
作者&投稿:党从 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

初三英语作文To be a greener person 80词 在线等求速度 谢谢
To be a greener personAs we know China ,China has become the world's largest producer and user of coal.As a result ,air pollution has become a serious problem .We should do something useful to protect the environment. 1,The three Rs-reduce,reuse and recycle-are important. 2...

"ourselves"这个单词的读音是 \/aʊərˈsɛlvz\/,可以分为两部分来读:"our" 这个音节的发音是 \/aʊər\/,其中的元音音标是 \/aʊ\/,它与英语中的"ow"类似,例如在单词 "how" 中的发音。"selves" 这个音节的发音是 \/ˈsɛlvz\/,其中的元音...

用英语写一篇有关在生活中青少年应该怎样自我ぃ詇ow can we protect ou...
Evnironment is the life souce of human beings and of ouselves. Therefore, we cannot expect others to save it. To protect environment is noble and not far away. What people can do is not restricted to pollut, but also to protect. We can use less plastics bags to reduce whi...

定义 人称代词的宾格或所有格词尾加“-self,-selves”的代词称为反身代词(Reflexive Pronoun),亦称复合人称代词(Compound Personal Pronoun)。 反身代词的用法 (1)反身用法:及物动词的宾语即为主语本身的用法叫作反身用法。 例A:The old man killed himself last night. (那个老人昨夜自杀了。) 例B:We enjoyed...

【英语公式】我需要一些小学的英语公式,希望大家能提供一些。_百度知 ...
18、第一人称、第二人称复数反身代词=单数形容词物主代词+selves19、第三人称单数反身代词=第三人称单数宾格+self,复数=宾格+selves20、反身代词=不能作主语四、指示代词:21、单数指示代词=this(这个),that(那个)22、复数指示代词=these(这些),those(那些)23、近处=用this和these, 远处=用these和those五、...

(容易的) easier easiest ,busy(忙的) busier busiest 少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词末尾加-er,-est clever(聪明的) cleverer cleverest narrow(窄的) narrower narrowest 其他双音节词和 important(重要的) 多音节词,在前 more important 面加more,most most important 来构成比较级和 easily(容易地) 最高级...

3. behind the chair 4. hurry up 5. two house wives 6. five glasses 7. in the teapot 8. four bookselves 9. of course 10. over there 五、There are not any books on the table.Is there any coffee on the table?I can see some cars.保证全对 ...

反身代词的构成分两种:第一、二人称反身代词在形容词:性物主代词后加上self或selves,第三人称的反身代词在宾格代词后加上self或selves. 反身代词的用法:一种是作宾语,由主语发出的动作又回到动作者本身。 如:I enjoyed myself at the party.另一种是作名词或代词的同位语;用来加强语气。如:I can do it ...

东刚18913245210问: low self - esteem是什么意思 -
静安区糖尿回答: low self-esteem 自尊心低下,自暴自弃 希望可以帮到你 望采纳

东刚18913245210问: 有关自信的英语句子短语单词,谢谢 -
静安区糖尿回答: 1.You have to be first, best or different.—— Loretta Lynn 你必须是第一, 或者最好的, 或者与众不同.——洛莱特·林恩2.Confidence doesn't need any specific reason. If you're alive , you should feel 100 percent confident.自信不需要理由,生活...

东刚18913245210问: low in self - esteem什么意思.?
静安区糖尿回答: 自卑. self-esteem--自尊,自信,自尊心. low in --缺乏. 缺乏自信--就是自卑的意思呀.

东刚18913245210问: 英语的问题
静安区糖尿回答: 深入骨髓的低自尊心(不自信)、、、

东刚18913245210问: 感到自卑 英语怎么说 -
静安区糖尿回答: 1. 自卑: feel self-abased和feel inferior都可以, 不用加oneself2. 其实在这里有一个词来替代自卑很贴切: 即self-conscious, 它的直译是自我在意,但引申在这个句子里比以上的两个选择更恰当.她因为身高矮,而感到自卑: She feels/is self-...

东刚18913245210问: 有没有现在进行时的英语名人名言,谚语,演讲也可以? -
静安区糖尿回答: 活到老,学到老:living to old,learning to old.一言既出,驷马难追:A word spoken is past recalling.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇:Care and diligence is bringing luck.瑞雪兆丰年:The heavy snowfall in winter is meaning a bumper harvest.缺乏自信,...

东刚18913245210问: 跟你在一起的时候我觉得很自卑的英文怎么写?
静安区糖尿回答: When together with you,I'm so self-contemptuous.

东刚18913245210问: 英语作文能用到的好的谚语有什么? -
静安区糖尿回答: 1.A school can only be excellent when it is filled with outstanding teachers.一个学校因杰出的老师而成为名校. 2.A teacher who is passionate and loves his subject will always have successful students.一个充满激情并热爱他专业的老师一定会培养...

东刚18913245210问: '等高自卑'用英语怎么说
静安区糖尿回答: High-low self-esteem

东刚18913245210问: “消除自卑,树立自信”用英语怎么说 -
静安区糖尿回答: Elimination of low self-esteem, foster self-confidence

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