
作者&投稿:蓍放 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

look into什么意思?
look into的意思:调查;观察;在…里查资料;深入地检查。重点词汇:1、look 英 [lʊk] 美 [lʊk]vt.& vi.看,瞧。vi.寻找;注意;面向;看起来好像。n.看;样子;(尤指吸引人的)相貌;眼神。2、into 英 [ˈɪntə] 美 [ˈɪntu]prep.(表...

look into 短语
Look into意为调查;观察;窥视;浏览;看。重点词汇解释:1、Look vt. 看;期待;注意;面向;看上去像 vi. 看;看起来;注意;面向 n. 看;样子;面容 2、into prep. 到……里面;触及,碰撞;朝,向;转向;关于;转变成;造成(某种结果);除;对……很有兴趣 ...

Look into是英语中的一个短语,意为“调查”、“查明”、“研究”,常用于商业、科学等领域。这个短语强调的是对一个问题或事物的深入探讨和了解,要求人们不仅要对事物的表象进行分析,更需深入到事物的核心,逐层推进,对事物的细节和本质都要有所了解。例如,公司的市场部需要look into市场趋势,以...

look into是什么意思 look into的意思
1、look into的意思: 考察; 调查; 研究;在…里查资料;深入地检查。2、例句:He had once looked into buying his own island off Nova Scotia 他曾一度考察过在新斯科舍附近购买岛屿。

look into是什么意思?
Look into 是一个常见的短语动词,它的意思是对某事进行调查、研究或审查等等。通常情况下,当我们想要了解某件事情的细节或探寻其本质时,都可以使用 look into 这个短语动词来表达。比如,警方在接到一起犯罪案件之后,通常会开始 look into 这个案件,以了解案件的背景、细节以及涉案人员等信息。Look ...

调查的英文词组:inquire into、look into 一、inquire into 英 [inˈkwaiə ˈɪntuː] 美 [ɪnˈkwaɪr ˈɪntu]探讨;调查;推求 The mayor set up a committee to inquire into local unemployment.市长成立了一个委员会调查当地的失业...

look at和look to,look in look into 的区别
一、含义不同 1.look at 释义:看,审视,评判。2.look to 释义:朝(某物)看去,面对。3.look in 释义:往里面看,拜访,短暂访问。4.look into 释义:调查,观察,在…里查资料。二、用法不同 1.look at 用法:at多接抽象名词,用于指空间某一点。2.look to 用法:look to可强调看时...

look into 和consider的区别
区别在于意思不同。look into 英[luk ˈɪntuː] 美[lʊk ˈɪntu][词典] 调查; 观察; 在…里查资料; 深入地检查;[例句]He had once looked into buying his own island off Nova Scotia 他曾一度考察过在新斯科舍附近购买岛屿。consider 英[k&...

look into意思
look into 1. 窥视;向里面看去:He looked into the box to see if the tool was there.他朝箱子里看,看看工具是否在里面。2. 调查;研究;观察;检查:The police are looking into the pearl robbery.警方正在调查这起珠宝抢劫案。3. 浏览(书刊等);快速查阅(书等):He looked into ...

look into是什么意思啊?
into a mirror.她喜欢照镜子.We cannot see the minerals by looking into the water. 我们往水里看是看不到这些矿物质的.2.检查,调查The police are looking into the matter. 警察正在调查这件事.3.浏览We are looking into some magazines. 我们正在浏览一些杂志.Iusually look into a...

友信17354211450问: look the small monkey有错的吗? -
龙凤区远浪回答: 在现在的这个语法系统里(高考、中考),你这句话不“常规”,最好用“look at the small monkey”,因为老师讲的时候,look at 都作为固定词组了,就像look for寻找一样.但是你要是口语中用这个,估计没人会在意你错了没有,因为look也...

友信17354211450问: 有没有 look sth into sth这样的结构?
龙凤区远浪回答: look into v. 窥视, 浏览, 观察 look into sth 是固定搭配 所以是没有你说的搭配的 而Look it up in the dictionary 意思是查字典 也是固定搭配 但是这里不是你说的那个结构 而是 look up in the dictionary 是另一个短语 学习进步 圣诞快乐!!

友信17354211450问: 有关于look的所有短语 -
龙凤区远浪回答: 最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:迷迭香945 Look相关短语1.lookabout/around环顾四周,随便看看,到处看看,考虑,如:Themankeptlookingabout.这个人不停地环顾四周.I'mjustlookingaround.不是,我只是随便看看....

友信17354211450问: lookin the room哪里错了? -
龙凤区远浪回答: 若要指看房间这个动作,用 look at the room 若指看房间内部的东西, 用 (take a) look into the room 若指在房间里看东西,则 look at sth. in the room

友信17354211450问: I will look into the mattre as soon as possible.just have a little - a.wait b.patience 为什么选B -
龙凤区远浪回答:[答案] have a little patience 耐心一点 固定搭配,要记住. wait是动词,没有这种表达.LZ要学好基础知识.

友信17354211450问: i will look into the matter as soon as possible ,just have a little () -
龙凤区远浪回答:[选项] A. wait B. time C. patience D. rest 为什么不选A?

友信17354211450问: look into是什么意思啊? -
龙凤区远浪回答: 1.朝…里面看,往…深处看 She likes to look into a mirror.她喜欢照镜子.We cannot see the minerals by looking into the water. 我们往水里看是看不到这些矿物质的.2.检查,调查The police are looking into the matter. 警察正在调查这件事.3.浏览We are looking into some magazines. 我们正在浏览一些杂志.Iusually look into a book before deciding whether to read it.我通常先浏览一遍再决定是否读这本书.

友信17354211450问: look through/into 有什么区别? -
龙凤区远浪回答: look through/into 区别 一、look through 1. study; examine温习Look through your notes before the examination.考试前把你的笔记从头至尾看一遍. 2.inspect carefully仔细查看 I looked through my drawer, but I could not find my keys.我仔细查过抽屉...

友信17354211450问: 我想请问一下、就是关于单词look涉及到的一些短语、还有各自的用法,谢谢!
龙凤区远浪回答: 1.look about 寻找,四周看看 Look about before crossing the street. 2.look after 照顾,目送 The children are looking after well in the kindergarten. 3.look one's age 看上去与年龄相同/相似 He doesn't look his age. 4.look (a)round 转过头看,到...

友信17354211450问: look into造句 -
龙凤区远浪回答: They set up a working party to look into the issue. 他们设立了一个特别工作组来调查这个问题.

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