
作者&投稿:书食 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用英语介绍英国 最好有中文翻译
For the Queen’s recent 80th birthday celebrations, top UK chefs battled it out to create the Great British Menu to serve at a birthday banquet. ‘We enjoy eating out a couple times and month whether with friends or just as a couple. We like trying new things so go to different ...

谁有cocoon《oh my god》的歌词。读啊答对 给分
puffin on the la la, duckin from the po-po, everytime i drive by, say hi to the bad guy. all my mama's friend are like mmm, mmm, mmm, would you just look at him. so sorry dear mama, for your embarassment. but gimme couple years i pray i'll never sin again. go...

每首200分 我喜欢韩国和英语歌 要是经典的 广告长期有效!
男歌手:《Leave Out All The Rest》Linkin Park唱的,很优美的旋律,后面的旋律还很有激情,《Slow Dancing In A Burning Room》约翰梅尔John Mayer唱的,很有舞曲的感觉,《Smoke Gets In Your Eyes》The Platters唱的, 翻唱版本很多,很抒情,《42》Coldplay(酷玩乐团)唱的,很经典的,《mad ...

Don't all answer at once, she said to the pupils. 她对学生说:大家不要齐声回答.→ She ...→ He said that I ooked very well. 他说我看起来气色很好.2.有些感叹句可以根据原句的意思,...→ Th geography teacher told the students that the earth moves round the sun. 老师告诉学生地球...

Don't all answer at once, she said to the pupils. 她对学生说:大家不要齐声回答。→ She told...→ He said that I ooked very well. 他说我看起来气色很好。 2.有些感叹句可以根据原句的意思...→ Th geography teacher told the students that the earth moves round the sun. 老师告诉学生地球...


咸滕18285751961问: look at的用法和句型 -
路南区丝白回答: look at 只是个动词短语,意思是“看", 其后接名词或代词作宾语,如: He looked at me. He looked at the picture. He looked at Tom. 当然也可说 look at sb. do / doing sth, ,如: He looked at Tom get off the bus. He looked at Tom dancing.

咸滕18285751961问: 为什么是“look , here comes the bus"而不是"here is coming the bus"明明有了 "look" -
路南区丝白回答: 不需要用ing形式,run;而一些具有延续性的动词,比如read,在表示动作持续进行的时候come这个词是一个短暂性动词,其动作延续的时间非常短,你在用这个词的时候本身就已经表示事件正在发生

咸滕18285751961问: look,here comes the bus为什么是comes -
路南区丝白回答: 这是一个倒装句,实际上就是the bus comes here.主语是the bus,属于第三人称单数,后面的谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,所以come要用三单形式comes. look,here comes the bus. 看,公共汽车来了. 词汇解析: 1、look 英文发音:[lʊk] ...

咸滕18285751961问: Look at these - ___ - in the street.(bus) -
路南区丝白回答:[答案] Look at these (buses,复数) in the street. 看街上的这些公交车.

咸滕18285751961问: 请教英语选择题目: - Look!Here--the bus.Let's--. - Oh,no.It's No.2 Bus.We should take No.1. -
路南区丝白回答: 1. :get on(上车)是由"动词+介词"构成的短语,其宾语无论是名词还是代词,均应置于介词之后.类似的短语还有:look at, look after, look for, listen to, worry about(担心)等.因此A和B,是A对.2. C不对,因为是倒装句,这种表达方式不对,不会把is coming 同时提前的.3. here 是副词,做状语,本句子是倒装句,主语是the bus , 谓语comes

咸滕18285751961问: Look!There( )the bus. A.will be B.is coming C.comes D.will have -
路南区丝白回答: 选b 这句话是倒装句.实则the bus is coming there.如果考试时候不知道的话你可以这么分析:a的话,你可以想,都写look了,说明是正在发生的时候,不应该用将来时,所以错误 b的话,先放着~~~~~ c的话,和b比没法强调正在发生的事情,但是也不能算错,只是不是最佳答案 d的话,will have... 你得有个主语把...木有主语怎么能have呢,所以也是错误的.因此不管知不知道倒装句,都可以判断b是准确的~希望你可以满意哦!

咸滕18285751961问: Look!()A.here the bus comesB,here the bus comesC.here is the bus coming D.here the bus is coming.分 -
路南区丝白回答: 很高兴回答你的问题.你的A、B选项是一样的.我猜其中一个应该是“here comes the bus” 在口语中表达,“看!公交车来了”的说法就应该是“here comes the bus.” 希望能帮到你~

咸滕18285751961问: Look! The bus - --- - at a small bus stop.( ) A.stop B.is stopping C.stopping D.stops应该选哪个? -
路南区丝白回答: 短动作用进行时往往指将来,在这里,一般现在时就可以了

咸滕18285751961问: Look! The bus - --- - at a small bus stop.( ) A.stop B.is stopping C.stopping D.stops -
路南区丝白回答: look在这里是个祈使句,和后面的句子是互相独立的.选B是因为看!这辆车正要停靠在一个小站

咸滕18285751961问: Look!Here comes the bus.Let's -- 单项选择 -
路南区丝白回答: 选B. 句子意思:看,车来了.让我们…… 1. 根据句意,应选“上车”,即get on.所以排除C和D,get off是下车的意思. 2. get on 这种短语,如果宾语是名词,就要说get on + 名词.比如:get on the bus. 如果是it来指代某个名词,就要使用get it on这种形式.所以排除A.

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