
作者&投稿:堂钧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“It is time that”的用法是什么?
“It is time that”的用法是什么? “俊狼猎英”团队为您解答。 it is time that +从句,从句要用虚拟语气。有两种方式: 1.从句用一般过去时。如:It...(注:此结构中的介词可以省略,如:There is no use asking her—she doesn’t know anything.) 二、There is + no + doing something 1.其中的动词(...

Excuse me,but it is time to have your temperature ___.
my hair cut tomorrow. 被动 I'll have Tom do this work. 主动 Don't have the machine running. 主动兼持续 4)该题从句意来看,your temperature和take之间是明显的动宾\/被动关系(固定短语take one's temperature量某人体温),所以选用过去分词taken.参考资料:原创回答团(第159号会员)...

it was high time that ... 从句要用过去完成式吗??? 请赐教
4、虚拟语气在定语从句中的用法:在"It is time (that) …"句型中,定语从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气表示将来,动词形式一般用过去式,意思是"该干某事的时候了"。如: It’s (high) time we did our homework. 我们该做作业了。关于虚拟语气的其他的资料:虚拟语气 动词的语气——虚拟语气一、语气的定义和种类l...

at this time什么意思
at this time的意思:此时此刻,在这个时候。at this time英 [æt ðis taim] 美 [æt ðɪs taɪm]重点词汇:1、at 英 [ət] 美 [æt,ət]prep.(表示位置)在;在(某时间或时刻);以,达; 向,朝。n.阿特(老挝辅币单位,...

there is time因为time是不可数名词。

用It is time to...造句要十个句子快点,急急急急急急急!但是不要太简单...
It is time to rest from work.该是放下工作休息的时候了 It is time to be old, to take in sail.这是该年老而收敛雄心的时候了。Now it is time to find common ground.现在是谋求共同点的时候了。Now it is time to think about the implementation.现在是时候考虑执行的问题了 It is ...

改错题:It is time to go to the school.请问这个句子错在什么地方了...
去掉the 在下面的应用中,the是定冠词,是特指的意思 去超市,去市场都要加the 但是专有名词前面不能加the 比如说sun,earth世界上只有一个,还有指示地方的Beijing等 然而go to school只习惯用法,是“去上学”的意思 如果go to the school则是“去学校”不包含“去上学”的意思 比如家长去学校开...

It is time go home.中空上填什么?是to还是for,顺便讲讲什么时候用t...
是时候该做某事了。It is time to do sth.后面是名词的话直接用for。比如,It is time for class.上课时间到了。

That wasn’t the first time Linda had taken too many pills . 那不是琳达第一次服用这么多的药丸了。 It will be the fifth time that he will have been invited to such a meeting . 这将是他第五次应邀参加这种会议。 7. 三倍以上倍数的表达方式常用以下几种句型: (1)A is times + as ...

答:这两个都是强调句,上面的是it的形式主语用法,这两个不一样,last time 和the first time 都是时间状语,判断后面要加什么,根据last time 和the first time 后面加什么就可以了;last time 与一般过去时态连用,所以it is last time that +(句子)句子的时态为一般过去时态 t is the ...

盍琪15375938340问: it's time to 和It's time for的区别 -
龙口市川贝回答: 一、后接词不同. 1、it's time to后面接动词原形.2、it's time for后面一般接某人(某部门或机构)+to do sth, 也可以直接加sth. 二、强调的意思不同 1、it is time for强调的是:是时候做某事了,重在事情,后面要跟名词(n.)或者动名词(...

盍琪15375938340问: it's time 后面加to或者for 有什么不同 -
龙口市川贝回答: 先是搭配问题 it is time to do sth; it is time for doing sth. 然后两者的用法大致相同,基本可以通用. 语义上面的小差别就是,to 是要去做什么了,突出了一个即将要动的状态;for 则是应该做什么,没有那层强调的异味.供参考.

盍琪15375938340问: it is time that 的用法是怎样用的 -
龙口市川贝回答: it is time that +从句,从句要用虚拟语气.有两种方式: 1.从句用一般过去时.如:It is time that we went to bed. 2.从句用should+动词原形.如:It is time that we should go to bed. 以上两个句子的意思是一样的,可以互换.其中,第一种方式较常见.

盍琪15375938340问: It is time for和it is time to用法 -
龙口市川贝回答: 亲,你好 很高兴回答你的问题 It's +time+ for + 名词 如(It's time for having dinner ) It's time + to + 动词词组 如(It's time to have dinner) 答案正确,望及时采纳! 祝你生活愉快,么么哒!

盍琪15375938340问: its time to +动词原形 -
龙口市川贝回答: It's time for 和 It's time to 的用法及区别: It's time to do sth.,It's time for sb. to do sth.,It's time for sth.的辨识.这三个句型都可表示“是做某事的时候了”,但用法有所不同.例: ①It's time to do sth.意为“是做某事的时候了”,但没有讲清...

盍琪15375938340问: it was time to和it is time that用法的区别 -
龙口市川贝回答: for 后跟 名词或doing sth. to 后跟 do sth. 意思一样,都是'该是做某事的时候了!' It's time to get out of here! ; It's time for getting out of here!

盍琪15375938340问: 在英语中 It is time to do It is time for的各自用法
龙口市川贝回答: it is time to do sth. it is time for sb. to do sth. 意思差不多 到什么时间该做什么事了 如果要硬强调 那就是后者强调sb.该做什么

盍琪15375938340问: It's time for...和It's time to 的用法和区别?? -
龙口市川贝回答: It's time for之后一定要加名词,例如: It's time for YOU to do it.但It's time to 之后就不需要指明哪一个人,例如: It's time to do.

盍琪15375938340问: It's time+动词的用法 -
龙口市川贝回答: It's time...表示“该是……的时候了”,大致有以下五种用法. ⑴ It's time for + n.“该是(干)……的时候了.”例: Boys and girl, It's time for class. 同学们,该上课了.⑵ It's time + (for sb.) to do sth.表示“该是(某人)干……的时候了.”例...

盍琪15375938340问: It's time to和It's time for的区别和用法 -
龙口市川贝回答: 意思基本一样,不过to便是要做什么,for有表示状态的意思. it's time to +动词词组 经常是It's time to do sth it's time for +名词 It's time for supper. =It's time to have supper. It's time for class. =It's time to have class.

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