
作者&投稿:策仪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

a)有的动词在英语里只能用作不及物动词,而汉语则可用作及物动词,如arrive到达,agree同意,1isten听.英语里这些动词后面常接介词.如: We arrived at the railway station at noon.我们于中午到达火车站.(at不能省去)(比较:We reached the railway station at noon.) Everybody listened to the lecture with g...



The page you are looking foy isten ppayaly unaviabie pieasetry aga...
这句错误的单词好多,foy应该是for,“be looking for”是固定搭配,译为:正在……;pieasetry应该是please try

有一首韩文歌...应该是男声的,其中副歌反复唱过“listen to my hear...
It’s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It’s waiting for you 너의 생각에 아직도 아파 가슴이 뛸 때 마다 생각나 My heart is beating Faster and faster (*4) 4 my color It’s another JYP C 준호 - My(color) is a(color) you can never ...

1、isten 翻译:(注意地)听,听从,听信,(让对方注意)听着。第三人称单数:listens。2、to 翻译:到,向,往(某方向或某处),位于…方向,到达(某处)。3、music 翻译:音乐,乐曲,乐曲创作(或演奏)艺术,乐谱。双语例句:1、She'll listen to music, alone in her room, for hours....

listen是经典啊,类似的halo啊、street dreams啊、run the world啊、start over

picture.funny.park newspaper isten写一篇英语作文30左右
楼主,最后一个应该是listen吧?I have kinds of hobbies such as colleting funny pictures,going for a walk in the park,reading newspapers and so on.But I like listening to music the best because it can relax myself.

--> for people younger than you 11. Basque (西班牙巴斯克语)- Zorionak! 12. Belauan (Micronesian) (密克罗尼西亚地方语言)- Ungil el cherellem! 13. Bengali (Bangladesh\/India) (孟加拉语)- Shuvo Jonmodin! 14. Bicol (Philippines) (菲律宾地方语言)- Maogmang Pagkamundag! 15. Bislama (...

One is not enough for me. I want one more. One of them is English. Suddenly one of the bags fell off the truck. Two will be enough. 4,不定式 (常以 It’s adj. to do sth. 形式出现) 例如: To give is better than to receive =Its better to give. I found it difficult to get ...

有货19515466972问: sound,listen,hear,hear of的区别,快啊! -
鹰潭市治糜回答: 1. 区别sound,listen,hear这三个词语只要记住他们的固定搭配: listen to+名词 听(强调听的过程)例如listen to the radio听广播 Hear+名词 听到(强调听到)例如:Hear your voice听到你的声音 Sound+形容词 听起来(强调听的效果) 例如:...

有货19515466972问: hear、listen、sound的区别
鹰潭市治糜回答: 其实要区别这三个词语只要记住他们的固定搭配 listen to+名词 听(强调听的过程) 例如listen to the radio听广播 Hear+名词 听到(强调听到) 例如:Hear your voice听到你的声音 Sound+形容词 听起来(强调听的效果) 例如:Sound good听起来不错 看了我这么简洁的概括之后相信楼主一定理解了吧 说了这么多 希望对你有帮助

有货19515466972问: sound ,hear,listen to的区别, -
鹰潭市治糜回答:[答案] listen to+名词 听(强调听的过程)例如listen to the radio听广播Hear+名词 听到(强调听到)例如:Hear your voice听到你的声音Sound+形容词 听起来(强调听的效果)例如:Sound good听起来不错

有货19515466972问: 英语中sound和listen有什么区别?
鹰潭市治糜回答: 当都做动词时: sound更注重听的结果,例如It sounds like Jay's new song. listen更注重听的动作,常于to搭配.例如I am listening to the radio sound可以左名词,表示"声音",例如"sound of silence"

有货19515466972问: sound,hear,listen to,listen的区别 -
鹰潭市治糜回答: sound可作名词和动词.作名词时表"声响,声音",作动词时是一个"半系动词",后面一般加形容词或从句,表"听起来怎么样".hear是"听",它强调"听"的结果.你可翻译为"听到" listen是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语,也是"听",但它强调"听"的动作,你可以翻译为"收听".listen是不及物动词,但如果想要加"听"的对象,怎么办?这时就用listten to 了.

有货19515466972问: sound ,hear, listen to的区别,详细些,谢谢 -
鹰潭市治糜回答: listen to+名词 听(强调听的过copy程)例如listen to the radio听广播Hear+名词 听到(强调听到)例如:Hear your voice听到你的声音Sound+形容知词 听起道来(强调听的效果)例如:Sound good听起来不错求采纳

有货19515466972问: listen和sound的区别是什么? -
鹰潭市治糜回答: ***.listen和sound都有"听"缓早隐的意思.但三者有区别. (1)hear"听说".侧重于"听"的内容.通常表睁禅示某种声音“进入我们的耳朵”.是听到、听见的意思,但不一定指有意识地听.例句:I'm sorry to hear that you are ill. 听说你生病...

有货19515466972问: listen!Jim is singing.I can - ---(hear,sound,listen)it.顺便给我讲讲这三个词的用法~~~谢谢. -
鹰潭市治糜回答: hear 表示结果.我听见了.listen 后加to介词,表示过程.一般用现在 进行时.sound 听起来…….It sounds good.

有货19515466972问: listen!the voice - ---(sound)like the singing of birds -
鹰潭市治糜回答: 你好,同学 答案:填sounds 即:Listen! The voice sounds like the singing of birds.解析:sound不能用于进行时,所以用一般现在时,而且主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词也要用单三形式 翻译:听,声音听起来像鸟儿在歌唱.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)

有货19515466972问: sound,hear和listen的区别. -
鹰潭市治糜回答: sound + adj. sound 是系动词 hear from listen to

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