
作者&投稿:郦婕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

速求《fate\/stay night》所有的Master和Servant的信息及图片_百度知 ...
卫宫士郎 servant:Saber(亚瑟王) 宝具 风王结界(Barrier of the Wind King) 理想乡(Avalon) Excalibur(誓约胜利之剑)远坂凛 servant::红Archer(未来的士郎...(Assassion) 由Caster利用自身也是魔术师的规则漏洞召唤订定契约 秘技 燕返Lancer(库丘林) Master:言峰绮礼 宝具 刺穿死棘之枪(Gae Bolg) 从左到右:...

1. 帮忙写一篇英语作文,写体育招聘的,50字左右,谢谢 EnglandisanationinnorthwestEuropeandthelargestandmostpopulousconstituentcountryoftheUnitedKingdomofGreat...A fifty or sixty hour week is not unmon with no additional financial pensation. In addition, many teachers purchase items for their students ...

此表制作于1886年,原为沙特阿拉伯的哈里德国王(Kingalid)所订购,但在制造期间哈里德国王撒手人寰。1986年此表制成后,被一位不知名的买家用美金350万元买...1796年 首创行李钟及“souscription”钟。 1866年 “音叉时计”获得专利权。 1798年 获得第一个力司行轮的专利权。 1926年 跳时显示,无时针旋转表面取...

(1)派生名词:①动词+er\/or②动词+ing③动词+(t)ion④形容词+ness⑤其他,如: inventor,learner,swimming,congratulation,kindness,carelessness,knowledge (...如:Theteacherandhissonarepickingapplesnow.(老师和他的儿子在摘苹果)\/Fishandchipsisveryfamousfood.(鱼和薯条是一种出名的食品) 8、therebe句型中be的...

...this 2.、transportation what nearby is king of public a_百度知 ...
1 How safe is this area?2. what is a nearby king of public transportation?3. when is the swimming pool open?4. why do you like living here?5. how many people are there in the community?6. what a quiet community it is!7. what tall buildings are they making!8. how ...

resulting in the loss of most of the territory gained in the wake of World War I. This caused the popularity of Romania's government to plummet. World War II gave cause to the rise of a military dictatorship in Romania under far-right Marshal Ion Antonescu, who chose to fight...

电影有三集 The Fellowship of The Ring 《魔戒再现》The Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers 《双塔奇兵》The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 《王者归来》书有除了上述三部外还有前传和外传霍比特人(the Hobbit)和魔戒起源:精灵宝钻(the Silmarilion)...

请问有哪些英语单词后缀? 像:ly,ion,ful,ble. 还有哪些?
19.-ion,-sion,-tion加在动词后面 selection(选择),correction(修改),intention(打 算),recognition...freedom(自由),martyrdom(殉难),kingdom(王国) ,wisdom(智慧) 22.-ful加在容器后面,表示某容器的...diagram(图表,图解),program(计划),telegram(电 文,电报) 29.-ship加在名词后面,表示状态、抽象...

情侣id浪漫到极致英文如下:1、white黑\/black白;2、Foolish憨憨\/Dare to敢敢;3、version谨守\/coution谨护 ;4、King国王\/女王Queen;5、South bay南湾\/North harbor北巷;6、islands岛屿\/seacoast海岸;7、Gentle暮冬\/初晴Moment;8、White Shirts白衬衫\/Floral Dress 碎花裙;9、Little luck小幸运\/More...


鱼看15790497491问: 狮子王概括英文版简单 -
容城县丽珠回答: A young lion prince is born in Africa, thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plots with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself King. The King is killed and Simba is led to believe by Scar that it ...

鱼看15790497491问: 求the lion king英文介绍 -
容城县丽珠回答:[答案] 简单介绍: The Lion King is a 1994 American animated musical drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation. It is the 32nd animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. The story takes place in a kingdom of ...

鱼看15790497491问: <狮子王3> 英文字幕版(用迅雷下载的··) -
容城县丽珠回答: 1.狮子王3.2004.中英字幕£CMCT牛仔.torrent 创建时间 : 2011-09-27 / 文件大小 : 2.05GB / 文件数:9 / 速度 : 极快 / 人气 : 139 [狮子王3].The.Lion.King.3.2004.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-CMCT.mkv2.05GB2.狮子王3.torrent 创建时间 : 2011-12-11 / 文件大小 : 659.76MB / 文件数:1 / 速度 : 一般 / 人气 : 1

鱼看15790497491问: 求狮子王1电影英语原版双语字幕谢谢,在线等 -
容城县丽珠回答: 你上去看看,试试吧 www.wwenglish.com旺旺英语网站 www.putclub.com普特英语也有 但不只到有没有狮子王 还有阿甘等十几部电影的mp3呢 小得可以 这几个网站都不错 去这个网址__...

鱼看15790497491问: 英语电影《lion king》读后感100字 -
容城县丽珠回答: 您好: Friendship, Courage and Peseverance Simba, the prince of the animals' kingdom, whose life was not always happy. Simba's uncle, carried out an evil plan.To save his dear son, the old lion king died. And Simba, with his uncle taking his ...

鱼看15790497491问: 请推荐适合初中生看的英文电影 -
容城县丽珠回答: Enchanted(魔法情缘) Sound of music(音乐之声) The Lion King(狮子王) The adventure of Tom Saywer(汤姆索亚历险记)

鱼看15790497491问: 谁有狮子王的英文的电影梗概
容城县丽珠回答: There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life . Unluckily.his father was killed one day .He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot. He lost the touch with his family...

鱼看15790497491问: 有没有比较适合中学生的电影(英语版) -
容城县丽珠回答: 战争西线无战事 All Quiet on the Western Front(1930)(美国)奥斯卡授奖以来第一部具有强烈思想性的作品电影史上“最伟大的反战电影”之一揭示了惨绝人寰的战争实况,击溃了所谓的“爱国”迷梦星球大战 Star Wars (1977)(美国)20世...

鱼看15790497491问: 谁有狮子王的完整英文剧本 -
容城县丽珠回答: 狮子王的完整英文剧本,PDF格式:

鱼看15790497491问: 求个英语电影剧本,要那种全英文台词的.短点的,谢谢了.老师让背呢、、、 -
容城县丽珠回答: 《lion king》、《forrest gump》、《蓝莓之夜》这三个电影你可以去看看,里面有很多经典桥段.~当然,我个人最喜欢【傲慢与偏见】05版电影里的……1、达西第一次向伊丽莎白求婚 【达西;】in vain l have struggled and l can bear it no ...

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