
作者&投稿:蠹文 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

they ___(go)to canada 1ast year
went 去年,过去式 第一时间为你解答,如有帮助,敬请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Howtallwereyoulastyear 去年是什么时候

a__(hαve)a doⅡ Ⅰast year?用正确形式填空
填,had,因为后面的时间状语是last night,昨天晚上,句子用过去式。

选择题:Is this college ___they went to ast year? A, that B, whic...
that, 也可省略。另,你打漏了字母,(l)ast

10、我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。亲爱的,情人节快乐。Our love grows stronger with every passing year.Happy Valentine’s Day,sweetie.11、送你一个吻,悄悄的说我很高兴你是我的。情人节快乐!Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine.Happy the day!12、你是我生命的...

AST =Advanced Supersonic Technology 高级超声技术;American Standard Thread 美国标准螺纹;Atomized Suspension Technique 雾化悬浮技术;Atlantic Standard Time 大西洋标准时间;Autoumatic Scan Tracking 自动扫描跟踪 Fxy : 渡三 | 基金

关于介绍旅游景点的英语 关于介绍旅游景点的英语作文模板
In the year 1893, James Hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the East—— "Shangri-La" in one of his novels for the first time. In the novel "Lost Horizon", an English diplomat Conway and his brother Gorge scattered the English citizens and helped them...

these are twelve months in a year .( )month is ( ).A,the eleven...
选择C 第十一个月是十一月,前面必须使用序数词 ~一刻永远523为你解答,祝你学习进步~~~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【选为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问者在客户端上评价点“满意”即可~~~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~如还有新的问题,请另外向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅解~~...

AST缩写词 abbr.1. =Atlantic Standard Time 大西洋标准时间2. 【电脑】AST公司(美国电脑公司名)参考资料:百度翻译

Assist:助攻(缩写:Ast.)。 Backboard:篮板。 注意不是basketboard。 Backcourt:后场。 一支球队本方的半场为后场,即这支球队所要防守的那半场。 Backdoorpaly:篮球基本战术之一。 当一个队员在罚球弧周围接到球时,另一个动员立刻从弱侧切入篮下,接队友的传球投篮得分。 Baseline:底线。 球场两端的边界线。 Basket...

逄齐19448184772问: in last year,last year和in the last year -
芗城区天麻回答: 没有 in last year 这种用法 如果说 去年的话 直接用 last year I graduated (have been graduated)from this college last year. in the last year 是指在过去的一年里 指的是一段时间 we lived here in the last year 意为 过去的一年我们一直住在这儿

逄齐19448184772问: I stayed there for two months last year. stay是延续性动词,而且还有for+时间段,为什么不用had been -
芗城区天麻回答: 你好.1 如果是简单句,不管是延续动词还是瞬间动词,只要有last year / two years ago / yesterday之类存在,不管有没有for+一段时间,你就必须使用“一般过去时”,切记.2 如果有 since last year /since two years ago / since yesterday存在,用“现在完成时”.

逄齐19448184772问: last year,i - (在……上花了很多精力) -
芗城区天麻回答: last year,i_(在……上花了很多精力) Last year, I spent a lot of energy on ......去年我在……上花了很多精力

逄齐19448184772问: in the last year和last year各作什么成分?句中位置有没有特殊的? 麻烦一定要例句啊谢谢 -
芗城区天麻回答: in the last year 很少见到.几乎没有.表示“去年的,去年”之意一般都直接用last year.如:I bought a car last year. 其中last year在句中作时间状语.另外也有 The ceremony last year was a success. 这里last year就作后置定语修饰ceremony.扩展一下:由this、that、last、next等于时间单位组成的词组通常前面都不加介词.比如说:this year last year this morning last morning next week 这些词组用在句中的时候都不能加介词哦~

逄齐19448184772问: last, I, winter, had, happy, a, holiday, year (.) -
芗城区天麻回答: I had a happy holiday last year.

逄齐19448184772问: last year英语作文100字 -
芗城区天麻回答: Last year, I went to Hainan with my family. We went to Hainan by plane and I can't believe it only took us four hours to get there. On the frist day, we went to beach. It was a sunny day. My brother swam in the sea ,but my sister preferred to surf with my ...

逄齐19448184772问: 用英语last year造句 -
芗城区天麻回答: last year 英 [lɑ:st jə:] 美 [læst jɪr] 词典 去年; 上年; 去岁 I split up with my boyfriend last year. 我去年和男友分手了. She is in better health now than ( she was) last year. 她现在身体比去年好了.

逄齐19448184772问: last year buy a watch这句话什么意思 -
芗城区天麻回答: 不是句子的.应该是:Last year I bought a watch.去年我买了一块表.

逄齐19448184772问: I was a middle school student last year该为同义句 -
芗城区天麻回答: I have been a middle school student for a year. =I have been a middle school student since a year ago. =A/One year has passed since I was a middle school student . =It's/has been a year since I was a middle school student .

逄齐19448184772问: Last year, when I arrived in London I met one of the thickest (d ) in years -
芗城区天麻回答: 答案:填darkness 黑暗,阴暗 解析:the thickest darkness 形容阴暗的程度,天气最阴暗的 翻译:去年,当我到伦敦时,我遇到了近几年最黑暗的一天.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)

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