
作者&投稿:龚强 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、判断正误,并用“T”或“F”表示。 5%( ) 11. Mingming and Dongdong are in a small park.( ) 12. Some boys are singing on the grass.( ) 13. A young man and his child are playing with a toy bus.( ) 14. There is an old man reading a newspaper under a big tree.( ) 15...

2、As long as you have a press her chubby little fingers,she would tell stories,I played her a good name to hear lam lam.3、Baby Bun took a pinch of salt out of the bag with his fat,fumbling little fingers.The little bird had not yet flown away.4、Ake is suffering ...

5.It is Andy's first visit__ (visit) to his wife's parents.句中需要VISTT做名词,它的动词和名词形式一样。6.Jim's sister wants _him_ (he)to play tennis with her.WANT 是动词,后面要用宾格,HE 的宾格是HIM 7.Keep trying!I think you can do it _well_ (good) next time...

造句:He spoke on behalf of all the members of the faculty and【ə'kædəmɪ】:大学;综合性大学;大学校舍。造句:He teaches Esperanto at that 【skuːl】:学校;学院;学派。造句:He gave his books to the school....

ake off his costume是什么意思?
那卷子少打了个t,应该是take off 脱掉他的衣服

Mike take off his coat,对吗?
这个句子是祈使句。应是Mike,take off his coat. 或者是 丅ake off his coat,Mike.还可以用将来时:Mike will take his coat.还可以用现在进行时 Mike is taking his coat.

过去分词所表示的动作由句中的主语所经历.如: He had his leg broken.他的腿断了. (自己的经历)with +宾语+过去分词"的结构 此结构中,过去分词用作...词尾为-ake时,过去式将其变为-ook,过去分词在原形词后加-n。(2个) take—took—taken mistake—mistook—mistaken 8?原形、过去式和过去分词都不相同...

112. forecast [ˈfɔ:kɑ:st] vt. 预报;预告113. strength [streŋθ] n. 力量;力气114...186. historical [hisˈtɔrikəl] adj. 历史的;有关 历史的187. narrow [ˈnærəu...211. ake off 去掉212. on average 平均起来213. end up 结果为……,以……结束214. set fire...

with+名词+分词 表示什么。分词是什么分词,过去还是现在
过去分词所表示的动作由句中的主语所经历.如: He had his leg broken.他的腿断了. (自己的经历) with +宾语+过去分词"的结构 此结构中,过去分词用...词尾为-ake时,过去式将其变为-ook,过去分词在原形词后加-n。(2个) take—took—taken mistake—mistook—mistaken 8?原形、过去式和过去分词都不相同...

壬满15125465951问: make one's fortune主语是复数时怎么用? -
芗城区卡瑞回答: 主语是复数时,那么这里的物主代词,就使用相应的复数形式就可以了

壬满15125465951问: make one's fortune是什么意思 -
芗城区卡瑞回答: make one's fortune 发财;成功立业 [例句]That I can only give one fortune at a time. 每次我只能预言一次.

壬满15125465951问: a small fortune为什么翻译成一大笔钱 -
芗城区卡瑞回答: Fortune 原意是财富,通常我们说赚钱可以说make money,但也可以说make a fortune,所以此处的a small fortune 可以翻译成一大笔钱.希望对你有所帮助.

壬满15125465951问: make的语法
芗城区卡瑞回答: make用作使役动词表示 “使;使成为” 时,可跟复合结构,即“make+宾语+宾语补足语”,其中的宾语补足语可以是不带to的不定式、过去分词、形容词或名词.现将make的复合宾语结构小结如下: 一、“make+宾语+n.” 意为“使、让某...

壬满15125465951问: He left school early, and as an adolescent, determined - ---- - in South American, set off ... -
芗城区卡瑞回答: D 试题分析:考查固定搭配.固定搭配be determined to do sth下定决心做某事;make one's fortune发财;句意:他很早就离开了学校,在年轻的时候就决心在南美去发财,就离开了家.故D正确、 点评:固定短语的考查是高考中的重点内容,在高中的学习中平时要多积累固定搭配的用法,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出某个搭配的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的.学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下来.

壬满15125465951问: fortune可数吗 -
芗城区卡瑞回答: fortune作为“财富”的意思时是可数名词.make a fortune是个词组,意思 是“发财”.fortune作不可数名词时,意思是“运气”,如have good fortune(运气好).

壬满15125465951问: fortunate lucky的区别 -
芗城区卡瑞回答: lucky adj.幸运的, 侥幸的, 吉利的 One lucky venture made his fortune.一次幸运的机会使他发了财.fortunate adj.交好运的, 带来好运的; 幸运的 The lack of good diagnostic test isn't fortunate.缺乏好的诊断性测试是不利的.It was fortunate for you that he was there. 他在那对你来说是幸运的.On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife. 总的来说她把自己看作是一位幸运的妻子.

壬满15125465951问: make fortune 和 make a fortune 的不同make fortune 和 make a fortune 有什么不一样么?希望有翻译和例句 -
芗城区卡瑞回答:[答案] make a fortune 赚大钱 eg:You' ll make a fortune out of it.你会从中发一笔财. make fortune 赚钱,发财 eg:make fortune by commerce做生意发财 Speculation is a dangerous way of trying to make fortune. 做投机买卖是一种很危险的谋财之道.

壬满15125465951问: Mᴀᴋᴇ ᴀ ғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴇ 什么意思? -
芗城区卡瑞回答: make a fortune: 意思是 发财、挣大钱 双语例句: He made a fortune in the gold field of south africa. 他在南非的金矿区发了大财.

壬满15125465951问: make a fortune off of us 里为什么有一个off and of -
芗城区卡瑞回答: make a fortune 即为赚大钱的意思.of us:在我们之中 make a fortune off of us :从我们身上赚大钱 of :prep.关于;属于…的;由…制成 例句 He dreamed of making a fortune.他梦想发大财.Be honest, you'll make a fortune out of the investment.说实话,你会从此投资中发一笔财的.He grasped at the opportunity to make some money.他抓住机会赚钱.

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