
作者&投稿:居超 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

您好:Advantages and Disadvatages of Mobile phones As every body knows,mobiles are playing a important part in our daily life nowadays.But they have bot advantages and disadvtanges in my opinion.First,mobile *** ake it convinent for people to keep in touch with each other whevere they are...

make ones day什么意思
ake my day !(让我高兴高兴吧!) "使我充实,使我高兴"

它将提供的权力,信息时代的到手中的每一个人,任何时间,任何地点。我们生活在一个时代的声音,数据和视频只是位, 1和0将被推下最广泛的管道或靠近最包容的切片的频谱。钻头是不可知论者。他们不关心他们如何获得他们正在前往-只有他们抵达在正确的秩序和在适当时刻。无处不在的比特已经授权种杂交说...

take advantage of 这个词组和 make use of 这个词组在用法上有什么区别...
make use of !利用”,指很好地使用,别无他意;ake advantage of常有“利用”的意思,即对自己有好处

Gloria Eterna 歌词
歌曲名:Gloria Eterna 歌手:Nana Mouskouri 专辑:Greatest Hits 曲名:Gloria eterna 词曲:G.F. Haseridel-Arrgt R. Loubet\/N.Gastos Opou ki an pame Mnimes kratame Athina ke romi Se psachnoume akomi Aspres kolones Mavri eones Asikoti kroni Ston kosmo pou ...

迈克尔.杰克逊一生共有50多张专辑 《OffTheWall》《Th ille》《Bad》《Dange ous》《HistoyBloodOnTheDancefloo 》中文名称:迈克尔杰克逊专辑历史记录II 英文名称:HistoyOnFilmVolII 资源类型:RMVB发行时间:1998年03月03日 专辑歌手:迈克尔杰克逊MichaelJackson 地区:美国语言:英语简介:专辑名称:迈克尔杰克逊专辑历史记...

翻滚,旋转,相互追逐,直到那令人神往的彼岸 当你回转身说话时,我凝视着,就象在看电影里的慢动作 (你)带走了我的呼吸,带走了我的呼吸 连眼都不眨, 我一直在等待,等待着加入属于你我的爱 不能再有一点儿犹豫,这是上帝对我们的安排 翻滚,旋转,相互追逐,藏身于那令人神往的彼岸 在你转身...

8、ake away love, and our earth is a tomb. 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。 9、The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling just to stop the tears from falling. 最痛莫过于微笑着让眼泪不要落下来。 10、Love is not geting but giving. 爱是付出,不是占有。 11、.Look into my eyes - ...

It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead. 圣诞节转眼又到,又该迎接新的一年了。我们向你及你的 ...

Ya‘an had a earthquake yesterday,lots of people lost their families.楼上的earthqueake用法有问题,名词不能那么用的。

镡阀18724868264问: make one's way 后怎样接动词? -
望谟县盐酸回答: 后面如果是接动词,一般是动词的分词形式,如:make one's way walking... 当然也可以接动词不定式,如:make one's way to go ......

镡阀18724868264问: 用make one's way to造句 -
望谟县盐酸回答: “make one's way to ”的意思为“想方设法进入……”,造句如下: 1、When hearing the bell, the old man made his way to the door. 翻译:听到铃声,老人向门口走去.2、When the concert was over, we made our way out of the hall. 翻译...

镡阀18724868264问: make ones way to后面加动词什么形式 -
望谟县盐酸回答: 接不定式 make up one's mind to do sth 下定决心做某事 祝你节日快乐

镡阀18724868264问: 求make one's way的含义和用法 -
望谟县盐酸回答: 一路向前的意思. 用法: 1、指空间:从一个地方到另一个地方,过程很艰难,但是经过努力最后成功了. 2、指抽象:达成某一个目标,困难险阻,最后完成了这个目标. 3、接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引...

镡阀18724868264问: make one's way是什么意思 -
望谟县盐酸回答: make one's way的英文意思是:一路前进, 向前.one's way的意思是:路途. 拓展资料 make one's way的用法 1、Make one's way in life. 在生活中有所成就. 2、To make one's way or go by gliding. 滑动过程引起的能量损耗. 3、To feel or ...

镡阀18724868264问: make one's way to 是什么意思? -
望谟县盐酸回答: 含义:转向、向…进发、前往某处. 读音:英 [meɪk wʌnz weɪ tu];美 [meɪk wʌnz weɪ tu] 例:To make one's way or go by gliding. 滑动过程引起的能量损耗. 例:I make one's way noiselessly to open the door to go out, heard she was ...

镡阀18724868264问: make one's way to 怎么用 -
望谟县盐酸回答: Men always make his own way. 男人总是自己谋出路. make one's way 一路前进,向前 后边跟ing形式 也就是名词 不能跟动词

镡阀18724868264问: make one's way 和take one's way 分别是什么意思 -
望谟县盐酸回答: make one's way 向前 take one's way 中的one's一般都是明确的词比如my,her,his,your等 一般都翻译成:出发 也有这个词组take one's way to 翻译成:向...走去

镡阀18724868264问: 用make one'sway造句,他站起身朝门口走去 -
望谟县盐酸回答: He stands up and makes his way to the door.

镡阀18724868264问: make one's way to 也请举个例句. -
望谟县盐酸回答: 等于go to类似结构:push/fight one's way ...挤出/打出一条路.He made his way to the beach.

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