
作者&投稿:戈冰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一股顶头风在河中掀起了波浪。Wind began to pipe around the tall building.风在高层建筑四周呼啸起来。The kite grounded because the wind stopped.由于风停了,风筝摔落在地。The dry branch snapped in the wind.在大风中干树枝啪地一声折断了。A change of wind checked the fire.风向的转变阻...

a man is not made for defeated,a man can be distoryed,but not defeaded---老人与海 to be or not to be ,this is a question--- 哈姆莱特 Life is like a box of chocolate,you never know what you will go to get to me ,I'll never forget this !---阿甘正传 Tara!Home!...

a man is not made for defeated,a man can be distoryed,but not defeaded---老人与海 to be or not to be ,this is a question--- 哈姆莱特 Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will go to get to me ,I'll never forget this !---阿甘正传 Tara! Home!

no,not any 的用法上的区别?
6. Would sb. like to do sth, (该句子语法正确吗?)这句子没有错,是提问句。例:Would you like to come with me to the zoo?希望帮到了你。满意敬请采纳,谢谢。

Instead 和 Instead of 的区别
instead 可放句首或句末,后面不接成分 而instead of 必须接一个宾语,因为of是介词

A strong side wind caused the merchant ship to lie along.一股强劲的侧风使商船朝一边倾斜。The clouds are fleeting before wind.云在风前飞驰而过。The northwest wind will spring up this evening.今天傍晚将开始刮西北风。The deviation made by the wind could be straightened by the ...

for my breakfast .I have two eggs ,a bowl of rice with chickenfor my lunch. and I have noodles for my supper. sometimes I eat two oranges after supper.In the three meals ,I eat too much in lunch .I think it's very important.I think breakfast is important too....

4. 含有放荡不羁这几个字的句子 用放荡不羁造句 1.他喜欢这种放荡不羁的洒脱生活。 2.你过着如此放荡不羁的生活, 生活会变得没有意义和颓废。 3.青少年从小就要学会律己,放荡不羁的生活对身心都不健康。 4.在这紧要关头,他一改平时的放荡不羁,很正经地陈述着他的想法。 5.残酷的现实让她离家出走,过上了...

i cut the btead on the desk改成被动语态
1、was put(原来的句子里put是过去式,所以这里用was,否则原句中就要用puts了,因为the girl是第三人称)2、They write 3、well-known 4、who 5、was made to

gin”也是辅元辅,但是read后面“ead”就不是,他是元元辅,所以就不双写。2、 谓语是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”. 谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后。所以这里的谓语应该是“were not”而“would rather”是一个常用的虚拟语气句型 后面+从句 ...

仲缪13344511008问: lead to 怎么造句? -
省直辖行政单位尤卓回答:[答案] 1.(一个真理)Curiosity can lead us to learn more about the new .2.(一则谚语)All roads lead to Rome.3.(物种起源)Different habitats lead to various species.4.(一个忠告)Laziness leads to failure,which is ...

仲缪13344511008问: 用lead …to …造句 -
省直辖行政单位尤卓回答: hard working lead to success

仲缪13344511008问: lead to 怎么造句? -
省直辖行政单位尤卓回答: 1. (一个真理)Curiosity can lead us to learn more about the new .2. (一则谚语)All roads lead to Rome.3. (物种起源)Different habitats lead to various species.4. (一个忠告)Laziness leads to failure, which is known to us all.

仲缪13344511008问: 高三lead to造句 -
省直辖行政单位尤卓回答: 高三lead to造句 解答 可以造句如下:Politicians say it could lead to a dissolution of parliament.

仲缪13344511008问: 请告诉我lead to 的用法 -
省直辖行政单位尤卓回答: 你好~ lead to 的用法: lead to+ n./v-ing,意思是"导致...,通向...". 如:Hard work leads to success.Laziness leads to failing the exam. 加复合宾语的用法:lead sb to do sth "引导、带领、怂恿........某人做什么“, lead sb into doing sth表示的...

仲缪13344511008问: 用lead to造句
省直辖行政单位尤卓回答: 由于猪肉属于必需品,需求弹性比较小,因此提高价格,消费者,就是我们,要承担更多的钱,而销售量的减少只是一点点.政府这么做是为农民兄弟们考虑. 其次就是我国经济处于繁荣阶段,货币政策的弹性很大.扩张的货币政策,导致经济加快发展,比如现在. 但是如果这时突然使用紧缩的货币政策,突然宣布降价,那会导致经济硬着陆,就是经济的低迷!所以猪肉降价不能一下宣布出来的,这样中国经济会变得低迷

仲缪13344511008问: lead to造句要中文 -
省直辖行政单位尤卓回答: 这场大雨导致我们的课外活动不能顺利进行了

仲缪13344511008问: 简单英语造句(当天要,造的句子有中文解释最好)1.allow sb to do sth2.explain3.interrupt4.lead...to...5.describe...to... -
省直辖行政单位尤卓回答:[答案] 1.My parents don't allow me to play games too much. 我的父母不允许我过多地玩游戏. 2.The teacher explained to us why that was right. 老师向我们解释了为什么那个事对的. 3.It is not polite to interr...

仲缪13344511008问: 翻译四个英语句子,急!不要用电脑软件翻译1.我与他人交流,没有任何困难.2.吸烟导致肺病.用lead to3.请把我的名字加在名单里.用add4.同意我的意见的请... -
省直辖行政单位尤卓回答:[答案] 1 I don't have any difficulties in communicating with others.2 Smoking will lead to lung disease.3 please add my name to the list.4 please put up your hands if you agree with me.

仲缪13344511008问: 用lead up to造句 -
省直辖行政单位尤卓回答: His carelessness may lead up to bad results.

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