
作者&投稿:福弯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

lunch [lʌntʃ] n.午餐 room [ru:m] n.房间,室;空间,地方;余地 lunch + room = lunchroom [ˈlʌntʃˌru:m] n. 供应快餐的餐厅,快餐店,便餐馆;餐厅

lunch room是啥意思
lunch room的意思:n.(学校、公司等的)餐厅,食堂 lunch room的发音:英 [lʌntʃ ruːm] 美 [lʌntʃ ruːm]例句:1.A table or booth in the company cafeteria or lunch room is set aside for their lunch and conversation.地点可选在在公司自助餐厅...

lunch room什么意思

lunch room的复数形式是什么

Canteen和lunch room有什么区别?
Canteen (工厂、商店、高校的)食堂,餐厅 lunch room (学校、公司等的)食堂,餐厅

lunch room-英文短语讲解
lunch room

Do you have a lunch room?你有一个午餐厅吗?双语对照 例句:1.Do you have lunch at work?你在单位吃午饭吗?2.So do you have room at the college for me?那么我可以在这里有一席之地?

The lunch room ⅰs next to the libraγ.的一般疑问句怎么改?_百度知 ...
The lunch room is next to the libray.的一般疑问句:Is the lunch room next to the libray?午餐室在图书馆旁边吗?

Now,there's a lunch room中文意思

the lunch room in my school is后面应该加什么?
系动词后跟形容词 如 The lunch room in my school is clean ,wide and bright.我学校的午餐厅干净明亮又宽敞。

裴咐15058753757问: lunch room是什么意思 -
吴起县贝思回答: lunch room 午餐室1. 供快餐的小饭馆2. 午餐室

裴咐15058753757问: lunch room的复数形式是什么 -
吴起县贝思回答:[答案] lunch rooms lunch是名词充当定语,不变复数

裴咐15058753757问: 应该是lunches room,room of lunches,room for lunches,lunch room在词典里查时没有lunch room这种用法,paper's factory,是不是还可以写成paper of the ... -
吴起县贝思回答:[答案] 食堂的话,你的说法都不是对的,正确的说法应该是:dinning hall. 造纸厂是paper factory,有复数形式,是paper factories. mountain area 是对的,有复数形式,就是 mountain areas.如果是换种写法的话,最好是 ...

裴咐15058753757问: Canteen和lunch room有什么区别? -
吴起县贝思回答: Canteen (工厂、商店、高校的)食堂,餐厅 lunch room (学校、公司等的)食堂,餐厅

裴咐15058753757问: 午餐室用英语怎么说 -
吴起县贝思回答: 您好,答案是 lunch. room.. 希望帮到你

裴咐15058753757问: We have lunch in this room是什么意思? -
吴起县贝思回答: 我们在这个房间吃午餐.

裴咐15058753757问: 写单词;电视机房,午餐室,教室怎么写 -
吴起县贝思回答: 电视机房, 午餐室, 教室 The TV room, lunch room, the classroom

裴咐15058753757问: 求大神讲解.应该是lunches room,room of lunches,room for lunches,lunch room -
吴起县贝思回答: 1. 食堂的话,你的说法都不是对的,正确的说法应该是:dinning hall. 2. 造纸厂是paper factory,有复数形式,是paper factories. 3. mountain area 是对的,有复数形式,就是 mountain areas. 如果是换种写法的话,最好是 area of mountains. 如对于我的解答有问题,欢迎继续追问:) 望采纳~

裴咐15058753757问: 查末尾是room的英语单词 -
吴起县贝思回答:[答案] washroom living room lunch room restaurant room

裴咐15058753757问: 连词成句 they,living,eating,are,lunch,the,in,room. -
吴起县贝思回答: 原题 they,living,eating,are,lunch,the,in,room.连词成句 They are eating lunch in the living room.翻译 他们正在起居室吃午饭.

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