
作者&投稿:简山 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

17. General longed for peace, and no war or stop the same meaning, this is not correct.18. **重要的是求取**是的成果,而不是军事上的成功。19. 世界上的战争无非是过了界,但你我安好都不过界,内心无战争。20. 懦夫的母亲不会哭泣。——拉丁谚语。——拉丁姆是罗马城附近的区域。

5.使用long for + 名词或动词不定式:例句:She longed for a peaceful vacation by the beach.(她渴望在海滩上度过一个宁静的假期。)说明:这种结构也表示强烈的渴望或希望,稍微有些文学化。"wish" 它可以作为名词、动词或形容词使用,具有多重含义:作为名词,"wish" 意味着一种希望、愿望或期望...

不可以 ashore不可以指考研上岸。ashore不可以单独使用,ashore是作为副词或者形容词,不作动词用。 如下:(一)副词 ad.1、向岸;上岸;在岸上 He was rowing the boat ashore.他把船向岸边划去。2、向陆地;上陆地;在陆地 (二)形容词 a.在岸上的;在陆上的 The old sailor longed for ...

will marry "xxx's" daughter\/son.It's not fair enough! Maybe they don't love each other!Maybe they already love somebody that they love. If this is it, it won't be the true love I've always longed for.True love, It's in the dream of mine 自己可增删望采纳哦 ...

look out 后面什么时候用for
当look out 后面接具体sth.的时候,就须用for连接。1、Look out 与Look out for 均表示“留意,注意,小心,提防,关心 ”的意思 2、Look out!可独立使用,意为“注意!小心!”3、例句如下:I should look out if I were you! 如果我是你,我会小心的。Look out! A truck's coming! Get...

在文化和文学方面,prairie经常被用来描绘和赞美大草原的自然风光和乡土气息。在美国西部开发的历史中,prairie成为了人们对新大陆的向往和憧憬的象征,特别是在那些远离城市喧嚣的乡村地区,prairie被视为一种朴素而美好的生活方式和价值观的代表。prairie的例句 1、She longed for the wide-open prairie of...

in particular, are forever obsessed with the urge to go on and on: they never want to stop. Is it the lure of the great motorways, or what? And as for sea travel, it hardly deserves mention. It is perfectly summed up in the words of the old song: ‘I joined the navy...

D:Ah! The combs. They were in the shop windows for many months!J:Yes, the beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewelry rims--just the color to wear in your beautiful, hair.D: But , Jim. They are expensive combs. I know, my heart had longed for them without the ...

waiting for parents to choose from a Mendanghudui a good husband. Her desire to dominate their own destiny, frantically for their love and give birth to illegitimate children Youfuzhifu. The move horrified the patriarchal-anger, the high society despised. She was regarded as decadent...

Sam could not afford (to buy) the camera he longed for because it was too expensive 50、整个上午他都在忙于写那篇故事,只是偶尔停下来喝杯茶。He was busy writing the story all the morning, only breaking off occasionally to have some tea.51、他是个富人家的儿子,不过看上去已经...

镡初17572607389问: longed for是什么意思 -
普宁市小儿回答: longed-foradj. 梦寐以求的;朝思暮想的;

镡初17572607389问: long的动词时态long for sth这个短语的意思是渴望,在其中long做动词用.但是不知道long作为动词的时候的时态?过去式过去分词?是什么? -
普宁市小儿回答:[答案] long 过去时,过去分词longed vi.1.渴望[+to-v][(+for/after)]He longs for/after fame.他渴望成名.She longed to return home.她极想回家.She longed for her husband to return home.她渴望丈夫早日归来....

镡初17572607389问: desire和lone for联系区别区别和联系以及用法 -
普宁市小儿回答:[答案] 你想问的是desire和long for的区别吧?! 你能把这两个放在一起问,就是已经知道它们的意思是“渴望”,所以来简单说下区别和用法吧. 用法 desire, 1.后面可加+to do, She desired to marry a handsome man. 她很想嫁个帅气的男子. 2.+从句,从句...

镡初17572607389问: 英语'渴望'怎么写
普宁市小儿回答: long for 或者desire都可以,但一般用want就可以了.

镡初17572607389问: long的动词时态 -
普宁市小儿回答: long 过去时,过去分词longedvi. 1. 渴望[+to-v][(+for/after)] He longs for/after fame. 他渴望成名. She longed to return home. 她极想回家. She longed for her husband to return home. 她渴望丈夫早日归来.

镡初17572607389问: long for的过去式 -
普宁市小儿回答: longed for

镡初17572607389问: be longed for 什么意思? -
普宁市小儿回答: long for的意思是:渴望.例句:I longed for my world to be colored.I longed to be possessed by one somebody To hold me, control me, show me what I should do with my broken life

镡初17572607389问: have long been中 long可不可以置于be动词后,这是固定搭配吗 -
普宁市小儿回答: 在have long been中, long 作副词, 意为"长久地,长期地", 其位置在助动词,情态动词后, 行为动词或主要动词前. 此结构中, been虽然是be动词, 但前面有助动词have, 那么been就算主要动词了. 因此long不可以置于been后. 如:Things have long been in a bad way for him. 长久以来他的日子一直很不好过. They have long been involved in the research. 长期以来他们一直致力于这项研究.

镡初17572607389问: How we - --- - a chance to visit your great country! -
普宁市小儿回答: 2. longed for 渴望,期待

镡初17572607389问: I have longed for one day and night什么意思 -
普宁市小儿回答: 我已经盼望了一天一夜了.短语:long for sth. 渴望/盼望某事 ———————— 例句:How I long for your opinion!我多么渴望你的意见啊.

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