
作者&投稿:潮卞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

由动词(或短语动词)构成。 可以有不同的时态,语态和语气。 Westud'yforthepeo'ple.我们为人民学习。 2),复合谓语:情态动词+不定式 Icanspeakalit'tleEng'lish.我可以说一点英语。 3、表语 表语是谓语的一部分,它位于系动词如be之后,说明主语身份,特征,属性或状态。一般由名词,代词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词短...

u—-[ ∧ ] bun run fun sun gun pun shun bus us sum hut cut nut shut mum bug dug rug hug drug (药物)dub (配音) drub (跺脚) drum stub(树桩)stud (种马) hxub (冲头) rub scrub (用力擦洗)cherub (小天使)u— [ ∧] luck duck suck buck truck luck yuck butter mutter o— [ ∧]...

Firstly, growing up means more responsibilities. We should make a living by ourselves or we should support our parents when they can’t earn enough money to make a living. Secondly, after graduation, we need to work instead of accomplishing nothing. We should have a target and work for it,...

the advantages of having roommates always outweigh the disadvantages. Those who object to having roommates claim that several people living together gives rise to some unpleasantness because every person has his own way. They also argue that, ...

The best way to win respect from all the studets and teachers of the school is to work hard and got a high score .4.很难记住每个人的长相和名字 It is difficult to remember everyone’s looks and names 5.你们应当特别注意保持健康 You should pay special attention to keeping ...

我认为学习英语对于每个人而言都很重要 Firstly, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners and earn more money.首先,如果你能说英语,你能与外国人做生意,挣很多钱 Secondly, you can make more friends if you can speak English. That will bring you more happiness.其...

求四级英语作文Part-time Jobs for College Students
As for me, I think the main task of students is to studey hard and learn what is needed for the development of our society. Though students who have part-time jobs may relieve their parents' economic burdens, their early contact with society adds greatly to the worries of ...

(STUD)Holmes investigated close to a thousand cases by 1891 when he wassupposedly dispatched by Professor Moriarty (the most dangerous andformidable criminal mind Holmes would ever encounter) down the fallsof Reichenbach. (FINA)Resurrected in 1894, after a hiatus during which Holmes traveledthrough...

12. In some places women are expected to earn money ___ men work at home and raise their children. A. but B. while C. because D. though13. --- Can you show me Mr. Jaffer’s office, please? --- ___. But I don’t know if he is in at the moment. A. Thanks B. Go on...

Firstly, growing up means more responsibilities. We should make a living by ourselves or we should support our parents when they can’t earn enough money to make a living. Secondly, after graduation, we need to work instead of accomplishing nothing. We should have a target and ...

延具17160428767问: learn和study的区别 -
兴国县羟甲回答:[答案] learn与study用法区别 1. 这两个词均可表示“学习”,有时可互换.如: He is learning [studying] English. 他在学英语. 2. 两者在含义上的区别主要是: (1) learn 虽然可指学习的过程,但更侧重指学到的成果,因此常译为“学到”、“学会”;...

延具17160428767问: learn和study的用法和区别! -
兴国县羟甲回答:[答案] learn 是刚开始学的时候 study 是学到一定程度的时候,有研究的意思.I am learning english.我在学英语.(刚开始学) I am studying english.我在学英语.(以前学过了,但是现在是学复杂一点的英语,如高级听力等) 另外,le...

延具17160428767问: study与learnt的用法有什么不同! -
兴国县羟甲回答: learn与study的区别? 答:learn, study 1. learn为“学习,学会”,侧重学习的成果,指从不知到知,从不会到会的学习,强调通过学习去获得知识和技能,它没有凭勤奋努力而获得知识的意味.learn亦可指向某人学习,从某处学习及学习一门...

延具17160428767问: 请告诉我learn和study的不同用法? -
兴国县羟甲回答: study 指较深入、专门的学习 learn 指较广泛的学习 如study English 指比较系统、深入地学习英语,把英语当一门专业来学习 learn English 指较表面地学习英语,并不是当一门专业来学习

延具17160428767问: learn与study用法区别.(非专业人员勿进)一、 (1)learn sth.(2)Learn to do sth(3)Learn doing sth.(4)Learn +Ving1.以上每种情况各举一例.2.(2)、(3)的区别,请... -
兴国县羟甲回答:[答案] 你好!learn和study的区别见下: 【learn】用作及物动词 (1) 主语+learn+ n./pron. He studied hard and finally learned the lesson. 他努力学习,终于掌握了这一课. The child has learned quite a few Tang poems. 这孩子学会了很多首唐诗. (2) 主语+...

延具17160428767问: study,learn的词性和用法Thanks. -
兴国县羟甲回答:[答案] Study和Learn都可以表示"学习",但是用法不同.Study是指通过读书,研究和对某些科目进行深入而又系统的学习,有时含有"努力勤奋"的意思,Study还常指仔细观察,研究,设法做出结论或加以解决的意思,例如:Sunsan has been s...

延具17160428767问: study与learnt的用法有什么不同! -
兴国县羟甲回答:[答案] learn与study的区别? 答:learn, study 1. learn为“学习,学会”,侧重学习的成果,指从不知到知,从不会到会的学习,强调通过学习去获得知识和技能,它没有凭勤奋努力而获得知识的意味.learn亦可指向某人学习,从某处学习...

延具17160428767问: study和learn的区别与用法 -
兴国县羟甲回答: study强调的是动作,而learn强调的是状态!

延具17160428767问: 请教study和learn用法的区别,是study to do还是study doing?是learn to do还是learn doing? -
兴国县羟甲回答:[答案] learn to do sth.学习做某事 learn sth.学习某事(或某物) learn about sth.学习关于某事(或某物) study doing something 可以说已经付出了行动了 study to do something 只能说是有这个意愿,但还没有行动起来

延具17160428767问: 关于英语1.请问learn 和study 用法有什么不同.2.请问什么情况下句首用TO+V原,或用V - ing,或用V原,怎样区别它们? -
兴国县羟甲回答:[答案] 简单. LEARN 重在 学习技能; STUDY 重在 研究提高; 关于TO 和 ING 语法上有明显区别,实际口语使用中只要不造成误解,用错也不要紧.老外都明白的. TO通常表目的,ING使动词名词化.比如:STOP TO SMOKE 和STOP SMOKING 绝对不能搞...

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