
作者&投稿:蓝背 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“当你的尊严和利益遭到侵犯时” 英语怎么说?
Dignity and rights violated,You ought to know how to stand up for yourself and fight in your own defense.Especially as the multitude fear the strong and tease the weak,In confront,once you let them take you as inferior o feeble worse treatments you're guaranteed to have....

The internet is inhospitable to that kind of quietness. If your browser were to happen on such a page, your eyes would likely go blank with ...There is a greater tolerance online for sloppy and inexact writing—not merely for typos but for a generalized kludginess of thought, especially ...

②比较级+than+比较对象(1ess+原级+比较对象) ③比较级+and+比较级或more and more+原级 ④the+比较级…,the+比较级… ⑤the +最高级(+单数名词)+of\/among+复数名词或in+单数名词 ⑥be one of\/ among+ the+最高级+复数名词 ⑦the last+原级(+单数名词)+of\/ among+复数名词或in+单数名词 使用比较...

时间走过的过程,是伴随着高兴和泪水的! In the course of time ,it’s full of merriness and tears 上天让你重新获得了改正的机会, Being offered an opportunity to start anew 失去的都回来了, All that was lost came back 而已经取得的, whilst what was gained 也消失了…… disa...

The Skin Width is one of the most critical properties to get right when tuning your Character Controller. If your character gets stuck it is most likely because your Skin Width is too small. The Skin Width will let objects slightly penetrate the Controller but it removes jitter and...

shinning the hazy redness in the distance. the most unforgetable dream is about seeing the sunrise on a purple mountain. the mountain must not be purple, it's just the greeness reflecting the rising sun. And it forms the special scenary of the mountain in the dream.翻完真有一...

1.send 寄,送,派遣,打发 cause sb. to go or sth. to be taken without going oneself ( send –sent –sent )1)加双宾语 send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.send me a card = send a card to me 寄给我一张明信片 eg. I sent my mother a present on Mothers ’Day = I ...


跪求!!! spanish food 英语作文 在线等答!!!
Spanish catering business is likely richly colorful. There is the high grade diet raw material, the ancient tradition, folk cooking art adds it to have the high-level occupation to cook master, causes this country cooking the prestige in the European row for first. Said briefly ...

塞缪尔 巴特勒
grandfather, also called Samuel, was Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry -- and a career in the church looked a likely prospect for the young ...He wrote a popular translation of The Iliad in 1898, another of The Odyssey in 1900, and before that a book called The Authoress of the ...

玉言13294533943问: be less likely to do sth是什么意思 -
绥棱县亿希回答: be less likely to do sth 不可能做某事

玉言13294533943问: are less likely to be satisfied with their life 该怎么翻译 -
绥棱县亿希回答: A:更加不满的话,应该是are likely to be less satisfied with their life. 比较级修饰的是就近的词,所以应该修饰的是likely,选B

玉言13294533943问: be less likely to do 什么意思
绥棱县亿希回答: 不太可能去做某事

玉言13294533943问: 英语翻译Men are less likely to seek directions from others for they are sensitive to status. -
绥棱县亿希回答:[答案] 因为对自身身份敏感,男人是不太可能寻求别人的指点的. 也就是觉得寻求别人帮助的话姿态太低了,抬不起头之类的

玉言13294533943问: 求 it's likely to / lt's less likely 的例句.越多越好谢谢O(∩ - ∩)O~ -
绥棱县亿希回答: it's likely to (可能) It's not likely to rain today.今天可能不会下雨.It's likely to be cold tonight.今天晚上可能会变冷.lt's less likely to(不太可能/最不可能) It's less likely to rain today.今天没多大可能会下雨 It is less likely to have breakfast in home 在家吃晚餐的可能性很小.

玉言13294533943问: you will also be less tired and less likely to set your -
绥棱县亿希回答: 1、首先确定句尾的 leaving it attended 是分词短语,分词短语可以作时间(在...的时候)、原因(由于...)、条件(如果...)、方式(以...的方式)、伴随(一边...【一边】)以及起补充说明(也就是说...)作用的状语.根据题意,上文系动词 be ...

玉言13294533943问: 急急急!!英语翻译!!求高手帮忙!!
绥棱县亿希回答: 用右手从左边拔出刀将不太可能被裙子绊倒

玉言13294533943问: less likely是什么意思 -
绥棱县亿希回答: less likely 全部释义和例句>> 不太可能 Plants that are growing vigorously are less likely to be vulnerable to disease.生命力强的植物不容易得病.

玉言13294533943问: The elderly who live alone are - -------to provide hot, nutritious meals for themselves. -
绥棱县亿希回答: less likely通常是用于比较例: Reseach has shown that cheerful people are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.有研究显示心境开朗的人士罹患心血管疾病的比率较低Unlikely例: She has a meeting at 9. It's unlikely that she'll make it on time.她9点要开会议,不大可能会准时到来

玉言13294533943问: 帮忙分析一下这句英语句子的结构. That is far less likely to happen if Congress a -
绥棱县亿希回答: 现在分词做非谓语,起“解释,说明”的作用,在这里是解释rules的具体要求!

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