是游戏,我写过很多的小游戏,这样程序就越写越好了。最后是相关网站:http:\/\/www.vcok.comhttp:\/\/www.cstudyhome.com还有一些,自己找吧,可以给我写信 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

《尸地余生》是由Howard J. Ford和Jonathan执导的英国恐怖冒险电影。Elizabeth Akingbade,Benjamin C. Akpa主演。影片讲述了正处于交战中的非洲大地突然丧尸肆虐,交战被迫停止,由于感染的迅速蔓延,联合国军队也束手无策,只能迅速撤离,此时美军中校墨菲因为飞机失事而流落此地,面对成群的饥饿丧尸墨菲只能...

[越南]Bạn là người quý giá nhất của tôi [菲律宾]Ikaw ay aking pinaka-mahalagang tao [法]Vous êtes ma personne la plus précieuse [德]Du bist mein kostbarstes Person [意]Tu sei la mia persona più preziosa [荷兰]Je ...

A.doesn’theB.hasn’theC.doesheD.hashe 20.Doyouthink___difficulttolearnEnglishwell? A.thatB.itC.itsD.this 21.Wouldyouplease___inclass?It’simpolite. A.nottotalkB.nottalkingC.nottalksD.nottalk 22.MyEnglishwritingisgood,___Ineedtoimprovemylisteningskills. A.orB.ifC.butD....

尸地余生 The Dead (2010)导演: Howard J. Ford \/ Jonathan Ford 编剧: Howard J. Ford 主演: Elizabeth Akingbade \/ Benjamin C. Akpa \/ Stephen Asare Amaning \/ Anthony Arinze 类型: 恐怖 \/ 冒险 \/ 灾难 制片国家\/地区: 英国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2010 片长: 105分钟 ...

近身C+猛虎雷神刚(↓↙←A或C)+虎炮(→↓↘C)6HITS 跳跃D+站立C+极限流连舞拳(近身←↙↓↘→C)+飞燕疾风脚(→↘↓↙←D)8HITS 跳跃D+站立C+MAX天地霸王拳(↓↘→↓↘→A或C)+近身C+MAX龙虎乱舞(↓↘→↘↓↙←A或C)一击必杀! 罗伯特 下蹲B、B+飞燕疾风脚(→↘↓↙←D)6HITS 近身C+极限...

急性荨麻诊可以吃点抗过敏的药就行了,慢性荨麻疹用药比较难见效,只有在生活及饮食方面多注意点. 多吃含有丰富维他命的新鲜蔬果或是服用维他命C与B群,或是B群中的 B 6。多吃碱性食物如:葡萄、绿茶、海带、蕃茄、芝麻、黄瓜、胡萝卜、香蕉、苹果、橘子、萝卜、绿豆、意仁等。多休息,勿疲累,适度...

訾委19477106599问: 关于一些语法的公式
抚顺市卓悦回答: 感叹句: 1)How +形容词+ a +名词+ 陈述语序 How clever a boy he is! 2)How+形容词或副词+ 陈述语序 How lovely the baby is! 3)How+主语+谓语! How time flies! 4)What +名词+ 陈述语序 What noise they are making! 5)What+a+形容词+名词+ 陈...

訾委19477106599问: 多元文化在很大程度上影响社会的发展用英语怎么说 -
抚顺市卓悦回答: 英语是:The multiculture influences the development of the society to a great extent.解释:multiculture 英['mʌltɪkʌltʃə] 美['mʌltɪkʌltʃə] n. 多元文化; [例句]The development of global economic environment leads to a great affection of the ...

訾委19477106599问: 英语感叹句用法 -
抚顺市卓悦回答: 感叹句通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦、等感情. what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有以下几种: 掌握它的搭配,即掌握了感叹句的重点. How +形容词+ a +名词+...

訾委19477106599问: 求英语作文desk culture
抚顺市卓悦回答: desk culture when it comes to the desk culture, few of us think it as a fresh, especially to the people who works at school. we can easily see the words left on the desks or chiars, even on the wall. a majority of the words tells about making friends, ...

訾委19477106599问: make+an+address是什么意思
抚顺市卓悦回答: make an address的意思是:发表演说,演讲;致词; 【例句】 1、He is going to make a speech in public. 他将当众发表演说. 2、The politician will address us on the subject of war and peace. 这位政治家将就战争与和平问题给我们发表演说. ...

訾委19477106599问: 关于居住文化的英语作文 -
抚顺市卓悦回答: Living in the countryside,problems such as the traffic jam,housing problem and industrial pollution which may puzzle the citizens can't be exist.People lead a simple life in pure nature.There is much less noise and pollution than the city.The idyllic ...

訾委19477106599问: culture+is+a+term+that+has+many+different+related+meanings++出处是哪里
抚顺市卓悦回答: that换成“which就对了,which指代的是前面的culture,在后面的从句中充当主语的.

訾委19477106599问: 翻译英语句子
抚顺市卓悦回答: 可以翻译为:Making more friends and learning the foreign culture are the purpose of taking part in the summer camp. 希望可以帮助你!

訾委19477106599问: 英语翻译可以翻译成这句话吗,请赐教“Interacting technology with culture; Making communication being the inspiration/ consensus.” -
抚顺市卓悦回答:[答案] Interact science and technology with culture.Communication and exchange make perfect.Interacting technology with culture; Making communication being the inspiration/ consensus.这句也不错,不过不需要用-...

訾委19477106599问: 求文化碰撞为题英文作文 -
抚顺市卓悦回答:[答案] 【Culture Shock】 Do you think studying in a different country is something that sounds very exciting? Like many young people who leave home to study in another country, do you think you would have lots of desirable fun? Certainly, it is a new ...

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