
作者&投稿:菜沸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

last week 英:[lɑ:st wi:k]美:[læst wik]adv.上礼拜; 例句:Do you know that Mary married with Jack last week?你知道上礼拜玛丽和杰克结婚了吗?

She was ill ast week.这里的ill能换成sick吗?
可以的,他俩的区别:ill为表语,只能用在动词后面。sick可作表语也可作定语,可用在名词前或动词后。例如:My dog is ill。Look that sick dog,it`s mine。ill 与sick 的区别:用法上面:表示"生病"时是同义词,ill常用于英国sick 常用于美国 ill只作表语,sick既可作表语也可以作定语。例如你可... weekend,but they ___(go)to the cinema last week
答案:【goes,went】注意;第一题用到的是with,所以要用第三人称单数,如果with换成and就填go.这里的主语是Jim,而不是Jim和他的家人.第二题last week.是上周的意思,所以要用过去 时态went.【英语疯人院精心为你解答】【你的10满意,我们团队的无限动力】...

你下周有空吗的英文是:Are you free next week?当我们需要和别人约时间做某事时,我们通常会问:你(在某个具体时间)有空吗?比如:你这周未有空吗?英文里,这个句子如何问呢?若使用最简单的方法,你可以说:Are you free this weekend?这里的free,指的是:有时间的有空的。意思相当于:a...

1. did you visit your grandparents ast week

上个星期我和Alice参观了航天博物馆 英语!!
Alice and I visited the Aerospace Museum l ast week . ( 这句的I 要放在AND 后哦)\/ I visited the Aerospace Museum with Alice last week.加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

3.This is the park___I visted last week. A.which B.where 答案A_百...
.This is the park___I visted last week. A.which B.where 选A 这是一句定语从句,先行词【park】在从句中做宾语 是I visted the park】last week 如果是where的话 先行词在句中作的是状语 比如 This is the park___I played football ast week 因为是I played football 【in the park...

virginia R是一名混血女模——代表MV:陈奕迅《白玫瑰》

We savm across the rivir last week 否定句怎么改?
这个的否定句是 We didn't swim across the river last week .因为是last week ,所以用didn't 而didn't 后面要加动词原形 其他的都不用变。

begin, forget, admit,refer, equip等,都是重读第二音节,而且形式上是辅元辅。以-a1, -er,-i11结尾的动词,即使重音不在最后一个音节上,也要双写,再加-ing如:travelling等.swimming造句 1、Iwent to aswimmingmeet 1astnight.昨天晚上我去看了游泳比赛。2、The Water Cube by far the best ...

葛斧19247871070问: 急求一篇英语作文,标题last week,不少于50个单词.先到先采纳 -
金溪县不拉回答:[答案] Last week, I went to a farm with my parents on Saturday and Sunday. We all liked very much. On Saturday we watered trees and pulled up carrots. On Sunday we milked cows. That was fun! There were apple trees, oranges trees and pear trees. we ...

葛斧19247871070问: 关于last week 的英语作文,40个单词就可以了 -
金溪县不拉回答: last week I went on a vacation with my family

葛斧19247871070问: 以《last week》为题的英语作文,70词. -
金溪县不拉回答:[答案] Last Week Last week I was very happy.On Monday I visited my grandparents.On Tuesday I went to a park with my friends.We sang and danced.On Wednesday I watched TV at home.On Thursday I played computer games.On Friday I went to the ...

葛斧19247871070问: last week作文,六年级的,50词以下 -
金溪县不拉回答: last monday,I played the piano with my frend,Ann.last Tuesday,I swam in the swimmingpoll.Last Wednesday. I came back from tianjin ,my mum and my dad went to the train station to meet me. last ThursdayandFriday,i went to school. Last SaturdayandSunday I visited my uncle .In this week,I'm a very happy.五年级水平,可能有错,请多包涵.

葛斧19247871070问: last week - 小学作文50个单词 -
金溪县不拉回答: Last Week I was busy last week. I did my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I visited my grandparents. On Sunday morning I went to a park with my parents. In the afternoon I cleaned my room, watched TV and played computer games. So I was very tired last week.

葛斧19247871070问: last week的小作文20个单词 -
金溪县不拉回答: Last week I went to the countryside (农村) with my parents. My father drove his car, and my mother and I felt very happy. We saw many interesting things there. The peasants were kind and hard-working.

葛斧19247871070问: 写一篇关于上个星期所做的事的英语作文!要用到过去式!不少于70词! -
金溪县不拉回答:[答案] Last week was a busy week for me.On Monday,I was on duty.After shcool,I cleaned the classroom with some of my classmates.On Tuesday,we had a basketball match with the students in Class Two.Although we did our best,we lost the game.All of us felt ...

葛斧19247871070问: 以“last week”为题,写一篇英语作文,不少于6句话(小学六年级水平)截止到11月25日6点 -
金溪县不拉回答:[答案] Last week I was very busy.Monday to Friday I went to school everyday.And did homework every day.On Saturday,my mother and I went to visit grandma.We ate dinner together.On Sunday,I did housework at ho...

葛斧19247871070问: 英语作文last week,50词以上,求各位指点 -
金溪县不拉回答: I have a busy last weekend .Saturday morning .I did my homework and read books .After lunch .I helped my mom cleaned the room .In the afternoon .I went shopping with my parents .Sunday moring.After breakfast .I visited grandparents with my dad ...

葛斧19247871070问: last week为题目的英语作文60至80词 -
金溪县不拉回答:[答案] Last week I went to the theatre.I have a very good seat.The play was very interesting.I did not enjoy it.A young man and a yuang woman were sitting behind me.They were talking loudly.I got very angry.I could not hear the actors.I turned round.I looked at ...

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