
作者&投稿:尉货 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Sick and weak from my condition 我又病又弱 This lust, this vampiric addiction 这种欲望,这种像吸血鬼对血一样的渴望 To her alone in full submission 完全屈服于她的孤单 None better 她是最好的 Nympheta...mine 我的小仙女 Nymphetamine nymphetamine 渴望,渴望 Nymphetamine girl 小仙女 Nym...

14-Cut a hole on the top corner of the juice carton, so that it won't explode all ove your table. 在纸盒装的饮料的顶部开一个小洞,可以避免...34-Sick of having a box full of tangled cords 对盒子里的各种杂乱的充电线感到头疼?试试用小卷筒进行分装。 35-Unroll the Rim to increase the ...

They, on the whole desire to cure the sick, would rather cure their patients and lose their fee than kill them and get it. And so with ...FAMILY= (F)ATHER (A)ND (M)OTHER, (I) (L)OVE (Y)OU A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son...

but no one kissed it or got excited about it. It was understood whenever it rained, he got the car and brought it around to the door. When anyone was sick, he went out to get the prescription filled. He kept busy enough. He set mousetraps. He cut back the roses so ...

2. 月光—鬼束千寻(优美的调.好听的声音.完美的歌.很久以前听的..最近突然又听到.还是喜欢得不得了!强烈推荐!) 3. Tommai mai rub sak tee Special---Lydia(媲美前面两首的绝对要听的好歌。如果听了有说不好听的。我就真是无语了。。绝对超级好听!!!) 4. innocence (这首也是公认的超级好听!前段时间...

女生网名 ≈败。 ℡緈冨悈痕↖ 袮:请衮!? 2007-12-31 23:47:00 女生网名 ⒈⒉⒊... ����-x.Sick 2007-12-31 23:44:00 女生网名...My!ove-、 _▂>>爱像云 我继续孤单…. ⒒楼D-.日记、 __眼泪啲錵吙. ˋ◤ 蒾纞· ▃▂走鐹菂蕗_﹏ ǐˇ. lёmōл伈情 &( 尐儍苽-℡...





倪达15036801540问: 少女时代 love sick 罗马音歌词 -
香格里拉县施维回答: 中文音译的行吗? Tiffany:塔穷哦米啊jo一啰key盆 塔陪kyo波留jo翁同嘛咩 呐侬却jo 呐哦炅jo哇哟~~yeah~yeah~~ Seohyun:南哦罗米堆jo啊陪所秒 塔嗯却波勒jo莫能吗儿嘛 呐诺jo秒 泼不拉果 什咖kie素几图木啦 微一啰可啦吗咚啯jo Tiffany:内...

倪达15036801540问: 少女时代 love&girls的中文音译 -
香格里拉县施维回答: 少女时代love&girls 音译歌词 呼呼 one two three four 呼呼 one two three four 几代诺哦不宁各宁Q,哦吧独独哈噗宁各宁 Hi次哟那松在囧那sing搜,girl丝外two诺mystery 啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦love& girls【love&girls】 啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦love&girls【...

倪达15036801540问: love girl 中文音译歌词 求cnblue love girl 中文音译歌词 -
香格里拉县施维回答: Tell me Tell me撒浪嗯吗累就 Tell me Tell me 乃撒浪周内就 Love me Love me 内普买按giao就 Kiss me Kiss me no吗呢撒浪黑 你噶无思得n难把波抽龙m 内噶no波得n弄吗其也本因娘抽龙m 卡思米no 木图跟图跟 图跟够聊 no得木内难哈路...

倪达15036801540问: 《I Need A Girl》歌词和音译 -
香格里拉县施维回答: 亲每一句歌词,第一种是韩文第二种是中文翻译的第三种就是音译的~Taeyang-I Need a GirlI'm tired of being alone Sick of being single I think I need a girl I need a girl like생각 없는 말투 어린 애들 말구 날 감싸안아 줄 不要说话没头没脑的小孩...

倪达15036801540问: i need a girl音译歌词 -
香格里拉县施维回答: Tired of being alone Sick of being single I think I need a girl I need a girl like赛噶 靠b嫩 吗r土 奥林 奈得r 吗r故 那r 噶m撒 啊那 句r 西m西吗r 带 噶个m no嫩 要加 吗r故 那满 撒朗嗨 句r(噶满 一扫都 那m加 nom得r) 叫nua gir 奈米r及满 (加狼丝...

倪达15036801540问: bigbang 太阳I need a girl音译 不是中文翻译 不要罗马音
香格里拉县施维回答: BigBang太阳 I NEED A GIRL中文音译谐音歌词 I'm tired of being alone Sick of being single I think I need a girl I need a girl like [行嘎bong了卖吐 哦里内读卖古nai come 撒阿那true] [sim西卖嘚卡kun no nin 妞甲卖困那满撒狼黑ture] [come 妈内搜...

倪达15036801540问: 哥本哈根的女孩歌词音译 -
香格里拉县施维回答: 请采纳 Them girls, they got it那些女孩 有种魔力 Oh oh, they got it哦 那是致命诱惑 Them girls, I love it那些女孩 我很爱 I, I, I love it我 我 我很爱那类 Yeah, I don't get where they from是的 我不知道 她们从哪来 (we're from, we're from)(我们来自) ...

倪达15036801540问: 求love girl - cnblue的中文音译 -
香格里拉县施维回答: Kiss me Kiss me 闹马你撒浪艾 你嘎乌苏得那巴不巧老 那给闹布得闹马其也不你能巧老 卡斯米闹目都跟都跟都跟高聊 努目呆那如哈如hin不开主 I want you oh my love 努目巴拉巴交 安那努撒浪艾 C桑目都表来都Oh my love 闹目不能呆如卡斯马加...

倪达15036801540问: 求cnblue love girl 中文音译歌词 -
香格里拉县施维回答: cnblue————love girl亲们再次扶好把手tell me tell me把爱说出来tell me tell me传达你的爱love me love me 投入我的怀抱 love me love me 我只爱你一个你微笑时我就像傻瓜一样 我看到你时你就像美丽的娃娃一样心脏扑通扑通跳得厉害 因...

倪达15036801540问: love like woe汉语谐音歌词 -
香格里拉县施维回答: Woah-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh Woah-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (I kinda feel like it don't make sense) I'm thinking, baby, you and I are undeniable But I'm finding now loves unreliable I'm giving all I got to make you stay Or am I just a roadblock in your way...

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