
作者&投稿:尹达 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.众所周知,音乐在人们生活中起着非常重要的作用.(part)As is known to all, music plays a very important part in people's daily life.2.如果天气晴朗,人民广场上常有一些孩子在放风筝.(fly)If it is sunny, therr'll be some kids flying kites on People Square.3.学生们突然大笑起来,...

So far,I'm geting along so well with people aroud me ,college provides me with chances and challenge,I'm going to make a difference to my life!And I have every confidence on myself.I will still have to ...翻译∶我的大学---我的新生活 新的生命开始了!这一刻很久了。终于...

1.在过去的五年中,他变了许多 He has changed a lot in the past 5 years.2.等一下,我就来 Wait a moment, and I will come soon.3.他昨天晚上开着灯睡着了 He fell asleep with the light on.4.听到那件事时,我忍不住大笑 On hearing it, I couldn't help laughing.5.他...

2.Humans differ__A___other mammals in their ability to speak.A.from B.between C.against D.with 3.He can get lost___C___he goes,even aroud his home.A.whenever B.whatever C.wherever D.however 4.His__A sense___of humor made all of us laugh.A.senen ...

别让那个孩子到处乱爬。 用英语
例句 For weeks on end, just like John Muir, climb around all by myself following quartzite veins or making posies of flowers for my camp, or just walking around naked singing, and cook my supper and laugh.持续数个星期,直像约翰·穆尔,独自跟随那石英岩的脉胳四处的攀爬,或制作...

wtool32.exe oudxs.exe batserv2.exe Pingidle.exe debugreal.exe MuSky.exe kernels64.exe vxh8jkdq1.exe svct.exe svclost.exe yatpu.exe emhr.exe win32root.exe apadk.exe sywsvcs.exe netsystem.exe msnmgr75.exe daeetldu.exe expiorer.exe zirgxen.exe Run6015.exe ...

高中的英语吧 救命 明天就用
Last sunday morning, I went to a small village with my good friends as a simple travelling.It took us two hour by bike to reach the beautful place.there are green hills all aroud it.A stream winds throught the village. Row upon row of old styled and newly built houses ...

i'd rather dance with you歌词中文翻译
歌词:(自己翻译的,有的地方可能表达不是很好,你看看吧)I'd rather dance with you than talk with you,我宁愿与你跳舞而不是谈话\/聊天 so why don't we just move into the other room.所以我们为什么不到另一间房间去 There's space for us to shake,那儿有我们跳舞摇摆的空间 and '...

in being a volunteer.We are going to setting off at 4 tomorrow afternoon.I won't attend the meeting if I am not invited.Paper cutting is a traditional skill in China.Is the bird tied with a grass arroud its neck?(be tired,被动语态 被系了)久等了!打字比较慢,望采纳!

The taxi turned aroud,just as it came ,it drove away as fast and hurrily.I stood in the light rain for a while,as if just snatched from...I do not know whether to laugh or to cry,and cut him short,“you are afraid of those two drivers,but in fact they are afraid of you. Nowa...

皮云17035215366问: 令人发噱的"噱"怎样读 -
柳江县虎力回答:[答案] 噱jué (1) ㄐㄩㄝˊ(2) 大笑[loud laughter].噱,大笑也.——《说文》谈关大噱.——《汉书·叙传》.注:“噱噱,笑声也.”(3) 郑码:JIGQ,U:5671,GBK:E0E5(4) 笔画数:16,部首:口,笔顺编号:2512153151353334------...

皮云17035215366问: 4月28日生日花语大全及生日特征 -
柳江县虎力回答: 四月二十八日生日花语生日花:君子与淑女(Lords and Ladies) 花语:哄笑(Loud laughter)观察君子与淑女的茎、叶、花,的确长得太不可思议了!就如英国乡下人所戏称的「小狗的鸡鸡」或「小男孩的宝贝」等充满捉弄及玩笑的口气.所以心胸开阔的说,它的花语是-哄笑.凡是在这一天出生的人,不拘小节、个性豪爽、爱笑、爱说话而且爱吃,是个能够充分享受人生的人.

皮云17035215366问: “噱”这个字念做什么? -
柳江县虎力回答: 噱jué(1) ㄐㄩㄝˊ(2) 大笑[loud laughter].噱,大笑也.——《说文》谈关大噱.——《汉书·叙传》.注:“噱噱,笑声也.”(3) 郑码:JIGQ,U:5671,GBK:E0E5(4) 笔画数:16,部首:口,笔顺编号:2512153151353334...

皮云17035215366问: “噱”这个字怎么念? -
柳江县虎力回答: 噱 jue 大笑 [loud laughter] 噱,大笑也.――《说文》 谈关大噱.――《汉书·叙传》.注:“噱噱,笑声也.” 又如:噱谈(谈笑);噱噱(嘻嘻.笑声);可发一噱;谈笑大噱 噱 口腔 [mouth] 沈沈容容,遥噱虖紘中.――扬雄《羽猎赋》 》...

皮云17035215366问: 哄然 噱笑中的噱怎么读 -
柳江县虎力回答: jué 基本字义 1. 大笑.(jué) 详细字义 〈动〉 1. 大笑 [loud laughter] 噱,大笑也.——《说文》 谈关大噱.——《汉书·叙传》.注:“噱噱,笑声也.” 2. 又如:噱谈(谈笑);噱噱(嘻嘻.笑声);可发一噱;谈笑大噱

皮云17035215366问: 噱头是juétou还是xuétóu? -
柳江县虎力回答: 都可以的!!! 噱 jué 【动】 大笑〖loudlaughter〗 噱,大笑也.——《说文》 谈关大噱.——《汉书·叙传》.注:“噱噱,笑声也.” 又如:噱谈(谈笑);噱噱(嘻嘻.笑声);可发一噱;谈笑大噱 噱 jué 【名】 口腔〖mouth〗 沈沈容容...

皮云17035215366问: 噱的读法 -
柳江县虎力回答:[答案] 噱 jué (1) ㄐㄩㄝˊ (2) 大笑[loud laughter]. 噱,大笑也.——《说文》 谈关大噱.——《汉书·叙传》.注:“噱噱,笑声也.” (3) 郑码:JIGQ,U:5671,GBK:E0E5 (4) 笔画数:16,部首:口,笔顺编号:2512153151353334 ----------------------------------------...

皮云17035215366问: 左边一个口,右边一个虎字头,下面一个豚字的右边什么字,念什么 -
柳江县虎力回答:[答案] 噱jué xué - 英文翻译 噱的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 噱 jué 部首笔画 部首:口 部外笔画:13 总笔画:16 五笔... 统一汉字 U+5671 基本字义 1.大笑. 详细字义 〈动〉 1.大笑 [loud laughter] 噱,大笑也.——《说文》 谈关大噱.——《汉书·叙...

皮云17035215366问: 家的下半部分念什么 -
柳江县虎力回答: 豕 【拼音】:[shǐ] 【字义】:1.猪:封~长蛇.狼奔~突(喻人奔逃时的惊慌状态,像被追赶的狼和猪那样奔突乱窜).

皮云17035215366问: 左边一个口字,右边一个璩字不要王字旁,是什么字? -
柳江县虎力回答: 噱jué xué 噱 jué 基本字义1. 大笑. 详细字义 〈动〉1. 大笑 [loud laughter] 噱,大笑也.——《说文》谈关大噱.——《汉书·叙传》.注:“噱噱,笑声也.” 2. 又如:噱谈(谈笑);噱噱(嘻嘻.笑声);可发一噱;谈笑大噱 〈名〉1. 口腔 [...

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