
作者&投稿:错婉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

lioness n 母狮; leopardess n 母豹 扩展资料 A lioness guarded her cubs. 一头母狮守护着幼狮。 It's the lioness's job to do the hunting. 狩猎的工作不是由狮子来负责的吗? The lioness is a better hunter than the male, more fierce and more active. 母狮是比公狮更好的猎手更凶猛也更活跃。

They cannot do the impossible any more than we can.他们和我们同样不能做不可能的事情。He is no more diligent than I am.他和我同样不勤奋 no less than和not 1ess than no less than的意思是"不亚于",not less than的意思是"不少于"。试比较:There were no less than a thousand p...

she is tallest than me. 这句话有错吗?
错了,比较级,应该是she is taller than me

感恩的心 背后的故事 英语翻译 急 !拜托
This is a moving song in sign language, not so much the song's lyrics and melodies Qiwan moving than the song of a more connotations of the origin and tear, ahead of people excited. Aphasia born a girl in her father very early age died. She and her mother Xiangyiweiming. Mother every...

1、The film was——( l填ess) funny than the book.2、Excuse me,coul...
1.than是比较级的标志,funny的比较级为less funny\/ more funny 2.宾语从句须为陈述句,不用问句。3.I'm afraid so.为不很确定的婉转回答。“恐怕如此”

It is ildeness which is often worse than lack of wages.
不应该用which 应该用that 这是强调句式,it is ...that 判断强调句式就是将it is ..that 去掉句子成分依然完整,这句话就是强调句式,空闲比低工资更糟糕。

ess发动机是什么意思 豪爵官方表示这款发动机的“ESS”字母分别代表了Economical(省油)、Sensitive(灵敏)、Silent(宁静),所以这款发动机的优点就是燃油经济性好、油门响应灵敏以及发动机运行状态噪音小,是一款比较注重经济性、操控性以及舒适性的发动机。除此之外,这款发动机还采用了智能电喷系统、高效...

法术: I am stronger than ever before! 我比以前……更强大了! 狂暴: No more hesitation! Your fates are written! 别再犹豫了!你们的命运就是如此! 死亡: Kil'jaeden... will... prevail... 基尔加丹……会……胜利……的…… (战胜后的卡雷苟斯台词)Madrigosa deserved...

1. we help others to show our love and care我们帮助其他人以显示我们的爱和关心。 2.we feel good when we are showing kindess to others我们感觉很好,当我们对其他人很好(仁慈)的时候。 3.it is pleasent for me to help anyone who needs help我很乐意帮助每个需要帮助的人。 4.the...

2道SAT真题语法题 !!(拜托高人指点,看了此问题其他的回答都木有讲清楚啊...
(1) 若than 所连接的两个待比较的句子有相同成分,通常会有所省略,如说He is much taller than I (am). 而不能说He is much taller than I am tall. 但是,若所连接的两个待比较的句子没有相同成分,则不能省略,否则意思会有所变化。比较:He swims faster than I. 他游泳比我(游泳)...

武袁19530502445问: less+形容词原型+than 造句 -
扶沟县痔血回答:[答案] 答案是:this question is less difficult than that one ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

武袁19530502445问: 如何用less than造句 -
扶沟县痔血回答: i am selling it nothing less than 1 million.

武袁19530502445问: less+形容词原级+than… 例句 -
扶沟县痔血回答: 答案是:this question is less difficult than that one ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

武袁19530502445问: less+形容词原型+than 造句 -
扶沟县痔血回答: She is less beautiful than you.

武袁19530502445问: less+原级+than例句及翻译 -
扶沟县痔血回答: 1 Buses make less pollution than cars. 公共汽车比小汽车污染要少. 2 This question is less difficult than that one 这个问题比那个问题少些难度你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你

武袁19530502445问: 谁能讲讲less than 的用法 -
扶沟县痔血回答: 表示甲方不及乙方时,用句型"甲+谓语动词+less+原级+than+乙." 举个例子: Wei fang writes less carefully than Li Lei.魏芳不如李雷写得认真.

武袁19530502445问: less造句 -
扶沟县痔血回答:[答案] less 形容词 a.(little的比较级) 1.较小的,较少的[+than] He has less strength than I. 他力气比我小. 副词 ad.(little的比较级) 1.较小地,较少地;不如[+than] Thunderstorms are much less common in Ireland than in England. 爱尔兰的雷雨远较英格兰为少. ...

武袁19530502445问: 学生们与其说把他看成老师,不如说把他当做朋友. 用 less ……than 造句 -
扶沟县痔血回答: Students regard him as less a teacher than a friend.

武袁19530502445问: less后接什么? -
扶沟县痔血回答:[答案] less 1.较小的,较少的[+than] He has less strength than I. 他力气比我小. 1.较小地,较少地;不如[+than] Thunderstorms are much less common in Ireland than in England. 爱尔兰的雷雨远较英格兰为少.

武袁19530502445问: 请用“less than ”造句 -
扶沟县痔血回答: This new computer cost him less than 4,000 yuan.

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