
作者&投稿:狐皆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

condition 什么时候用复数什么时候用单数,作身体状况的话要用单数还是...
1、情况,(健康等)状态,可数不可数都行 2、环境,形势,可数 3.、条件,可数 3.病症,症状,可数 当做可数名词的时候,指多个时用复数,单个时用单数,不可数则只有单数。做身体状况解释时,单数复数都行

所有活着的总统参加了尼克松的葬礼。2.现存的 3.在活动中的;在使用着的 a living language 仍在使用的语言 4.充满生气的;活跃的;生动的 The wilderness is a living museum of natural history.这片荒野是一座活生生的自然历史博物馆。5.逼真的 6.生活的;维持生活的 Living conditions have improved...

The living conditions there were hard; they had to do so much...
The living conditions there were hard; they had to do so much( ).选: to put much 后跟 动词不定式。

He has a good living.他生活过得很好。(指的可能仅仅是吃穿不用愁)基于以上区别:汉语中说的“生活条件”、“生活标准”、“生活费用”等,在通常情况下指的都是物质方面的东西,所以一般均用living,即分别说成:living conditions,standard of living,cost of living等。下列表达一般用life表示...

living 形容有生命的东西(强调和非生命体的区别,一般不形容人) 如 living things are stronger than mankind alive 活的,有生命的;(alive主要强调某个生命体还是活的)

Thus, the distinction between urban and rural education is to have a large gap, this is because of the low level of rural economic development and people's living conditions is bad, only improving people's living conditions, they can be further narrowing the gap between the gap, ...

the living conditions there make you comfortable中condition一定要加...
是的,condition (C) 条件,环境 问题是:那的生活条件你感到还舒适吗?生活条件包括衣食住行各个方面,如果单独问某一方面,比如说:transportation\/enviroment\/surroundings其中一方面就不要加

living作为形容词时没有时态变化,作为名词时可以加上时态。例句:① They live in a beautiful house.(他们住在一座漂亮的房子里。)② The living conditions have improved.(生活条件已经改善。)区别三:具体与抽象不同 live更加具体,指的是实际的生活、居住或存在的状态。living更加抽象,指的是...

英语作文Chanpes in LiMing's Hometown
Changes in Li Ming's Hometown Li Ming's hometown is a beautiful town, but due to traffic inconvenience, so has been very poor.In the policy of the government, his hometown has greatly changed!In life, living conditions become superior!In his work, working tools improvement!In ...

空中监狱(Con Air)…囚犯劫持飞机大逃亡,老尼小约翰里应外合应对危机 --- 93号航班(United 93)…911恐怖袭击中的感人一幕 --- 虎胆龙威2(Die Hard...死亡航班(Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane)…空中版“生化危机” --- 紧急迫降…国产空难电影,好题材拍成了“四不像” --- 冰原空难...

邱歪14785466614问: 居住条件的英语 -
贡山独龙族怒族自治县复方回答:[答案] 1 living conditions例句:The living conditions were slightly mitigated.居住条件稍有缓解.2 housing conditions例句:There has been an appreciable change in our living conditions.我们的居住条件已有显著改...

邱歪14785466614问: 关于爷爷奶奶过去生活状况的英语作文?关于爷爷奶奶过去生活状况的英语作文 题目living condition.说说过去的房子饮食交通和游戏 60词一上 -
贡山独龙族怒族自治县复方回答:[答案] My grandparents lived in small houses and they went around by bus. They didn't have tv , they didn't have computers games, they talked to each other and read books. We have better living condition now...

邱歪14785466614问: 生活条件怎么写英语
贡山独龙族怒族自治县复方回答: live conditions

邱歪14785466614问: most people had a hard life in the past ,but now their﹎﹍﹍(live condition)are become better and better.答案是living conditions 请问为什么要这样填? -
贡山独龙族怒族自治县复方回答:[答案] Most people had a hard life in the past,but now their (living conditions)are becoming better and better.以前大多数人的生活过得很艰难,但现在他们的生活条件变得越来越好了.living conditions,生活条件.liv...

邱歪14785466614问: Living condition.是什么意思 -
贡山独龙族怒族自治县复方回答: living condition [英][ˈliviŋ kənˈdiʃən][美][ˈlɪvɪŋ kənˈdɪʃən] [法] 生活状况,居住环境; 双语例句1 Housing is an important existent location and indispensability basic living condition for the people.住房,是人们生存的重要场所,是人们不可缺少的基本生活条件;2 And then, I introduce the living condition of Denaturalized Persons by two examples.其次通过事例介绍了我国变性人当前的生活状况.

邱歪14785466614问: 生活条件 英语怎么写 -
贡山独龙族怒族自治县复方回答: 您好,翻译为: life condition 希望帮助你

邱歪14785466614问: 怎么区分living和alive -
贡山独龙族怒族自治县复方回答: living [ˈliviŋ] adj. 活(着)的 She has no living relatives. 她没有活着的亲人. 现存的, 在使用中的 English is a living language. 英语是现代使用着的语言. 逼真的, 生动的 n. 生计, 生存之道 He made a living by writing. 他靠写作谋生. 生活方...

邱歪14785466614问: 生活水平用英语怎么说》?living level our living level/ conditions have greatly improved since libreration .用哪个好? -
贡山独龙族怒族自治县复方回答:[答案] 不要用level,level一般指的是像海平面那样的水平面,或者达到什么级别的那种水平. 生活水平,其实就是生活环境,一般都用living condition living standard指的是生活标准

邱歪14785466614问: living condition是什么意思 -
贡山独龙族怒族自治县复方回答: living condition英 [ˈliviŋ kənˈdiʃən] 美 [ˈlɪvɪŋ kənˈdɪʃən][释义][法] 生活状况,居住环境;[网络]居住环境; 生存状态; 生活条件;[例句]Vertebrate composition, preserved characteristic and its reflection natural condition indirectly have reflected at people's living condition at that time.这些脊椎动物的组成和保存特点及其反映的自然条件,间接地反映了当时人们的生活状况.

邱歪14785466614问: conditions是什么意思? -
贡山独龙族怒族自治县复方回答: condition 名词1.状态;状况 2.健康状况 3.(因不可能治愈而长期患有的)疾病 4.(居住、工作或做事情的)环境,境况,条件living conditions生活条件 5.(影响某事发生的)物质环境,状态,条件 6.条件;条款;要件 7.(先决)条件;前提a necessary condition for economic growth经济增长的必要条件 8.(某群体的)生存状态,处境 动词 1.训练;使习惯于;使适应 2.对...具有重要影响;影响(某事发生的方式)3.保持头发或皮肤等的健康

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