
作者&投稿:锁安 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...supplies before the ship sank, ___ th...

Life in the 22nd Century
Life in the 22nd century will be different from life in the 21th century,because many changes will take place in the new century. But what will the changes be?The population(人口) is 1 fast.There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live ...

智信19123379139问: looking through是什么意思 -
东平县地塞回答: looking through 看穿[识破](某人或某事); 仔细检查[审查](某物); 穿过…看; 对(某人)视而不见; 网络(从头到尾迅速)浏览; 翻阅,浏览; 仔细查看; 双语例句1 When I was looking through my old photos, i became lost in memory.当我翻弄那些旧照片时,往事又涌上心头.2 Maybe we are looking through the wrong end of the telescope, Jarviswrites.贾维斯写到,或许我们看待问题的角度刚好颠倒了.

智信19123379139问: looking through是什么意思 -
东平县地塞回答: look through 识破,穿过…看去,查阅,浏览 如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

智信19123379139问: look through放在句首look加ing吗 -
东平县地塞回答: look through可以加ing放句首,用来做状语,如Looking through the paper, she found a lot of mistakes.(跟后面的逻辑主语是主动关系,所以用ing形式) 但是,不是所有放句首都要加ing形式,主要看用于什么句子中做什么成份的,如 Look through the paper, and check the answers.(祈使句,省略主语you) To look through the whole passage, you need a longer time.(做目的状语)

智信19123379139问: look though和look at区别 -
东平县地塞回答: 1.look through 英[luk θru:] 美[lʊk θru] [词典] 看穿[识破](某人或某事); 仔细检查[审查](某物); 穿过…看; 对(某人)视而不见; [网络] 浏览; 审核; 检查; [例句]Peter starts looking through the mail as soon as the door shuts. 彼得一关上...

智信19123379139问: look through look over 有什么区别???速求 -
东平县地塞回答: look up 一般指在字典里查找单词什么的, look up the word in the dictionary. look for 指寻找,更倾向于找的过程,动作,(顺便提一下) find也是寻找,但更倾向于结果. i looked (look的过去式)for my shoes ,but i couldn't find them .look over ...

智信19123379139问: look through 和 look out的区别 -
东平县地塞回答: 两个都是固定短语,有自己的意思: look through 翻阅(查看) eg:He is looking through today's newspaper. look out 当心,小心.意思同 be carefull. eg: Look out! A car is coming to us. 如果表达从窗内向外望,固定短语(刚好两个词都用): look out through (the window). 个人理解:out 表示目光落脚点,在窗外.through 表示看的方式:穿过窗子.

智信19123379139问: 是lookthroughit还是look it through? -
东平县地塞回答: look through: 看穿, 审核, 浏览, 温习, 从...中显露, 彻底审查 Always look your work through before handing it in.交作业前一定要仔细检查.Here are the books for you to look through.你要审查的书籍在这儿.

智信19123379139问: 求分析句子结构 there are many students looking through books in the library. -
东平县地塞回答:[答案] there be 句型,many students是主语,looking through books in the library是宾补

智信19123379139问: 用Look though写个英语句子 语法要对 咋写 -
东平县地塞回答: 你好,很高兴为您解答\(^o^)/~祝你学业有成是look through 吧透过…看去;穿过…看去: Look through this window and you'll see a beautiful garden. 透过这扇窗户你会看到一个美丽的花园. 看透;看穿;识破: How did she look through his ...

智信19123379139问: it is no pleasure looking through these any longer.其中的look为什么要加ing -
东平县地塞回答:[答案] 此句解释为:走马观花是没有任何乐趣的,因为自然是一种需要真正去历练的东西. 这里looking through...,动名词做后置定语,修饰pleasure.动名词作定语表主动.此句也可改定语从句

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