
作者&投稿:驹蒋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

l liker ead best英语作文
More than ten years old I saw a fairy tale, fable, 14 years old I began to see augury, learn to their own future, even if is false, I also like to.I will change myself, a book said: "man is not beautiful and lovely, but because the lovely is beautiful."Have a lot...


...一击结束了这场激烈的拳击比赛。 ( bring …to an ead)
Rivera's lethal blow brought the intense boxing match to an end.

He had to admit defead at last raise a white flag. 这个句子有语法...
He had to admit defeat at last and raised a white flag 这样能好点

高分求 初三英语mini play
Parrot: I'm very glad to be your referee. NOw,you two, stand on the line,please. (兔子和乌龟站在同一起跑线上做准备赛跑状)Are...you...ready? Rabbit and Tortoise: (异口同声)Yes, I'm ready. Parrot: One, two ,three. Go! (兔子撒腿向前面的大苹果树跑去,而乌龟则在后面慢慢的,一步...

技术上的数据:***停止:OxOOOOOO19(OxOOOOOO20 , Ox819EAD90 , Ox819EAD90,OxOA190008)实际内存的使用回收。检查 内存或从计算机上卸载。连络你的系统管理人或技术上的人员联系。--- 我就能翻译这么多,最后一句不知道是什么意思 你自己看这办吧~一般是显卡的问题,找最新的驱动装一下 ...

order to teach little Remedios to r 梁山伯与祝英台新传 ead and write. At first the child pr eferred her dolls to the man who

insead of 后面加be吗
…”, 在语言的实际运用中,instead o功能与连 词十分相似,现归纳如下: 1、跟名词:I give him advice instead of money. 给了他忠告而没有给他钱。 2、跟代词:Will you go to the party inste ad of me? 你代我去赴宴,好吗? 3、跟形容词:Things are now better inst ead of ...

在道吉镇的商店买物品,选好购买数量后,等服务员问你是否要买下道具时,不要急着按A,先输入下面这...17 - Pidgeotto2F7B0F2F 257173EA18 - Pidgeot13659B39 95BD80E519 - RattataE5C49E22 47B157...EAD30258 3988D84F47 - Parasect74CFC9E9 82CD278E48 - Venonat0CC56D24 C9F5A33A49 - ...

蓝屏代码0x000000fe(oxooooooo2,0x83310d30,0x82ead970,0x832218138) 不知道怎么老蓝屏!!希望懂的...130 0x0082 Attempt to use a file handle to an open disk partition for an operation other ...一是显卡制作工艺不规范,造成插入AGP插槽后,有短路情况出现,这时表现为加不上电。 二是显卡工作有时...

才旦齐18682269030问: lead to 后接的是 to do sth还是doing sth -
宝坻区灵泰回答:[答案] lead to 后面只能跟sth.或doing sth. lead sb.to后面则跟地名或do sth. 保证答案正确,请及时采纳.祝学习愉快!

才旦齐18682269030问: 请告诉我lead to 的用法 -
宝坻区灵泰回答: 你好~ lead to 的用法: lead to+ n./v-ing,意思是"导致...,通向...". 如:Hard work leads to success.Laziness leads to failing the exam. 加复合宾语的用法:lead sb to do sth "引导、带领、怂恿........某人做什么“, lead sb into doing sth表示的...

才旦齐18682269030问: 英语小问题 -
宝坻区灵泰回答: lead to 有“引起, 导致, 造成”等意思.其中to为介词, 后接名词或动词ing. 例如:Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness. 过度的劳累加上太少的休息常使人得病.Different opinions among young people can sometimes lead to ...

才旦齐18682269030问: lead to 的 to为介词时,后接什么 -
宝坻区灵泰回答: ①后加 动词的现在分词(就是 ing形式) ②可加n (名词) ③ 也有 lead to do sth lead to sth 的句型 希望的我回答您能满意 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

才旦齐18682269030问: lead to 后面+ doing 还是 do -
宝坻区灵泰回答: doing to 是介词

才旦齐18682269030问: lead to 后可以直接加sth吗?如:It leads to the traffic jam. -
宝坻区灵泰回答:[答案] It leads to the traffic jam.这句话我感觉用causes比较好! lead to sth/doing sth 导致某事/做某事

才旦齐18682269030问: lead+someone+to后跟动词什么形式? -
宝坻区灵泰回答:[答案] 这是动词不定式 作宾补 所以是 lead sb to do 这与lead to doiing 是两回事lead to是动介词组 doing 作宾语

才旦齐18682269030问: lead sb 后跟什么?to do 还是 do doing -
宝坻区灵泰回答: lead to do 和doing根本就是两回事: Lead sb. To do sth(导致、致使某人做某事) This leads him to make a mistake. Lead sb. In doing sth(领导、引领某人做某事) This man leads us in going to BJ. Lead后可以接双宾语 She led him a happy life. 至于lead sb. into doing,没见过 lead sb. to doing,没见过这种语法,谁见过请举例,请不要自己想当然.

才旦齐18682269030问: lead to后面跟动语原形,还是动词不定式,谢谢 -
宝坻区灵泰回答: 作为导致通往,后面接名词

才旦齐18682269030问: lead to 后可以直接加sth吗? 如:It leads to the traffic jam. -
宝坻区灵泰回答: It leads to the traffic jam. 这句话我感觉用causes比较好!!lead to sth/doing sth 导致某事/做某事

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