
作者&投稿:漫备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I'll ()holiday next month.
【答案】:答案:A 解析:短语go on holiday去度假


holiday 英 ['hɒlɪdeɪ; -dɪ] 美 ['hɑləde]n. 假日;节日;休息日 vi. 外出度假 短语 Roman Holiday 罗马假日 例句 We'll holiday to China this summer.今年夏天我们将去中国度假。She is all perked out in her holiday clothes.她穿着节日服装,从上...

holiday在英语中有以下几种说法:1、 Vacation: 暑假或寒假,相当于学生的长假期。如 summer vacation暑),winter vacatio寒假。2、 Break:较短的休息阶段,如学期间的短假。如 spring break春假,Christmas break圣诞节假期。3、 Holiday:特定的节假日或传统节日。如 Christmas holiday圣诞节假期,Nati...

holiday和on holiday有什么区别
1. 释义区别:"On holiday" 表示某人或某事处于度假的状态或期间。"In holiday" 并不是一个常见的短语,没有明确的释义。"In holiday on" 并不是一个常见的短语,也没有明确的释义。例句:I'll be on holiday next week, so I won't be available for meetings.(我下周将度假,所以无法参加...

holiday意思是n.节日;假日,休息日;vi.度假,休假 英 [ˈhɒlədeɪ] 美 [ˈhɑ:lədeɪ]一、节日、假日、休息日 1、The firm closed business for the time of the holiday.该商号节日期间歇业。2、He works all the year round without a holiday...

vocation是美式英语,holiday和vocation的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、意思不同 1.holiday意思: 假日;节日 2.vocation意思: 职业;行业;使命 二、用法不同 1.holiday用法:基本意思是“假期”,指源于宗教的“节日,假日”,也可指不用去上班、上学等的“休假日”“假期”,还可指“出...

1、用法不同 holiday 和 vacation 都可表示“假期”,前者主要用于英国英语中,后者主要用于美国英语中。I've just come back from a holiday in the United States 我刚从美国度假回来。They planned a late summer vacation in Europe 他们打算夏末去欧洲度假。2、语境不同 无论在英国英语中还是美国...

We'll have a ___ holiday.What about going to the Great Wall?_百度...
应该是:B 我们将有一个三天的假期,去长城如何?三天的假期,有两种表达方式 three days' holiday three-day holoday 所以选B ~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~

holiday [英][ˈhɒlədeɪ][美][ˈhɑ:lədeɪ]n.假日,休息日; 节日;vi.度假,休假;第三人称单数:holidays过去分词:holidayed复数:holidays现在进行时:holidaying过去式:holidayed 例句:1.Traditional holiday markets bring romance and old-fashioned ...

茶肺18568007105问: We are on holiday next werk.这个句型是什么时态? -
元谋县宁圣回答: We are on holiday next werk.意思是:我们下周休假.这个句型是一般现在时,表示将要发生的事件.

茶肺18568007105问: love next holiday 是什么意思? -
元谋县宁圣回答: 表面意思是爱下一个假期但是,咱们可以进一步理解为享受下一个假期

茶肺18568007105问: 以“my next holiday”为题 写一篇不少于60词的英语作文 -
元谋县宁圣回答:My Next HolidayIt has been 2 days since i didn't come here and write my diary.today is the totally holiday for the first time. i got so much fun.i went to meet a friend who i didnt know before.she is my college's girlfriend in the future.hehe.but ...

茶肺18568007105问: we'll have five days'holiday next mouth.为什么是错的 -
元谋县宁圣回答: 一楼正确,因为holiday在此句中是被修饰的,5天的假期,是5天的,那么就没复数了;更简洁的说法有 we'll have five days off

茶肺18568007105问: 以“My Next Holiday”为题写一篇英语作文 -
元谋县宁圣回答: How I shall spend my next holidaysI have already decided how to spend my next holidays. Usually I wait for the holidays to come, and then make up my mind where to go, what to do, and when to leave. What usually happens is that I leave for some ...

茶肺18568007105问: Ill back after holiday 是什么意思? -
元谋县宁圣回答: 我假期后会回来.

茶肺18568007105问: 以the plan for the next summer holiday 写篇文章(英语) -
元谋县宁圣回答:[答案] The plan for the next summer holiday Summer holiday is coming.I have made a wonderful plan for the holiday. First of all,I am going to Shenyang with my father to visit my grandparents.They have been ill in bed for about two years.I am always worried ...

茶肺18568007105问: 度假的英语单词怎么拼写 -
元谋县宁圣回答: 你好,同学spend one's holidays;on a vacation;go vacationing;make holiday;take a holiday;如:I'm on a vacation.She spent her holidays in America.Let's go vacationing.I'll make a holiday.I'lll take a holiday.短语:在度假on holiday;on ...

茶肺18568007105问: 英语的关于假期的前面加什么形容词英语,假期加什么形 -
元谋县宁圣回答: happy holiday pleasant holiday good holiday great holiday fantastic holiday……

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