
作者&投稿:移明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

茹法18272458044问: 亚运吉祥物:阿祥 阿和 阿如 阿意 乐羊羊的英文介绍 -
景宁畲族自治县金银回答: 吉祥物取名乐羊羊,形象是运动时尚的五只羊,分别取名“阿祥”、“阿和”、“阿如”、“阿意”、“乐羊羊”,组成“祥和如意乐洋洋”,表达了2010年广州亚运会将给亚洲人民带来“吉祥、和谐、幸福、圆满和快乐”的美好祝愿,也同时...

茹法18272458044问: 填空题lucy is wearing()ancient costume -
景宁畲族自治县金银回答: 选: D.\ costume 不可数名词, (某历史时期或某国的)服装,装束 ancient costume 泛指"古装", 故不用冠词. 句意: 露西穿着古装.

茹法18272458044问: 洛阳英文简介,跪求答案! -
景宁畲族自治县金银回答: Located in the West of Henan Province, Luoyang got its name due to its location in the adret of the ancient Luoshui River. It is a historic city with more than three thousand ye...

茹法18272458044问: 求摩尔根《古代社会》英文原版片段.Morgan,Ancient Society 中文翻译是这样的 -
景宁畲族自治县金银回答: In terms for the marriage relationships,the Latin language is remarkably opulent,whilst our mother English betrays its poverty by the use of such unseemly phrases as fater-in-law,son-in-law,brother-in-law,step-father and step-son,to express some ...

茹法18272458044问: 卢浮宫英文介绍(高中版) -
景宁畲族自治县金银回答: The Louvre Museum is the largest national museum of France. It is a central landmark of Paris, located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st neighborhood. Nearly 35,000 obj...

茹法18272458044问: “光荣的三日”是指法国的哪次革命? -
景宁畲族自治县金银回答: 七月革命背景 经过 结果 如下 查理十世的失政 他清洗了军中曾为拿破伦效力的军人,引起人民不满. 恢复了土地贵族的权力;赔偿六十五万法郎予曾在法国大革命中损失...

茹法18272458044问: 拉丁文 谢谢你 怎么说 -
景宁畲族自治县金银回答: 有好多说法……Latin (ancient Rome, Vatican) Gratia Latin (ancient Rome, Vatican) Gratias Latin (ancient Rome, Vatican) Gratias tibi ago Latin (ancient Rome, Vatican) Gratiam habeo参考:

茹法18272458044问: 古埃及的英文 -
景宁畲族自治县金银回答: Ancient Egypt Ancient:古老的 Egypt:埃及口语里有的时候也直接说old Egypt,但Ancient比较正式

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