
作者&投稿:弭脉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

c'est encore plus vrai avec le 100 % meunier, cépage qui fut longtemps majoritaire en Champagne ; il n'y a guère que la maison Krug pour témoigner de l'intérêt qu'elle lui porte.非传统酿造:白中白 :酿造品种仅为霞多丽 白葡萄,为香槟提供清新柔和的感觉。白中黑:由两种...

Soccer Jersey, 20 project have zero volume. Volum of the bleak face of the major of real estat price ar still strong. Nakazawa Carnat Court is locat in Tongzhou,Team Jersey, although the latest sale price ha risen to 22,000 yuan, but it seem in no hurri to sell. Sales: ...

於烁13064151606问: 这句话啥意思?有错误没?the second part describe the major issues,when it is carry out the performance appraisal,which appeared in the SMEs -
四子王旗痔疾回答:[答案] 意思【第二部分描述主要问题,当它进行绩效评估时,这在中小型企业出现】 问题很多:1 【the second part describe the major issues】中的【describe】应改为【describes】 2 【when it is carry out the performance appraisal】中的【it is carry】有...

於烁13064151606问: 求英语专家看看每个句子的错误,并说明一下原因,1.There are more and more tall buildings are being built in many areas.2.No matter major issues or minor ... -
四子王旗痔疾回答:[答案] 改为There are more and more tall buildings being built in many areas.动词多了改为No matter they are major issues or minor ones,we college students are concerned about them very much.缺少句子成分改为We...

於烁13064151606问: 当代的重大问题不是通过演说以及多数人的决议所能解决的,而是要用铁和血.这句话翻译成英文是什么 -
四子王旗痔疾回答:[答案] Major issues of contemporary speech, and not through the resolution of the majority of people can solve, but use of iron and blood希望能帮到你.

於烁13064151606问: some of the major issues they are involved with把w -
四子王旗痔疾回答: some of the major issues, with which they are involved (with which they are involved 是做定语,修饰issues)

於烁13064151606问: some of the major issues they are involved with把with 提前怎么说! -
四子王旗痔疾回答:[答案] some of the major issues,with which they are involved (with which they are involved 是做定语,修饰issues)

於烁13064151606问: 英语翻译 -
四子王旗痔疾回答: I am familiar with a range of countries, China, as a large population, vast territory of the country, the daily amount of information transmitted is enormous, so the role of the media becomes critical. Specifically, the news media in the role of ...

於烁13064151606问: 这句话啥意思?有错误没? -
四子王旗痔疾回答: 意思【第二部分描述主要问题,当它进行绩效评估时,这在中小型企业出现】问题很多:1 【the second part describe the major issues】中的【describe】应改为【describes】2 【when it is c...

於烁13064151606问: 谁帮我写个英文摘要啊?感激不尽! -
四子王旗痔疾回答: Environmental problems of mankind in the 21st century is the survival and development of one of the major problems encountered, but also common human concern and the mo...

於烁13064151606问: 有英文高手能帮忙翻译这几个成语么 急求 -
四子王旗痔疾回答: 1.The sufficient trust , servant do not doubt 2.Have absolute control on major issues , devolve power on others with respect to minor ones 3.Choose person , adopt sb.'s good points and avoid his shortcomings because of duty 4.Be discriminating in one's rewards and punishments, award and punishment is rational

於烁13064151606问: 雅思口语围绕我的major可以问一些什么问题?我的专业是finance. -
四子王旗痔疾回答: 1、future,可以问:在under/post/phd选择什么专业和为什么会选择这门、将来想做什么以及怎么发展,国内or国外. 无论什么专业,都会有类似这个的话题. 2、career,跟future差不多,会问到:打算的职业以及为什么. 3、life,可以问:你...

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