
作者&投稿:凌贡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Please allow me to introduce myself in a minute. My name is Han Meimei, graduatedfrom Normal University Department of English majors.I am steady, practical, diligent, hard-working. During the school I actively participatedin various activities. And for three consecutive years lworked ...

aperiodic、anisotropic、dishonest、insensitive、nonage 1、aperiodic adj. 不定期的;非周期性的 短语 aperiodic dampong 非周期阻尼 ; 过阻尼 aperiodic task 非周期任务 aperiodic variation 非周期性变化 aperiodic instrument 不摆式仪表 aperiodic discharge 非周期放电 aperiodic group [数] 非周期群 ap...

There is much water in the river. (adj.) 河里有很多水。The music is too loud. Please turn it down. (adj.) 音乐声太大,请调低点。He speaks loud enough. So everyone in the room can hear what he said. (adv.) 他说话的声音很大,所以房间里每个人都能听到他的话。另外,还有...

英语中 构词法(请专业人士回答一下)
有,hot-dog 热狗是冰激凌,跟hot和dog都没关系

Also, I joined in some campus clubs such as English club, communism volunteer organization etc.; lived a part-work and part-study life for years; was given the honors “HUNAN LIGHT INDUSTRY COLLEGE 2000TH EXCELLENT GRADUATE” & “HUNLAN PROVINCE 2000TH EXCELLENT COLLEGE GRADUATE”. Training ...


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百晨19475225271问: 请问“在世界上活着”用live on the world 还是 in the world? -
咸安区依卡回答: live in the world 分析:in是泛指一个广泛的范围或比较大的范围,如Now I am in China. (当然,in还可以用在其他地方,比如:in hospital和in the hospital,这个比较难区分) 而on一般用在一些具体的地方,表示在某些物体的表面,如The book is on the desk.

百晨19475225271问: 请问“在世界上活着”用live on the world 还是 in the world? -
咸安区依卡回答:[答案] live in the world 分析:in是泛指一个广泛的范围或比较大的范围,如Now I am in China. (当然,in还可以用在其他地方,比如:in hospital和in the hospital,这个比较难区分) 而on一般用在一些具体的地方,表示在某些物体的表面,如The book is ...

百晨19475225271问: live in the earth还是live on the earth -
咸安区依卡回答: 您的答案是,应该是:live on the earth. 分析: 1)因为人在地球的表面生活,所以用live on the earth. live in the earth--人在地球的里面生活,那么会烫死的!里面温度太高,我们可无法生存!呵呵! 说明:on earth--adv.在世上, 究竟.

百晨19475225271问: in the world we live in句型中为什么是
咸安区依卡回答: in不可以省略,因为live在这里是不及物动词.

百晨19475225271问: We live in a world where only the strong can survive.是什么从句?where可以用that取代吗? -
咸安区依卡回答: 不能.where在这里是关系副词引导定语从句,在从句中充当地点状语,把它拆成两个简单句帮你理解:We live in a world. In this world only the strong can survive. which在这里不能用that取代,但可以用in which取代.

百晨19475225271问: 乔布斯的“活着就是为了改变世界”用英语怎么说 -
咸安区依卡回答: 英语是:To live is to change the world.句子解释: live 英[lɪv] 美[lɪv] vi. 居住; 生存; 生活,过活; 在生活中得到享受; vt. 经历; 度过; adj. 活着的; 生动的,有精神的; 精力充沛的; 现场直播的; [例句]She has lived here for 10 years 她...

百晨19475225271问: in+the+world作为先行词时,定语从句用什么来引导 -
咸安区依卡回答: 就用where,用where

百晨19475225271问: “请你活在没有眼泪的世界里”翻译成英语 -
咸安区依卡回答: please live in the world without tears.就是这样就行了,希望可以帮到你

百晨19475225271问: The world - __is made up of matterA.where we live in B.on which we live C.we live in -
咸安区依卡回答:[答案] 答案 C 还原 we live in the world world是in的宾语,可以是that,或者which,可以省略

百晨19475225271问: “活在自己的世界里”英语怎么说? -
咸安区依卡回答: "Live in my own world"

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