
作者&投稿:箕莲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I am all over you 到底啥意思?
参考:可以翻译成,我为你疯狂或神魂颠倒!是美国俚语,具体解释为:very affectionate with someone, in love with someone to the point of snuggling with them at the drop of a hat 还有一种解释为:挑衅的侮辱:aggessively assulting She was all over me in class today ...

印度英语也是个性极强,印度小哥们英语说得十分麻溜,语速惊人,没有卷舌音、爆破音和清辅音,所以p发b, t发d, k发g, r发l,另外他们的音调也是比较好认的,I agree -> I aglee,Me too -> Me doo,Car -> Gar,People -> beople,Thank you very much -> Dank you vely much,I ...

作文the most difficult thing i did
you can get half a star .”After some days ,I finally got half a star .I think that the most difficult thing isn’t to win the game ,but is to correct my careless problem.Seeing the lolvely doll ,I think I must keep on trying my best .最近,对我来说最困难的一件事是...

请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下翻译错误:“购买win 平板的原因 1. 可以使...
The reasons for \/The reasons are that such as 改为for example The price is RMB全是大写 barely find 改为 barely buy 日常学习办公的需求足够了 The need for daily study and office is enough.第四句 In comparison with laptop ,it has a longer standby time and you can use ...

名著精读《傲慢与偏见》第15章 第2节
I hear they intend to marry. 听说他们要结婚了。 I don't intend to listen to this rubbish any longer! 我再也不想听这种无稽之谈了! In view of our long-standing relationship we agree to allow you a discount. 考虑到我们长期的关系,我方同意给你方折扣。 The old man is as old as th...

She is listening attenively.(保持原意不变) She is___ ___._百度...
She is all ears.


Now we say that New Year's Day is the New Year of the Gregorian calendar, which is on January 1 of the Gregorian calendar every year. Now New Year's Day is also the New Year's Day of most countries. And the new year of our lunar calendar is the Spring Festival, the ...

求一篇关于why listen at tively的英语作文
I lover some of my teachers,some of the teachers maybe never forget in my life.I think teaching job is great work if the teacher who will really can make the students become good.I like some of my teachers for their capability of handling students.Besides the attitude of a ...

love me the person is you, is i hurt you, attent

鄢左15338237755问: 英文“ 活泼开朗 ”怎么说 -
曲松县科米回答: 活泼开朗:Lively and cheerful 单词分析:1、Lively 释义:精力充沛的;生气勃勃的;活跃热情的例句:She had a sweet, lively personality 她的性格可爱活泼. 2、cheerful 释义:令人愉快的;欢乐的,高兴的 例句:They are both very cheerful...

鄢左15338237755问: she talks lively还是she talks in a lively way lively 可以副词也可以是形容词啊,哪个正确呢 -
曲松县科米回答: she talks lively还是she talks in a lively way 可以副词也可以是形容词啊,哪个正确呢回答:两种方法都对. 区别是: 在英国英语中,lively只能用作adj.没有副词的用法.(参见《牛津高阶双解》) 在美国英语中,lively用作adj.但是它的副词形式是由 livelily(adv)→ liveliness(n) → lively (adv)依次派生而来.(参见《Webester's Collegiate Dictionary 韦氏词典》)你好,浆果喵!满意吗?如果不满意可以追问.满意的话就顶一下.

鄢左15338237755问: 活泼用英文咋说 -
曲松县科米回答: active full of life; lively; sprightly; vivacious; vivid

鄢左15338237755问: 很热闹用英语怎么说 -
曲松县科米回答: very lively是很热闹的意思!

鄢左15338237755问: 热闹用英语怎么说? -
曲松县科米回答: 热闹: [ rè nao ]1. lively 2. bustling with noise and excitement其它相关解释: <liveliness> <jollification> <hot up>例句与用法: 1. 我的女儿还小,我不喜欢住在热闹的马路旁.她需要严加看管,不能让她跑到马路上.I don't like living near a ...

鄢左15338237755问: 热闹用英语怎么翻译 -
曲松县科米回答: 翻译热闹要看上下文了,. 如果表示人多热闹的可以用 bustling 热闹的; 热闹(名词)bustle ------------------------------------------------------------- the bustling little town. 忙碌的小镇. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- n. 忙乱, 热闹 ...

鄢左15338237755问: 热闹 英文怎么说 -
曲松县科米回答: Lively ['laivli] bustling with noise and excitement 热闹 adj. (Trad=热闹, Pinyin=re4 nao5) bustling with noise, lively v. (Trad=热闹, Pinyin=re4 nao5) liven up, have a jolly time

鄢左15338237755问: 英文“ 活泼开朗 ”怎么说 -
曲松县科米回答: ptimistic - 乐观extrovert, outgoing - 外向lively - 活泼happy-go-lucky - 开朗我的性格开朗活泼 =I have a lively and happy-go-lucky personality望采纳~

鄢左15338237755问: 多么热闹啊用英语怎么说 -
曲松县科米回答: How lively it is!

鄢左15338237755问: 热闹.用英文怎么说 -
曲松县科米回答: 热闹的英文:jollification jollification 读法 英 [ˌdʒɒlɪfɪ'keɪʃən] 美 [ˌdʒɒləfə'keɪʃən] 作名词的意思是:欢乐,热闹 短语: 1、I liked Jollification 我爱热闹 2、Shop Store Jollification 店里热闹 例句: I can remember the jollification ...

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