
作者&投稿:焦玲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

圭哗15656781132问: lose control什么意思 -
宣化县甘悦回答: lose control 英 [lu:z kənˈtrəul] 美 [luz kənˈtrol] 失去自制能力; 沉不住气 1. People lose control of the time they spend on the Internet. 人们不能控制他们在网络上所花费的时间. 2. It took all the self-control he had not to lose his temper.他...

圭哗15656781132问: Loseheaert什么意思 -
宣化县甘悦回答: 是lose heart.lose heart 丧失信心,失去信心 如:This is not the time to lose heart.因此现在还不是丧失信心的时候

圭哗15656781132问: MISS和LOSE语法上的区别? -
宣化县甘悦回答: 你好,我总结的这两个词的区别(只作为“丢失”讲时):miss为不及物动词,应使用: 物+miss;而lose为及物动词,应使用: 人+lose+sth. 如:My pen missed yesterday. 不能说: I missed my pen yesterday.但可以说:I lost my pen yesterday. 由此所产生的形容词形式上也不一样:“丢失的”——missing或lost 如“丢失的项链”应为:the missing necklace 或 the lost necklace. 希望 我的回答对你有所帮助.

圭哗15656781132问: lose和lost的用法 -
宣化县甘悦回答: lose [lu:z] v. 遗失,损失,失败[计算机] 失去例句:Such behaviour will lose you everyone's sympathy.你这种表现大家就不会同情你了.He lost his life in the war.他在战争中丧生.I lost my wallet yesterday.我昨天丢了钱包.lost [l�0�0st]lose过去式...

圭哗15656781132问: 英语 loss,lose,losing,lost等的用法,区别和联系
宣化县甘悦回答: Did you report your (loss) to the police? The (lose) dog came back home itself last night.(这里应该是迷路的狗) 他们3个词组的区别在于: loss是名词:损失, 遗失, 失败, 输, 浪费, 错过 lose是动词;遗失, 浪费, 错过, 输去, 使失去, 使迷路, 使沉溺于 lost是形容词:失去的, 丧失的, 错过的, 迷惑的, 不为人知的; 同时也是lose的过去式.

圭哗15656781132问: lose heart与lose one's heart 区别? -
宣化县甘悦回答: 1、意思不同 lose heart 意思是丧失信心 lose one's heart意思是心被....俘去. 2、用法不同 lose one's heart意思是“爱上了”,需要用介词to说明爱的对象;例如:One is to lose your heart's desire, the other is to gain it. lose heart 意思是失去信心,其中间不能加冠词,形容词性物主代词等等;例如:This is not the time to lose heart.

圭哗15656781132问: 请教几个英语问题:1.loss lose lost三者之间的联系与区别.2.only will can all在句中的位置.3.位移 -
宣化县甘悦回答: 1.loss n.遗失, 丧失, 损失, 失败, 失落, 死亡 lose v.丢失,失去 lost adj. 迷路的, 丢失的, 错过的, 失败的,2.only和all是副词,一般在系动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前 wii和can是助动词,在主语后3.come,leave,arrive,return,stay,start,fly,drive,walk 共同用法:现在进行时可以表示将要发生的动作.4.全错.应该是What is he like?=What does he look like? What's the weather like?=How is the weather?

圭哗15656781132问: lose的用法 -
宣化县甘悦回答: loss是名词:损失, 遗失, 失败, 输, 浪费, 错过 His death is a loss for us.他的死对我们来说是个损失 lose是动词;遗失, 浪费, 错过, 输去, 使失去, 使迷路, 使沉溺于 They lose many books just now.他们刚刚丢失了很多书.lost是形容词:失去的, 丧失的, 错过的, 迷惑的, 不为人知的; She was lost in the forest last night. 她昨晚在森林里迷路了 同时也是lose的过去式. 词性不同,用法也就不同,跟汉语一样.

圭哗15656781132问: lose one's heart 是什么意思?
宣化县甘悦回答: 1、lose one's heart 是“爱上了”的意思,需要用介词to说明爱的对象,如: Jim lost his heart to the Persian cat at first sight. (Jim一看见那只波斯猫就喜欢得不得了.) 2、lose heart 却表示“丧失信心”或“情绪低落”,例如: Don't lose ...

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