
作者&投稿:逯茂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

earn his living ,giared,spy on,limited,henefits,garlic,sighed,combi...
1.earn one's living 靠。。。为生 his parents died earlly, so he had to earn his living by selling nespaper.他的父母去世很早,因此他不得不靠卖报纸为生 2. glare 怒视,等着, glared是glare的过去式 she glared at me.她瞪着我 3. spy on 监视,窥探 Nixon used a slush fund...

bring in money 什么意思
是赚钱的意思。bring in是带来

急求[attend to] [earn a living] [grow out of] 这三个词组的英文用法...
1.For each point of focus, really attend to what you notice.在每一个关注点,专心于你所注意到的。Attend to me, children.孩子们,仔细听我讲。2.照料,照顾;料理;护理;看护;关怀 Mother attended to the baby while I went to the dance.我去跳舞时妈妈照管了婴儿。earn a living。

一、作名词解时,词义不同 1、experience基本意思是“经验”,指由实践得来的知识和技能,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。2、experiences基本意思是“经历,阅历”,指具体的经验,亲身见过、做过或遭受的事,是可数名词的复数形式。二、作动词解时,形态从属不同 experiences属于experience的第三人称单数,...

I earn 10 dollars ___ hour as ___ supermarket cashier on Saturday...
答案C 该题考查定冠词和不定冠词的区别和不定冠词在元音前的用法.在表示时间频度的有关短语中,一般用a或an代替every,元音音 素开头的单词前用an.这时a或an表示“每一”,相当于介词per的含义.例如:We have three meals a day.They have five English classes a week.cashier意为“出纳员”是...

1.To see is to believe.2.To work means to earn a living. 另一种情况为主语是以aim,duty,hope, idea,job, plan,problem, purpose,thing,wish等名词为中心的短语,或以what引导的名词性从句,不定式表语对主语起补充说明作用;例如: 1.His aim is to study abroad in the near future. 2.The most impo...

106. earn 用法:earn money; earn one’s living Note: 可以有双宾语,如:His success earned him a prize. 107. education 用法:常作不可数名词;加定冠词表示一种或一段教育。 Note: 常用higher或further修饰表示继续教育。 108. effect 用法:have an effect on; take effect Note: effect作动词时表示进行...

I was old enough to work and earn money...我已经长大了,可以工作赚钱了。Do you believe that sentences for criminals are tough enough at present?...你认为当前对罪犯的判决足够严厉吗?She graduated with high enough marks to apply for university.她的毕业成绩足以申请上大学。Enough is ...

earn one's living 谋生 either...or 或者……或者…… enjoy oneself 过得愉快 even if 即使,尽管 even though 即使,尽管 ever since 自那时起直到现在 F face to face 面对面 fall asleep 入睡 fall ill 患病,病倒 far away 遥远的 far from 远离 feel like doing 想要……, 感觉要…… figure out ...

I was old enough to work and earn money.我到了可以工作、挣钱的年龄了。说来奇怪,说起来有趣 例句:Strangely enough, the last thing he thought of was his beloved Tanya.说来也怪,他最后想到的才是他心爱的塔尼娅。例句:Her latest conquest is an Italian who, interestingly enough, ...

荆华13033075026问: 我想求得learn有几种用法?包括啥 -
林周县太可回答:[答案] v. 学习,获悉,记住,了解词形变化: 形容词:learnable 名词:learner 动词过去式:learned/learnt 过去分词:learned/learnt 现在分词:learning 第三人称单数:learns 例句与用法: 1. I'm trying to learn English. 我...

荆华13033075026问: learn的用法有哪些 -
林周县太可回答:[答案] 字典上有. vt. 1.学习;学会[+to-v][+v-ing][+wh-] He has learnt a new skill. 他学会了一项新技能. My brother is learning English ... 我们今天早晨得悉这一消息. 5.【幽】教训 vi. 1.学,学习[(+from)] Why don't you learn from my mistakes? 你为何不从我的...

荆华13033075026问: learn的用法,句型学习做某事…… -
林周县太可回答:[答案] learnsth.(学某事) learntodosth(学做某事) learnbyoneseif(自学)

荆华13033075026问: learn的用法,句型 -
林周县太可回答: learn sth.(学某事) learn to do sth(学做某事) learn by oneseif (自学)

荆华13033075026问: studay与learn的不同用法急需立刻马上! -
林周县太可回答:[答案] 1.learn为“学习,学会”,侧重学习的成果,指从不知到知,从不会到会的学习,强调通过学习去获得知识和技能,它没有凭勤奋努力而获得知识的意味.learn亦可指向某人学习,从某处学习及学习一门技能等. 如 learn music,learn new words,learn to...

荆华13033075026问: 单词learn的用法要主意些什么?其后跟动名词还是动词不定式? -
林周县太可回答:[答案] 其后跟动词不定式,其后动词不定式前常加how.I must learn to snatch at every chance to meet him.我必须学会抓住一切机会同他见面.A priest must learn to be tolerant and always suffer fools gladly.一个神父必...

荆华13033075026问: learn的用法 英语有learn to do 和learn doing 这两种用法么?有的书上说只有前者,有的说都可以.如果都可以, -
林周县太可回答:[答案] 两者都可以

荆华13033075026问: learn哪两种用法并造句? -
林周县太可回答: ~ (sth) (from sb/sth) 学;学习;学到;学会 I learned a lot from my father. 我从父亲那里学到了许多东西 ~ (of/about) 听到;得知;获悉 I learnt of her arrival from a close friend. 我从一位好友那里听说她到了. ~ (from sth)认识到;意识到;(从…)吸取教训 I'm sure she'll learn from her mistakes. 我肯定她会从错误中吸取教训.

荆华13033075026问: learn的用法 -
林周县太可回答: 1. 学习;学会[+to-v][+v-ing][+wh-]He has learnt a new skill.他学会了一项新技能.My brother is learning English now.我的弟弟正在学英语.2. 认识到[Y][+(that)]He has learned that dishonesty does not pay.他已经认识到不诚实是没有好报的.3. 记...

荆华13033075026问: 关于learn的用法learn的用法是learn to do sth,为什么书上还说learn how to do sth,不是应该为learn to how to do -
林周县太可回答:[答案] 字典上有.vt.1.学习;学会[+to-v][+v-ing][+wh-]He has learnt a new skill.他学会了一项新技能.My brother is learning English now.我的弟弟正在学英语.2.认识到[Y][+(that)]He has learned that dishonesty does n...

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