
作者&投稿:云枯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

earned是earn的过去分词和过去式. earn:v.挣得;赚得;挣钱; 扩展资料 He earned a reputation as an expert on tax law.他赢得了税法专家的.美名。Bob's one aim in life is to earn a lot of money.鲍勃唯一的人生目标就是挣很多的钱。It has taken years to earn their trust....

1. One generation ago, young individuals yearned to pursue careers as lawyers and doctors.2. In the past, teenagers dreamed of becoming lawyers and doctors.

Life for ancient people's earned to center on…划分句子成分,谓语...
如果这个句子没有写完的话,那么这里的谓语动词就是earned了。亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!Mr Gao

yearned to be 都有什么意思?
yearned to be 盼望能 She yearned to be free of that.她盼望能摆脱它。The ship moved ever so slowly, while homesickness welled up in everyone's heart and yearned for release. Then suddenly from heaven knows where appeared two sets of mahjong, the Chinese national pastime, said ...

以“l iearned to be strong”为题写一遍英语作文
Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced diet. So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat\/which is rich in sugar and fat. Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make...

how could i tell you歌词
As the sky turned grey, I sensed a shift in my emotions, with a myriad of thoughts swirling within me. I yearned to express myself, yet hesitated to make a sound. Lost in memories, I played a mental game, questioning the essence of our connection - were we truly compatible...

Accept that this is your starting point.Instead of placing judgements on it,see the real,positive value that’s already yours.You cannot change where your past priorities* and choices have brought you.Yet you can make use of the wisdom you’ve earned to create a future that fulfils your ...

earn [E:n]vt.赚, 挣得, 获得 v.赚得, 获得 earn earn 1 AHD:[ûrn]D.J.[*8n]K.K.[)n]v.tr.(及物动词)earned, earn.ing, earns To gain especially for the performance of service, labor, or work:赚得:挣得,尤指因某种服务、劳动或工作而获得的:earned money by ...

to swim是暗喻 have good ear for music是借代 he earned his bread as a dust man是提喻 a.借喻(metonymy)即为借代、转喻或换喻,本体和喻体联系紧密,但表面并不相似,有如下种类:1.以抽象代详细,如heart and head代情感与理智(所以提喻实在是借代也便是借喻的一种;2以特殊自己、地点、事物...

rn]v. 渴望;想念;盼望;同情。He yearned to return to his native land.他渴望回到故乡。He yearned for a sight of the old, familiar faces.他渴望一见那些熟悉的老面孔。The child yearns much toward his friends.那小孩很想念他的朋友。They yearned for his return.他们盼望着他回来。

范妍17596553500问: 用learned to do造句 -
陈仓区依托回答:[答案] 答案是:learne to do sth 意思是学会做某事,we learned to sing English song last week

范妍17596553500问: 用learned to do造句 -
陈仓区依托回答: 答案是:learne to do sth 意思是学会做某事,we learned to sing English song last week ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

范妍17596553500问: learn后面加动词什么形式 -
陈仓区依托回答: learn后面加动词的ing或+to+动词原形. 一、常见句型: 1、S+~+to- v 例:I advise you to learn to swim. 我劝你学习游泳. 2、S+~+ v -ing 例:He learned swimming in his childhood. 他在童年时学会了游泳. 二、learn 英 [lɜːn] 美 [lɜːrn]...

范妍17596553500问: It is important________ - English. -
陈仓区依托回答:[选项] A. learning B. to learn C. having learned D. to have learned to learn 我想问下为什么不能用A.learning作主语?

范妍17596553500问: 用learn to do sth造两个句子 -
陈仓区依托回答:[答案] I learned to speak English when i was 10 years old. She has learned to dance for 5 years.

范妍17596553500问: 用learn to do sth造两个句子 -
陈仓区依托回答: I learned to speak English when i was 10 years old. She has learned to dance for 5 years.

范妍17596553500问: 7.learn to do 还是learn doing -
陈仓区依托回答: 前者

范妍17596553500问: 用learn to do sth造两个句子
陈仓区依托回答: He learned to ride a bike at the age of ten. 他十岁的时候学习骑自行车. He began to learn to write when he was very young. 他从很小的时候就开始学写字. Let's learn from those great scientists. 让我们向那些伟大的科学家学习. We should learn from each other. 我们应该互相学习.

范妍17596553500问: 我从来没学过跳舞用英文怎么说? -
陈仓区依托回答: learn的过去式可以试learnt和learned.完成时的构成就是have+动词的过去分词,跟事情有没有发生过没关系.I'v never learned to dance.learn doing 和learn to do的区别 一般来说前者强调的是一种尝试着、学着去做的意思,后者强调学习做某事.具体是用learn doing 还是learn to do可以结合前后的意思选择,这里如果是学跳舞的话建议to do比较合适.

范妍17596553500问: 同志们,我知道learn后面+to+V原,但是可不可以learn+doing ??(doing作动名词用) -
陈仓区依托回答: 可以:learn to do是去学什么(还没学) learn doing是学会了某事 如题:Having learned ___skillfully,she went on learning _____.A.to skate swimming B.skating swimming C.to skate to swim D.skating to swim(选D)

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