
作者&投稿:宠磊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(3)在非重读音节中一般读做:①[ə],例如:upon suppose suggest②[ju],例如:communist occupation③在字母l、r、j之后读[u],例如:instrument④在词尾的-ute,-ude中u读[ju:],例如:institute attitude但是在minute[ˈmɪnɪt]中U读[ɪ](4)与其他字母组合的读...

title[’taitl] Bible[’baibl] rifle[raifl](3)在-igh,-ight,-ign,-ild,-ind中,i读[ai]。例如: bright E’brait] high[hai] child[tSaild]但是也有例外,例如:children[’tJ’ildrEn] wind[wind](4)在词尾-ile,-ite,-ise,-ize,-wise里,i读[ai]。例如...

every bride had to cry at thewedding. 36 , the bride’s neighbors wouldlook down upon 37 as a poorlycultivated girl and she would become the laughingstock of the village. Infact,

歌词i know traffic and spuer hero 大概是有这么一句。我忘了名字...

(3)在-igh,-ight,-ign,-ild,-ind中,i读[aɪ]。例如:bright [ˈbraɪt], high[haɪ],child[tʃaɪld]。但是也有例外,例如:children[ˈtʃɪldrən], wɪnd[wɪnd]。(4)在词尾-ile,-ite,-ise,-ize,-...

万迫15024302924问: throw light upon用英语怎么解释英语英语英语解释,英语的,不要中文的中文意思是:阐明某事,使某事显得非常清楚 -
沁水县艾素回答:[答案] to make something clear to explain a fact to make someone understand something unclear

万迫15024302924问: on 与 upon 的区别? -
沁水县艾素回答: Upon和on 一般可通用, 但有以下区别: (一)表示在某一日子或日期时一般只用on, 不用upon (二)在某些约定俗成的表达中, upon和on 不能互相替换, 如: once upon a time, on no account (三)在句末或分句末的动词不定式后往往用 upon, 不用 on, 如: a duty to defend upon.(四)on比upon通俗,upon比较正规.

万迫15024302924问: 圣经中的一句英语,And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth这句话,为什麽不直接说成:And let them be lights in ... -
沁水县艾素回答:[答案] 因为be for这个用法有表示成为的意思,也就是表达一种将要怎么怎么样的意思. 意思是:让他们成为天穹里的发光体,从而普照大地.

万迫15024302924问: shed light在句中是什么意思?
沁水县艾素回答: 为…提供线索; 对…透露情况; 使…清楚地显出; 阐明… 例如: These Clausewtzian commonplaces will shed light on the grotesque fiasco at Leyte Gulf. 克劳塞维茨这几句平易浅显的话,可以说明莱特湾那一次近似荒唐的失败原因.

万迫15024302924问: cast light on/upon 例句
沁水县艾素回答: Can anybody cast light upon how this chair got broken? 谁能查清楚这把椅子坏掉的原因呢? When her statement was read a very cleat light was cast upon the situation. 她的声明宣读后,情况便显得非常清楚了

万迫15024302924问: 在英语中upon总是等于on吗? -
沁水县艾素回答: upon和on辨析用于表示空间关系,on 和 upon 经常可以互换: It was resting on/upon two supports. 它基于两点证明. She took it on/upon herself to finish the project. 她独立完成了项目. We saw a finch light on/upon a bough. 我们看到树枝上停着...

万迫15024302924问: 英语中“upon”怎么造句?kuai -
沁水县艾素回答: I really look down upon you.我的瞧不起你 I want to throw light upon the question.我想阐明这个问题 Once upon a time,he was rich.曾经他很富有 Winter is upon us.冬天要来了如果满意请采纳!^_^

万迫15024302924问: Once Upon a Light提示未授权解决方法
沁水县艾素回答: Once Upon a Light提示未授权原因有多种,大家可以根据下面可能出现的情况逐步排查.1、请将手机连接WIFI、3G网络,也有少数游戏需要断开网络才能运行.2、请确保您的设备安装了电子市场,并已经成功登陆.3、进入手机设置→账户同...

万迫15024302924问: 在英语中upon总是等于on吗?有时候在英语词组中,可以看到介词upon等于on的情况.那么是不是在任何情况下upon都等于on呢? -
沁水县艾素回答:[答案] upon和on辨析用于表示空间关系,on 和 upon 经常可以互换:It was resting on/upon two supports.它基于两点证明.She took it on/upon herself to finish the project.她独立完成了项目.We saw a finch light on/upon...

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