
作者&投稿:戊潘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

梨的英文是:pear 读音:英 [peə],美 [pɛr]n. [园艺] 梨树;梨子 n. (Pear)人名;(英)皮尔 词组短语:balsam pear 苦瓜 pear tree 梨树 pear juice n. 梨汁 prickly pear 仙人掌,仙人球;霸王树(仙人掌的一种)双语例句:I took this apple for a pear until I tasted ...

2. 求一篇写苹果的英语作文,要初三的 Apple is my favourite food. As we all know ,apple is healthy food.It is delicious. And if you eat an apple every day, it will be good for your health. When I feel thirsty , eating an apple is a good choice. As the proverb says ...

正确如下:My friend's name is Linda. She likes eating apples, ice cream and milk. She likes playing soccer, tennis and basketball. Linda is a beautiful girl. She is a master of sports. Her favorite subjects are math, PE, art, music, Chinese , and Computer. She likes ...

每次开机都会显示“Loading Opeating System..."
用pe启动,运行WINIMAGE.exe。点选磁盘-编辑主引导记录属性-点选包括不可移动的硬盘,选择你的硬盘,然后重置,重启就可进SYSTEM了。如果SYSTEM 已装好.

1)你说说看,那个胖女人为什么这么快就逃出人群? 不知道,也许是“胖者生存吧” 注意:这里是the survival of the fittest:适者生存--这个俗语的巧妙变形。把fittest变成fattest来造成笑果。 2)老母鸡:我给你一个建议 小母鸡:什么建议? 老母鸡:要想保平安,一天一个蛋! 3) A...

...7会停止在Error Ioading opeating system这里,我现在是XP BOOT是设...

listened to his CD with me , then asked me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we were returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family was happy and harmonious!今天我过得非常开心!早上,...

我和我朋友的周末。英语单词:The weekend of my friend’s and mine.例如:The weekend of my friend’s and mine was very nice.

关于中秋节的来历你知道多少?下面就是我为大家整理的中秋节的来历英文介绍,仅供参考! 中秋节的来历英文...In the 14th century, the eating of mooncakes at Zhong Qiu Jie was given a new significance. ...worshippe the full moon拜满月的习俗 family reunion家庭团聚 \/ 圆 ; 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个...

A. eating chicken B. sitting by the pond C. living on a farm D. ducks and a little girl...B.a gentleman for money D.peope for much money 八年级上册英语阅读训练【4】 Mr. Lewis was

年宙18351486629问: 领军人物 英文怎么说十大领军人物 英语怎么说?谢谢! -
丰县肝毒回答:[答案] pace-setter; leading person; pioneer带头人,起主要作用的人,领军人,先驱(这几个都可以) top ten pace-setters或者top ten leading persons十大领军人 leader在这里不好,因为leader主要还是指领导,当官的

年宙18351486629问: Person怎么读? -
丰县肝毒回答: 读音:英 [ˈpɜːsn];美 [ˈpɜːrsn]字义: 1、n. 人;身体;容貌,外表;人称 2、n. (Person)人名;(法、俄、德)佩尔松;(瑞典)佩尔松;(英)珀森 短语: 1、Contact Person 联系人 ; 联络人 ; 联系人员 2、missing person失踪者 ...

年宙18351486629问: “领读” 用英语怎么说 -
丰县肝毒回答: 用作动词:to lead the reading 用作名词:person who leads the reading例如:他每天在晨读时都担任领读. He leads the reading in our morning reading session everyday.

年宙18351486629问: 英语作文《be a greener person !》90字 -
丰县肝毒回答: As we know China ,China has become the world's largest producer and user of coal.As a result ,air pollution has become a serious problem .We should do something useful to protect the environment. 1,The three Rs-reduce,reuse and recycle-are...

年宙18351486629问: “主角”英文怎么翻译 -
丰县肝毒回答: 主角 zhu jue 1.a leading role; a lead; a protagonist; a principal; a leading character 2.an important figure; an important person

年宙18351486629问: 爱因斯坦简单英语简介 -
丰县肝毒回答: 中英对照艾伯特·爱因斯坦于1879年3月14日在德国小城乌尔姆出生,他的父母都是犹太人.爱因斯坦有一个幸福的童年,他的父亲是位平静、温顺的好心人,爱好文学和数学.他的母亲个性较强,喜爱音...

年宙18351486629问: leading是什么意思
丰县肝毒回答: 正解: (1)leading 形容词 a. [B] 1.领导的;领路的;带领的 leading positions 领导职务 2.主要的;最重要的 the leading members of the committee 委员会的主要成员 3.(在电影、戏剧中)饰演主角的 名词 n. 1.领导;带领;引导[U] (2)leading 名词 n. [U] 1.铅覆盖物;铅覆盖 2.(总称)铅片,铅条

年宙18351486629问: "领军人物"如何翻译,急用!谢谢.如题 -
丰县肝毒回答:[答案] the leading character/person/member/player... 根据具体场景选择其中一个.

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