
作者&投稿:博左 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

上海市中考英语阅读理解训练:Ray Kroc
c.he wanted to m ake people happy would bring him a lot of money 4.Where can we find a Mc Donald's restaurant?a.Only in America. b.All over the world.c.In many parts of the world. d.Everywhere except 60 places.5.How many people can sit and eat in the bigges...

a "make-believe"story is a story people make up

a lot of people lose their lives in
A lot of people lost their lives in the earthquaake.(改为同义句)The earthquake 【killed】【lots】【of】【people】.

what do you think of watching English Movies?你最看英语电影有什么看法 It is too nard for me to under stand the voices I don't like It atall 对我来说挺难明白这嗓音的,我很不喜欢这个 mny soldiers went to sichuan to save peopleas soon as the e ar thauake happened 我们的战...

There are four seasons in a year,and spring is the b()one_百度...
night.A famous Chinese saying,"The years'work d(epends) on a good start in spring",tell us the spring is the b(est) of a year. People in this season should m(ake) their plans for the year.Spring is beautiful and I like it very m.I wish spring would stay forewer ...


老师说的是snakehead吧,就是蛇头 两个意思:1. the head of a snake 蛇的头部 2. facilitator, people trafficker, people smuggler 组织非法偷渡的人 (snakehead 这里是英文的直译.)

【求翻译】 这是对希腊神话中冥王哈迪斯的一段介绍,要求翻译成英文_百 ...
according to said and her brother Jose be irreconcilable opposed to . People died, from Hermes to Hades Hades. Ake Rong river is in front of a black river, the river is painful. One is called Charon the boatman to ferry boat across the undead. Because undead must pay to be ...

people's liberation army actademy of art啥意思
institute n.学会, 学院, 协会 academy n.(高等)专科院校, 研究院, 学会, 学术团体, 学院 seminary n.神学院, 学校, 学院, 发源地 academe [7AkE5di:m]n.研究院, 学会(=academy),学术界,学院 college n.(综合大学中的)学院, (独立的)学院, <美>大学, <英>公学, 书院, 高等专科学院,...

一篇英语阅读,要答案和翻译 it is necessary for us to do first aid...
2.C three 3.D thing 4.D get 5.B necessary 6.B loses 7.A something 当看见有人在事故中受伤,我们一定要对他们进行急救。急救时,我们要注意三件重要的事。首先,我们要确保伤者是否还在呼吸。弄开他的嘴看看口腔后部有没有东西。然后尽力在5分钟内让他恢复呼吸,否则他会死亡。若有必要,...

貂疯17067545924问: cause trouble to make people angry.换成一个单词是什么 -
贵南县盐酸回答:[答案] bad The singer Qi Qin was a_bad(causing trouble to make people angry)boy when he was young仅供参考 欢迎采纳&nb...

貂疯17067545924问: 真是可笑至极,让人愤怒.用英语怎么说 -
贵南县盐酸回答: It`s so ridiculous that it makes people angry.

貂疯17067545924问: what often - ------people angry at the moment? A. make B.makes C.let D. got 选什么 为什么? -
贵南县盐酸回答: 答案:B解释:1. 时间状语at the moment意思是“现在”,等同于now,所以句子一般使用现在时,而不可能使用一般过去时,排除CD;2. 句子主语what如果没有特别情况的话,一般视为单数,所以选项中的谓语动词必须用单三形式,排除AC.由此可知,答案B为正解.如果你满意我的答案,敬请点击“选为满意回答” ,谢谢!

貂疯17067545924问: make sb angry.应该怎么解释make后面跟形容词? -
贵南县盐酸回答: 这是make的一般用法 make sb. do sth/形容词/名词 都可以这么用 翻译成使某人怎么样

貂疯17067545924问: make 有关的语法 -
贵南县盐酸回答: 1. "make + sb + adj",make 是谓语动词,sb是make的宾语,后边的形容词在此作宾语的补足语.例如:Rainy days make me sad.雨天让我很悲伤.What he said made the teacher angry.他说的话让老师很生气.Soft music makes me sleepy.轻...

貂疯17067545924问: make+名词/代词+形容词什么意思 -
贵南县盐酸回答: 这是个make 后面接复合宾语的结构就是:make 是动词 后面的名词或代词是宾语,形容词是补语,这个make 是 “使..”的意思 如: He makes me sick.他让我恶心. I made my...

貂疯17067545924问: causing trouble to make people angry换成一个单词
贵南县盐酸回答: troublemaker

貂疯17067545924问: what he has said makes me angry 为什么用makes,而且没有feel?多谢多谢! -
贵南县盐酸回答: make是“使得”;而feel是“感到”,也可以这样说:what he has said makes me feel angry. 就是用省略了符号to的不定式短语的feel angry做了宾语me的宾补.

貂疯17067545924问: Angry用法? -
贵南县盐酸回答: angry ['�0�3�0�7gri] adj. 生气的[ 形容词比较级angrier 形容词最高级angriest ] angry ['�0�3�0�7ɡri] adj. 1. 怒的,发怒的,愤怒的,生气的(about, at, over, with) 2. (风雨、风浪等)狂暴的,凶猛的;(有)暴风雨的;风雨交加的 3. (...

貂疯17067545924问: That makes the teachers really angry.这句话好怪啊…… 能讲解一下么 -
贵南县盐酸回答: 本句意思是:那使老师们真的很生气. 用了固定搭配:make sb +形容词 意思是:使某人…… That 是主语,看作第三人称单数,所以动词用 makes really 是副词,用来修饰形容词angry . 希望能帮到你,互海皋剿薤济鸽汐龚搂祝你学习进步!

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