
作者&投稿:众菲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

赚, 挣得, 获得 v.赚得, 获得 earn earn 1 AHD:[ûrn]D.J.[*8n]K.K.[)n]v.tr.(及物动词)earned, earn.ing, earns To gain especially for the performance of service, labor, or work:赚得:挣得,尤指因某种服务、劳动或工作而获得的:earned money by mowing lawns.靠...

earn的意思是:vt. 赚,赚得;获得,挣得;使得到;博得,词组如下:earn money 赚钱 earn a living 谋生;活命 earn interest 赚取利息 earn的读音是:英 [ɜːn] 美 [ɝn]用法示例:1、They all have some teammembers who earn more based on the roles they play or th...


过去式,过去分词earned earned。不规则动词,英语动词按其过去式和过去分词的构成方式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。规则动词的过去式和过去分词由词尾加-ed构成,结尾是e时,只加d,结尾是y时,将y改为ied。而不规则动词的变化因词而异。英语单词中由动词原形转变为过去式和过去分词时不按词尾加“-ed...

英 ['edɪt] 美 ['ɛdɪt]vt. 编辑;校订 n. 编辑工作 例:This collection of essays is edited by Ellen Knight.这本散文集是由埃伦·奈特编选的。例:He edits the literary journal, Murmur.他编辑了《私语》这本文学杂志。4、snow 英 [snəʊ] ...

each, earl, earn, earth怎么读
3、earn 英[ɜ:n] 美[ɜ:rn]【释义】1、vt. 赢得; 获得; 赚得; 博得;2、vt. 获得; 挣得; 赚,赚得; 使得到;【例句】We buy everything abroad with the money earned from oil imports.我们用进口石油赚到的钱从国外购买一切商品。4、ears 【释义】n. 耳朵;...

enticed by discarded remnants of burgers, pizzas and crisps. "The rat population is on the rise and soon it'll be as common to see a rodent on our street as it is to see a dog or a cat," said group Director, Sue Nelson. The practice of dumping fast food litter and ...

Work-Study ProgramThe Work-Study Program gives you the chance to...
小题1:C小题1:D小题1:A 略


No bread eaten by man is so sweet as---earnde by hia own labor_百 ...
A 在as后面,即引导宾语从句,在从句中做earn的宾语,名词性从句中的名词性成分,只能有what引导 没有任何一块面包比得上靠自己劳动赚来的面包甜美

靳宋15690787081问: learn by doing.这句话中by在这里是什么意思? -
阿勒泰市辰旺回答: by 是介词,后面一定要接名词或者动名词(动词+ing形式),加了名词或者动名词后就叫做介词短语,它在句子中常常充当后置定语修饰其前面的名词或者作状语修饰前面的动词.learn by doing 中的by doing 就是作状语,意思是:采取,依靠,通过.

靳宋15690787081问: "learn by doing"是什么意思? -
阿勒泰市辰旺回答: Learn by doing的中文意思是亲身体验;或者翻译为:学习源于实践:边做边学.Learn学习,by在……旁边,通过……的方式,doing正在做. 1. You can only learn by doing, " he says." 你只能从干中学. 2. Everything I have done in my life has been the "Learn by Doing" theory. 我这一生中做的事情都遵从'边做边学'的原则.

靳宋15690787081问: 是否同意亚里士多德we learn by doing的观点,为什么 -
阿勒泰市辰旺回答: 同意.于实践的过程中学习,因为实践是检验真理的唯一标准,只有你实践了你才可能知道自己所掌握的东西是否正确 ,才可能对事物有更深层的认识,望采纳

靳宋15690787081问: learn by doing什么意思 -
阿勒泰市辰旺回答: learn by doing 边干边学; 实践中学习; 例句 It's the kind of thing we can only learn by doing. 它是这样的事物,我们只能通过做才能学到.2.Some adults learn out of books, some learn by doing, some learnbest by listening. 有的成年人从书本中...

靳宋15690787081问: learning - by - doing是什么意思 -
阿勒泰市辰旺回答: learning-by-doing意思 边做边学 例句 1 Since 1960 the knowledge spillover, learning-by-doing, the human capital theory and the study of dynamics, provides the theoretical basis for the formation of the New Economic Growth Theory.1960年以来有...

靳宋15690787081问: learn by do还是doing -
阿勒泰市辰旺回答: doing 介词后面用动名词

靳宋15690787081问: learn by doing是什么意思 -
阿勒泰市辰旺回答: learn by doing 网络 做中学; 干中学; 边做边学; 从实践中学习; 边干边学; [例句]One reason I prefer to learn by doing is because I believe that experience is the best teacher. 我比较喜欢通过实践学习的其中一个理由是,我认为经验是人最好的老师.

靳宋15690787081问: learn by 与 learn through 的用法区别 -
阿勒泰市辰旺回答: 两者后面都接名词或名词性短语.但learn by后一般是短语,即learn by doing sth.而learn through既可以接doing sth.又可以直接接sth.(如book)

靳宋15690787081问: learn by doing.learn by using是什么谚语 -
阿勒泰市辰旺回答: learn by doing.learn by using指的谚语是:边干边学,在用中学.句子解释: learn 英[lɜ:n] 美[lɜ:rn] vt. 得知; 学习,学会; 习得; 记住; vt. 学习; 得知; 记住; 认识到; vi. 学习; 获知; [例句]Their children were going to learn English. 他...

靳宋15690787081问: learn by doing. 是什么意思? -
阿勒泰市辰旺回答: 在实践中学习

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