
作者&投稿:糜卸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Will you listen to the radio?你会听收音机吗?~一刻永远523为你解答,祝你学习进步~~~希望可以及时“选为满意答案”,你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~

we want to learn it well, we should spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully. If we have time,we'd better isten to ...


Hαtty,Ⅰisten to me!Whats20mⅰnus1,1?意思是什么?

please listen to the teacher

wha is pJ 亅isten ing to是什么意思?

why don,t you (?)the english tapes中间填哪个?1.l;isten 2.hear...
选3,分析:listen是不及物动词,所以后面必须加介词才能加宾语,所以如果选一,就要是listen to;hear是及物动词,后面可以接宾语,有用法hear sb do sth\/hear sb doing sth 但是这里的宾语只能是人的宾格形式,所以像the english tapes这样的并与自然不能接。list 有列出,清单等意思……根据句子...

怎样学好英语 Correct one's learning attitude and make clear what one's learning purpose is. The goal of office workers learning English is very clear, that is, the need of work, not to cope with exams, so we must pay attention to its practicality.When choosing training courses...

一)北京将举办2008年奥运会,做为一个初中生你将为奥运做些什么 We’vebeenwaitingforsolong,andatlastitcomestrue!The29thOlympicGameswillbeheldinourgreatcountry.It’snotonlyatimetoshowhowstrongouraltiletesarebutalsoavaluablechancetoexhibithowbeautifulandthrivingourcountryis!Wearejuniorschoolstudentsnow...

a)有的动词在英语里只能用作不及物动词,而汉语则可用作及物动词,如arrive到达,agree同意,1isten听。英语里这些动词后面常接介词。如:We arrived at the railway station at noon.我们于中午到达火车站。(at不能省去)(比较:We reached the railway station at noon.)Everybody listened to the...

艾隶19516521846问: listen to后面加名词时,什么时候在名词前加the什么时候不加?比如listen to the music还是listen to musi -
仁布县尤尼回答: listen to the music 表特指的某物,加the. 一般情况下,复数不加the

艾隶19516521846问: 到底是listen to the music还是listen to musi -
仁布县尤尼回答: l如果单纯表示“听音乐”isten to the music还是listen to music二者均可.加定冠词the,表示所听的音乐比较具体(某一特定乐曲),不加the 表示泛指,指所有乐曲中的任意一首. 以往教材中,“听音乐”,习惯上加冠词the,指正在听的那首曲子(不太可能同时听多首乐曲);而现行的教材中则不加定冠词的居多,意思是听的是乐曲(不具体指哪一首),而不是其他内容.

艾隶19516521846问: listen to the musio中文是什么意思 -
仁布县尤尼回答: 听音乐

艾隶19516521846问: Listen to the music和Listen to music 有什么不同
仁布县尤尼回答: "the" 有特指含义,一般在语境中,说话者前面过某首歌或者某种音乐,例如: A: Hey, do you know "Touch My Body"? The singer is Mariah Carey B: I'm afaid not A: OK, let's listen to the music. 上文中的“the music”就是特指前面A说的"Touch My Body"这首歌. listen to music 即是很笼统的说法.例如: A:What do you want do now? B: How about listen to music? 语境中没有任何的特指某首歌曲,仅仅是泛指“音乐”

艾隶19516521846问: listen to (the) music如果就翻译成听音乐要加THE吗? -
仁布县尤尼回答: 不要加the,listen to music 表示“听音乐”,是固定搭配.listen to the music 表示“听这首曲子”,也有这种结构.希望我的回答能够帮到您,祝学习进步! (*^__^*)

艾隶19516521846问: listen to的用法 -
仁布县尤尼回答: 如listen to sb's doing sth.

艾隶19516521846问: listen ti the musio 什么意思 -
仁布县尤尼回答: 是listen to the music吧?!听音乐的意思

艾隶19516521846问: 英语里,听什么东西,listen后面必须加to吗?比如是listen to the sound -
仁布县尤尼回答: listen后面一定要加to才能再加名词,因为listen是不及物动词,不能和名词紧挨在一起.

艾隶19516521846问: listen to sb doing sth 可以吗 -
仁布县尤尼回答: 没有这样表达的. listen to 强调听的过程,这个动作 hear强调听的结果所以只有hear sb do或doing sthhear sb do sth 听见某人做某事(表示经常性做某事,或者做某事的整个过程) hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事(表示正在做的事情)...

艾隶19516521846问: listen to sb.doing sth.有这个用法吗 -
仁布县尤尼回答: 口语中有. 这是非正式的一种说法.解释:1. 正式说法为:listen to sb's doing sth.2. sb's doing sth. 是动名词的复合结构,在这里作短语动词listen to 的宾语.3. 在动名词的复合结构,口语中常用名词普通格代替所有格, 用代词宾格代替物主代词.例如:We often listen to him singing English songs.我们经常听他唱英文歌.

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