
作者&投稿:运奔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(used to show a special grammatical relationship 用以表示某种语法关系) (a) (introducing the object of the action expressed by the preceding n 引入前一名词所示行为的客体): a lover of (ie sb who loves) classical music 爱好古典音乐的人 * fear of the dark 怕黑 * any hope of being elected ...

advvadverb(s)(副)副词 adv partadverbial particle(副接)副词接语 aux auxiliary(助)助动词 cn countable noun(可数)可数名词 conj conjunction(连)连接 def art definite article(定冠)定冠词 egfor example(例如)例如 esp especially(尤指)尤指 etc and the others(等)等等 ie which is to say(意即...

In fact everything he does is opposite to what is considered normal behaviour.事实上,他的一切作为都和人们所认为的正常举动大相径庭。(强调对立)你如果说 Sb is oppisite to sb 就是指他俩的位置,不能指别的。如果 非要用oppsite说这句话的话 oppsite of 我比较倾向这个,这里oppsite ...

ID印度尼西亚Indonesia IE爱尔兰Ireland IL以色列Israel IN印度India IQ伊拉克Iraq IR伊朗Iran IS冰岛Iceland

hear of sb.\/sth的中文意思
hear sb do(doing)sth 的相关例句 1. Dragoon sb. into doing sth. (用严酷手段)强迫某人(做某事 )来自互联网 2. Assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人[做某事 ]来自互联网 3. He's up to no good , ie doing sth bad. 他现在没干好事.来自辞典例句 4. Go beyond one's duty in ...

1、be able to do能够做 2、be about to do正要做 3、be afraid of害怕 4、go against反对 5、agree on达成一致 6、agree to do同意做 7、be angry with对……生气 8、be anxious about对……担心 9、apply for申请 10、take up arms拿起武器 11、arrive in\/at a place达到某地 12、...

* To my shame, I forgot (ie I am ashamed that I forgot) his birthday. 我把他的生日忘了, 真不好意思. (used after vs of perception, eg seem, appear, feel, look, smell 用於表示感觉的动词之后, 如seem、 appear、 feel、 look、 smell等动词) in the opinion of (sb); according to 按...

ie easy\/difficult to reach. 到那个村子的路很容易[很难]走.~ (to sth\/sb) opportunity or right to use sth or approach sb (使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利:get access to classified information 得到接触秘密情报的机会 *Students must have access to a good library. 学生要有使用好图书...

④直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为"tell(ask, order, beg等) sb (not) to do sth."句型。如: "Don’t make any noise," she said to the children. →She told (ordered) the children not to make any noise. "Bring me a cup of tea, please," said she.→She asked him to bring her...

开发票实为开具发票的简称,英语为Issue an invoice.顺便跟题主唠唠把发票翻译成英文的事情咯。提起“发票”,大家并不陌生,中国的发票存在于各种场景,比如说咱吃个饭、打个车或帮公家采购了什么东西之后,就可以从商家那里获取一个凭证,也就是发票,上面会有消费总体费用,以及费用性质,比如餐饮、...

齐屈18997752377问: lie位于的用法和区别? -
文安县更昔回答: lie “位于” 和三个不同介词to,on,in搭配的时候不同用法 1、lie in ... 在...范围内 China lies in Asia. 中国位于亚洲内. 2、lie to ... 不接壤,不在一个范围内 Japan lies to the northeast of China. 日本位于中国的东北方向. 3、lie on ... 接壤, North ...

齐屈18997752377问: lie to sb是什么意思? -
文安县更昔回答: 对某人撒谎 lie当然还有“躺下”的意思,要用"lie down"

齐屈18997752377问: 求助英语大神,lie to sb that+从句,是一个什么样的结构?是什么从句啊?lie 做 -
文安县更昔回答: lie可以是及物动词也可以是不及物动词.本短语中的lie是及物动词that从句是宾语从句作lie的宾语.to me可以看作方式状语.本短语的意思是:对某人撒谎说....

齐屈18997752377问: lie的用法lie在表示说谎时是不及物动词么?sb lie to sb that ..此句型带双宾语是及物动词么?也就是lie在表说谎时即是及物动词又是不及物么? -
文安县更昔回答:[答案] 表示说谎的时候为不及物lie vi.1.撒谎He lied about his age.他在年龄上撒了谎.2.造成错觉,欺骗That clock must be lying; it isn't noon yet.那钟一定不可靠;现在还不到中午.vt.1.用欺骗致使He lied himself out of...

齐屈18997752377问: lie on sb lie in sb 区别 -
文安县更昔回答: 1. lie on sb落在...肩上,是...的责任义务:It lies on him to study. 取决于,依赖于,随...而定:The success of our team lies on you. 压迫,使...烦恼:The failure lies on him.2.lie in 在于,睡懒觉, lie in sb 在于sb:The mistake lies in you.表示原因的.希望能帮到你

齐屈18997752377问: 仁爱英语七年级下册第七单元短语整理 -
文安县更昔回答:[答案] Unit7Topic 1 next / last Saturday 下星期六/ 上星期六 be fun/interesting 有趣 plan to do sth.计划做某事 want to do sth.想要做某事 have a birthday party开一次生日晚会 Would you like sth.你想要…… Would you like to do sth.你想要做某事 You bet./ Of ...

齐屈18997752377问: The factory lies -- northeast of the city.Aon Bto C inD\,答案是D不填,为什么? 谢谢 -
文安县更昔回答: 一,先说说lie的用法:lie表方位“位于…”常与介词搭配,常是介词+the+方向. 1、lie to表两地相隔一定距离,如: Shanghai lies to the south of Beijing. 2、lie in前者位于后者范围之内,如: Guangzhou lies in the south of China. 3、lie on前后...

齐屈18997752377问: lie+adj /doing/done -
文安县更昔回答: lie是状态动词,常用作系动词表示“处于…水平状态”,其表语可以是形容词或形容词化的现在分词及过去分词.如:He lay sick in bed. 他卧病在床.(他处于生病的状态) The Bible always lies open on the desk. 那本圣经总是展开放在桌子...

齐屈18997752377问: 对某人撒谎可以用 lie to sb吗? -
文安县更昔回答: lie to sb 对某人撒谎欺骗某人. tell a lie 撒谎. 求采纳为满意回答.

齐屈18997752377问: tell a lie for和tell a lie to的区别 -
文安县更昔回答: tell a lie for 和tell a lie to都可以接sb. 但是两个的意义会不同. 如果用tell a lie for sb.那意义就是“为某人说谎” 而用tell a lie to sb. 就是“向某人说谎”了哦.

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