
作者&投稿:唱玛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

She is looking for her camera怎么改过去
be—was(were) eat—ate see—saw hide—hid do—did fly—flew go—went lie—lay show—showed wear—wore16)词尾为-ake时,过去式将其变为-ook。(2个) take—took mistake—mistook 17)情态动词型,只有原形和过去式。(4个) can—could may—might will—would shall—should读音规则:1)在以\/ t\/和\/...

year af ter year , s uch promises are repeated . i wonder why they t ake so much trouble to boast oudly about their obligations and duties . people believed them at first , but gradually became awakened becau se they have found some dishonesty in such bombing promises . “actions speak ...

英语作业join each pair of sentences,using the attributive claus...
1.Do you know the reason why he was late again this moring.2.Can you tell me how to spell the name of the city where\/(in which)the 27th Olympics were held.3.Mr.smith often talks about the students and teachers in that school where he once worked as an English teacher i...

单个非谓语动词(非短语)既可以做前置定语,也可以做后置定语吗?什么情 ...
单个非谓语动词中动词不定式绝不可做前置定语,至于单个现在分词作定语,通常也只能置于前面,但是当现在分词相当于一个定语从句,表一时一事时要置于名词之后。that occurred是定语从句,所以只能说:each day occuring。

英语作业join each pair of sentences,using the attributive claus...
3 Mr smith often talks about the students and teachers in that school where he once worked as an English teacher in nanjing.He .4The old man lives in a small mountain village where there are ore than ten people who are over 100 years old.5 No one knew the reason why she ...

在There be结构中,修饰主语的不定式可用被动,也可用主动。如:There are still many things to t ake care of (to be taken care of).但有时两种形式表达的意思不同,如:These is nothing to do now.( We have nothing to do now.) There is nothing to be done now.(We can do nothing now.) ...

英语作文,电脑的起源和发展 80词左右
February 14, 1946, by the US military to customize the world's first computer "Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer" (ENIAC Electronic Numerical And Calculator) come out at the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC (Chinese name: Eni Ake) was an American Oberding weapons test site...

交谈 [talk with each other;converse]。 如:过谈(往访交谈)24. 错,犯错误 [mi *** ake]微二人,寡人几过。——《吕氏春秋·审应览·具备》人恒过,然后能改。 ——《孟子·告子下》(赵太后)曰:“君过矣,不若长安石之甚。”——《战国策·赵策》25. 失去 [lose]。 如:过序(失去正常规律顺序)26....

尘昌17749109339问: To make each day coumt 求翻译,谢谢. -
顺庆区清咽回答: 字面直译过来是 让每天都是可数的,引申的意思就是珍惜每一天的时间 coumt 应该是count

尘昌17749109339问: to make each day count是什么意思 -
顺庆区清咽回答: 1. To make each day count. 要让每一天都有所值. JACK: To make each day count. 杰克:珍惜每一天.

尘昌17749109339问: To make each day count怎么读 -
顺庆区清咽回答: 出自《泰坦尼克号》这句话你一定要和前面rose写的那张条和jack去赴宴结合起来理解.Jack在和那群人吃饭的时候说了一句:Make each day count!过好每一天!Rose这时重复:Make it count!这里it代表each day.JACK邀请她约会,所以再次引用这句话.并写上地点 :大钟底下见.就是楼梯的那个钟.

尘昌17749109339问: To make each day count和make each day count有什么区别 -
顺庆区清咽回答: 一个是状语,一个是一般的主谓语(主语被省略) 意思是一样的

尘昌17749109339问: To make each day count.是什么意思,求解释 -
顺庆区清咽回答: 每一天都要过的充实 让自己每天过的有意义

尘昌17749109339问: make it count meet me at the clock 什么意思? -
顺庆区清咽回答: 这句话你一定要和前面rose写的那张条和jack去赴宴结合起来理解.Jack在和那群人吃饭的时候说了一句:Make each day count!过好每一天!Rose这时重复:Make it count!这里it代表each day.JACK邀请她约会,所以再次引用这句话.并写上地点 :大钟底下见.就是楼梯的那个钟.

尘昌17749109339问: 泰坦尼克号中“make it count”在国语版中翻译的是什么? 是“把握光阴”,还是“享受每一天” -
顺庆区清咽回答: make it count 本意是 让它有价值.引申意:享受每一天! 在该片中,Jack吃饭时说Make each day count! 而Rose也说了句make it count (重复了jack 的话“我觉得是在说: 是的,要过好每一天!享受每一天! ”---这句话本来就是引申意)

尘昌17749109339问: 请问语法老师来分析一句话中count的成分. -
顺庆区清咽回答: count 在这里是动词(make是使役动词,故为make sb./sth. do ),意为“有价值,有意义”,作宾语补足语

尘昌17749109339问: Make it account, meet you at the clock. -
顺庆区清咽回答: 泰坦尼克号里 这句话你一定要和前面rose写的那张条和jack去赴宴结合起来理解.Jack在和那群人吃饭的时候说了一句:Make each day count!过好每一天!Rose这时重复:Make it count!这里it代表each day.JACK邀请她约会,所以再次引用这句话.并写上地点 :大钟底下见.就是楼梯的那个钟.

尘昌17749109339问: <泰坦尼克>中”享受每一天”用英文怎么说? -
顺庆区清咽回答: To make each day count ! [让每一天都有意义]Jack在头等舱参加宴会时候说的话,然后他给了Rose一张纸条:Make it count !杰克这个随心所欲的穷光蛋在头等舱宴会上,对名流绅士们讲述自己对快乐幸福的理解.“我虽然一无所有,但也一无所缺、每天呼吸自由空气,知足常乐.我喜欢一觉醒来,不知道会发生什么事儿,也不知道会碰到什么人,这才是真我……有的晚上我睡在桥下,现在则与你们这些上流人士在一起用餐,乘坐世界上最豪华的邮轮.……生命是天赐的,我不想浪费,不知未来命运如何,不如享受每一天……”

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