
作者&投稿:常侍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

literacy的中文翻译:n.读写能力。noun.[U] 读写能力:the ability to read and write;a campaign to promote adult literacy提高成人文化水平的运动。英英释义:noun.the ability to read and write.双语例句:1、The organizers of the experiment concluded that far fewer students were achieving at...

Literacy意思是识字,读写能力;专业知识;精通文学。literacy的短语:Information literacy信息素养、信息素质。visual literacy图像素养、视觉素养、视觉认识能力。Scientific Literacy科学素养、科学素质、科研素养。Digital Literacy数字素养、数字文化、与数字技能普及。literacy class扫盲班、文化阶层、识字班、文化...


literary 音标['litәrәri]a. 文学的, 文艺的, 精通文学的 【法】 文学的, 从事文学的, 从事写作的 名词:literariness 副词:literarily 例句 He is endowed with literary talent.他有文学天分。

“literacy”的反义词为“illiteracy n.文盲illiterate adj.不识字的,文盲的”拓展例句:1.The government has declared war on illiteracy. 政府已宣布要扫除文盲。2.Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates. 贫困、文盲与高出生率密切相关。3.It would help to end illiteracy ...

literacy rate 是什么意思
literacy rate 网 络 识字率;文化程度;文化水平;文盲比率 双语例句 1. The literacy rate there is the highest in Central America.那里的识字率居中美洲之首。来自辞典例句 2. What are some possible literacy needs in a community with an overall high literacy rate?于社区内全面的高识字率...

literacy narrative什么意思
literacy narrative 就是精通记叙文学 A literacy narrative is a personal account of learning how to read or write. It often explores the significance of books or written text in one’s life and how they shaped one’s attitudes toward writing or thinking.A writing exercise that many ...

"Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self- respect, and regard reading as a headache," said Lisa Myton, manager of the children's department.“读写专家承认,孩子读...

computer literacy是什么意思
computer literacy un.计算机认字 计算机文化;电脑知识;电脑素养 例句 1.She said it was also important for students to develop their computer literacy skills.她说提高学生的计算机使用能力也很重要。2.Computer Literacy A good understanding and working knowledge of computers.具电脑理解和应用知识...

literacy program是什么意思
literacy program 扫盲计划 双语例句 1 He joined a literacy program and later one on television training.他先是加入一项识字计划,后来接受一个电视培训。2 Literacy program operation have included with easy vocations and life skills for women and literate students.•扫盲方案包括为妇女和...

茌宝17790851069问: literacy skills是什么意思 -
浚县立君回答: literacy skills识字的能力;读写水平双语例句1. Six months later John had developed literacy and numeracy skills, plus confidence. 6个月后,约翰已经渐渐能够识字和算数,也有了自信.2. How can you work with schools to help increase ...

茌宝17790851069问: 雅诗兰黛小棕瓶和SK2小灯泡,先用哪个? -
浚县立君回答: 按照分子大小原理,越大的分子越后面使用 一般抗皱产品的分子最小 其次是美白类 最后是保湿 所以你朋友彻底弄反了 这是护肤常识

茌宝17790851069问: literacy啥意思?和literary有关系吗?英语 -
浚县立君回答: 两个完全没有关系,却只有一个字母的区别: 前面那个是指【读写能力】 后面那个是指【文学的,或文学上的】

茌宝17790851069问: 理肤泉duo+能和sk2神仙水一起用吗? -
浚县立君回答: Duo+和神仙水都属于精华,用其中一种即可.

茌宝17790851069问: 柚子舍柚水和SK2神仙水,哪个效果好? -
浚县立君回答: SK2神仙水我觉得SOSO,说不出好在哪里,而且价钱也有些贵,一般的白领都挺难接受的,柚子舍柚水作用也差不多,而且是天然无添加,价钱也可以接受,柚水的效果会好一点.

茌宝17790851069问: 怎么定义和理解literacy? -
浚县立君回答: literacy 英 [?l?t?r?si] 美 [?l?t?r?si] 考研 | IELTS | TOEFLn. 识字; 有文化; 能读能写; 精通文学;

茌宝17790851069问: “文”英语单词是什么
浚县立君回答: character script language literary composition writing literary civilian

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