
作者&投稿:冶和 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

释义:n.洗衣物;洗衣店,洗衣房;要(或正在)洗的衣物,刚洗好的衣物 词源:直接源自古法语的lavanderie,意为洗;最初源自拉丁语的lavandaria,意为需要洗的东西。词汇搭配:do〔hang, iron〕 the laundry 洗〔晾,烫〕衣服 soiled laundry 要洗的衣服 at a laundry 在洗衣店 ...

laundry 这个英语单词 怎么发音
laundry中文谐音:(重音)荣(第一声)肿里 英[ˈlɔːndri] 美[ˈlɔːndri]n. 要(或正在)洗的衣物; 刚洗好的衣物; 洗衣物; 洗衣物的活; 洗衣店; 洗衣房;[例句]We had to have the washing done at the laundry.我们得把衣服拿到洗衣店去洗。[...

laundry的意思是:洗衣店、洗衣房、要(或正在)洗的衣物、刚洗好的衣物。含有laundry的双语例句 1、We had to have the washing done at the laundry.我们得把衣服拿到洗衣店去洗。2、She could ring for food and drink, laundry and sundry services.她可以打电话点餐,叫人来取要洗的衣服以及...

"LDY"这个词的含义在日常中很直观,比如在句子"He worked in the laundry at Oxford prison"中,它指的是牛津监狱的洗衣房。另一个例子是"He 'd put his dirty laundry in the clothes basket",表示将脏衣服放进洗衣篮。"I sorted the laundry"则表示分类洗涤物品。在生活中,我们经常会使用"LD...

"He worked in the laundry at Oxford prison"说明某人在监狱的洗衣房工作。而"He 'd put his dirty laundry in the clothes basket"则表示把脏衣服放入洗衣篮,准备清洗。"I sorted the laundry"则表明在进行衣物分类,为清洗做准备。"She could ring for food and drink, laundry and sundry ...

翻译成英文 我妈妈周末洗衣服
My mother washes clothes at weekends.看到下面的补充一下,on weekend的用法是错误的,起码是on the weekend,并且一般不是指每周。

Do the laundry: If you can, do the laundry at your destination to wear clothesmultiple times, instead of bringing an outfit for each day.洗衣服前先把它们归归类——当然,你也不需要非这么做。Sorting clothes before you wash — I don’t think you need to ...

Hi Anita, is it possible for us to do laundry at

这个缩写词广泛用于指代洗衣店服务,并在日常交流和书面表达中具有一定的流行度。当我们提到LNDRY时,它通常涉及到洗衣房、衣物清洗、分类以及相关服务的提供,如将衣物送到洗衣店进行清洗,或者在监狱中工作于洗衣房等场景。比如,"We had to have the washing done at the laundry"表示需要将衣物送到...

s mother is very busy,she cooks meals every day and does the laundry on Friday and Saturday. And as for Toby, he does the dishes on weekdays and sweeps the floor on Sunday.He takes out the trash every day ,too .请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!ps:绝对没抄袭,是我自己写的!

啜佩13084105509问: 英语写作介绍酒店职位 -
蒲江县朗宁回答: 市场营销部sales & Marketing Division 销售部Sales Department 公关部Public Relation Department 预订部Reservation Department 客务部Room Division 前厅部Front Office Department 管家部Housekeeping Department 餐饮部Food & Beverage ...

啜佩13084105509问: 相片中的laundry为什么没有加复数?laundry能加复数吗? -
蒲江县朗宁回答: laundry有几个含义,每个含义的可数性不一样1 laundry表示“要或正在洗的衣服”,此时不可数.例如:a pile of laundry一堆要洗的衣服2 表示洗衣服这件事、洗衣服的活儿,此时不可数,或者可以用作单数.例如:to do the laundry,表示干洗衣活,也就是图片上的用法3 表示洗衣业务、洗衣店、洗衣房,此时是可数名词

啜佩13084105509问: laundry和washing的区别? -
蒲江县朗宁回答: laundry一般是干洗店,或指去干洗店洗衣,以及指要洗的衣物.当然,看到美国大片中有个公用洗衣房,很多洗衣机的那种,也叫laundry的.例子: I need to do some laundry. 我要洗些衣服了.注意,laundry不可数的.washing如果当名词就是指具体的洗涤了,地点不分洗的对象不分.do some washing也是洗一下的意思(一般指衣物) 总结来说,如果要强调是去洗衣店或洗衣房,一般用 laundry.两个词都不可数,不知molikuang是不是搞错了

啜佩13084105509问: laundry意思 -
蒲江县朗宁回答: laundry ['lɔ:ndri, 'lɑ:n-] 基本翻译 n. 洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服

啜佩13084105509问: waste - pan在酒店英语中是什么意思? -
蒲江县朗宁回答: 知道了,酒店一般有那种比较大的盘子或筐,多是竹子编的那种,如果你有毛巾或衣服要洗,就扔在里面. 不过一般叫Laundry baskets

啜佩13084105509问: 我要洗衣服用英文怎么说 -
蒲江县朗宁回答: 一般如果你要说洗上衣,裤子之类的你可以说 I have to wash my jacket, pants... 但如果你想说这周末我要呆在家洗些东西,(衣服,裤子,袜子之类) 最好用:laundry This weekkend I will stay home and do some laundry.

啜佩13084105509问: 求英语情景对话两人关于介绍酒店服务的日常情景对话.比如洗衣服务、餐饮服务等的. 在线等. -
蒲江县朗宁回答:[答案] (A: Room Attendant B: Guest)A: Excuse me. Have you any laundry? The laundry man is here to collect it.B: No, not now, thank you.A: If you have any, please just leave it in the laundry bag be-hind the ...

啜佩13084105509问: laundry怎么读 -
蒲江县朗宁回答: laundry 英['lɔ:ndrɪ] 美[ˈlɔndri, ˈlɑn-] n. 洗衣店,洗衣房;洗好的衣服;待洗的衣服;洗熨 名词复数:laundries [例句]Don 't pay attention to the laundry , or preparing dinner , or wiping the counters.不要关心洗衣房里的衣服,或是准备一顿晚餐,或是擦拭桌子柜子.

啜佩13084105509问: Attendant -
蒲江县朗宁回答: attendant:服务员,侍者,受雇看管公共场所的服务人员 eg. a swimming-pool attendant(游泳池工作人员)a museum attendant(博物馆接待员)

啜佩13084105509问: laundry可数吗?可数的话,复数形式是什么? -
蒲江县朗宁回答: laundry[英]['lɔ:ndrɪ][美][ˈlɔndri, ˈlɑn-]n.洗衣店,洗衣房; 洗好的衣服; 待洗的衣服; 洗熨; 复数:laundries

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