
作者&投稿:雷呢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

indonesia: [ .indəu'ni:zjə ]n. 印度尼西亚 例句与用法:1. A dialect of Malay that is the official language of Indonesia.印尼语马来语的一种方言,被指定为印度尼西亚的官方语言 2. A short, heavy, straight-edged knife used in Malaysia and Indonesia as a tool and we...

ICH-GCP 10.1 Roles & Responsibilities(1)
While studies have a Lead Investigator with primary responsibility over the entire trial, this individual is often the Principal Investigator (PI) at the lead research site and has responsibility over the conduct of a clinical study at that site. For multicenter trials, there are a number of res...

平时出现频率较高的英文缩写: 国家: USA 美国: United States of America UK 英国: United Kingdom PRC 中国: People's Republic of China 国际组织、机构、公司: UN 联合国: United Nations UNESCO 联合国教科文组织: United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization WTO 世贸组织: World Trade ...

The hills are bare of even a plant due to the ind

I am I, you am you, always cared about others to say anything, was a very senseless matter, so long as allowed nature to take its course earns a living well merrily.7一个连同伴都救不了的家伙,有什么资格当火影? Cannot rescue the companions the fellow, what qualifications has...

London 伦敦 --William Blake威廉·布莱克 译\/李景琪、猎人hunter560 (2007年12月)I wandered through each chartered street,Near where the chartered Thames does flow,A mark in every face I meet,Marks of weakness, marks of woe.我徘徊在每一条特许的街上,附近特许的泰晤士河正流淌,我...

...euros ___the tourism officE.A.atB.onC.inD.of
【答案】:A 解析:这道题考查介词的使用。空格后出现了表示场所的名词the tourism office,因此句意应当是“在旅游管理部门可以买到”。at和in都可以表示“在……地方”,但是at一般用于比较具体的或小的场所,而in则用于国家或城市这样比较大的地点或场所,因此本题应该选(A)项。

A life force indwells in nature.许多诗人和艺术家从大自然中获得灵感。Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature.大峡谷并非人力所开而是受大自然之力而成的。The grand canyon was not dug by the hand of man, but riven by nature.从本质看,他们喜欢到大自然中去。...

2、a [ə] 用于可数名词或单数名词前。例句:She's a friend of my father's.她是我父亲的一位朋友。同义词辨析:一、a (an) one indef. art. 一个。通常用于单数可数名词之前,泛指某类人或事物中的一个。My friend needs a bilingual dictionary.我的朋友需要一本双语词典。Would ...

A Narrow EscapeShortly after the war, my brother and I were invite...

鄂可15346903479问: 形容词前加a little和kind of,什么情况下用a little什么情况下用kind of? -
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县长春回答: a little 一般表示数量意义,而kind of/sort of 口语化,情绪化词组,表示程度或者个人喜好,只要符合修饰句子中形容词特点即可.

鄂可15346903479问: kind of 和a little 的区别 -
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县长春回答:[答案] 区别太大,根本对不上 kind of后接单数和复数名词都对.如:This kind of book=this kind of books 其后的谓语动词的单复数要根据kind of,如果Kind不加s,其谓语动词就用第三人称单数. little / a little用来修饰不可数名词,little表示否定意思,没有,几...

鄂可15346903479问: kind of 和a little 的区别 -
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县长春回答: kind of加有形容词修饰的名词 ,a little就加形容词 you are kind of good student he is a little nasty somewhat有“从某种程度上讲”稍微这个意思

鄂可15346903479问: kind of和 a little用法 -
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县长春回答: Some people playing basketball这种句型不能是一个单独的句子,它属于独立主格结构.独立主格结构有“with+名词/代词+形容词/副词/介词短语/分词/不定式/名词”构成,该结构中的名词或代词时后面部分的逻辑主语,其中的介词with可以省略,整个结构用作时间、原因、条件方式或伴随状语,修饰整个从句或句子而不是修饰一个单词.它课置于句首,句中,句尾.例:It being hot,we had to stay at home. Her mother having fallen ill,Mary had to all the housework.

鄂可15346903479问: kind of + 什么词? a little +什么词? -
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县长春回答: kind of + 名词复数 a little +不可数名词

鄂可15346903479问: kind of、a little、a bit的区别 -
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县长春回答: 1 将 “kind of” 看作一个普通的副词, 意思是:to some (great or small) extent 有点儿, 有一些. 同义词为:rather, kinda, sort of. 于是就很容易理解它后面可以接动词,形容词 副词.其用法与一般的副词没什么不同但是不能修饰比级. 2 a little 后接名词 形容词 副词以及比较级. 3 a bit 后接形容词 副词以及比较级. 若接名词 需要加Of 另 not a little=非常 not a bit=一点也不.

鄂可15346903479问: 在英语中,"kind of",“a little bit”,"a little"和“a bit"的用法?拜托各位了 3Q -
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县长春回答: kind of:十分,非常知 He is kind of shy. a kind of--:一种---- a little bit,a little,a bit:都表示一点道的意思,有时可互换专,三者后既可加形容词,也可加副词,如属: his English is a litttle=a bit=a little bad.

鄂可15346903479问: kind of 和 a little后跟形容词时表示是一样的吗 -
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县长春回答: kind of 相当;有一些.a little 有一点;有一些.只能说a little 侧重于“一点”的意思甚于kind of.两者都是口语,可通用.

鄂可15346903479问: a little与kind of的区别 -
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县长春回答: a little 可以加名词或者形容词,有点...kind of 加形容词,有点...,但是kind of 比较随意口语化一下,有时会缩成kinda

鄂可15346903479问: kind of=a little=a bit=a little bit? -
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县长春回答: kind of 有几分,稍微,只可修饰形容词,kind of boring a bit和a little都作"一点儿"讲,但用法不同. 1)a bit和a little在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级时可以互换,表示"一点儿"的意思.例如: The speaker spoke up a bit/a little ...

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