
作者&投稿:彭轻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Eep: Heads! (Ugga’s mum: Ah!!!)Grug: Tails. Thunk’s in. Positions! Ok, Thunk, go! Come on, Thunk. Way to go! Take it to the cave! (Thunk was fallen on the ground.) Oh. Release the baby!Ugga: Get’em, Sandy, go!Ugga: Get them, mum!Ugga’s mum: Old lady down!

D u want t nw hw t eep in gd health? Let e tell u sething abut eeping health. u shuld exercise ever da and have gd eating habits. ...We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We ...

Eep: What’s the point of all this?Grug: What was that? Eep: I mean, why we are here? What are we doing this for?Ugga’s mum & Thunk: Oh…….Grug: No one said survival is fun. Eep: Nothing is fun. Grug: Would you come down here? Ugga: Grug?Grug: Eep?Ugga: Grug!Grug...

插图示芬兰斯堪的纳地盾的主要构造单元和GGT\/SVEKA的位置,A—太古域;K—卡累利阿区;SF—瑞芬域;SN—斯维可挪威域;C—加里东造山带;EEP—东欧地台 2 沿断面的主要地质和地球物理特征 GGT\/SVEKA断面上的太古宙地壳主要由中太古代混合岩和新太古代英云闪长岩和花岗闪长岩组成。绿岩带只形成窄带挤在花岗杂岩...

She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining. She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman....Last, we shuld eep an English diar t iprve ur writing sills. I hpe I can help u. I hpe was are useful fr u. 九年级英语作文 篇3 ...

1 太阳升起,又是新的一天 With every sun comes a new day. 2 一个崭新的开始 A new beginning. 3 人们总是希望今天比昨天强 A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 4 对我来说无所谓,我是伊普 But not for me. My name's Eep. 5 这...

She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining. She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman....Last, we shuld eep an English diar t iprve ur writing sills. I hpe I can help u. I hpe was are useful fr u. 九年级英语作文 篇7 my...

I have to share everything with him or her. Most importantly, what if the love from my parents is totally switched to the new child? As you have a younger sister, did you have similar problems? What’s your opinion about this?I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours ...

My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining.She is also a thrifty, and ...

2.The sun rises early and sets late in summer.A. goes up B.went up C.come down D.jump on3.We won’t see any flowers until May.A. won’t ,after B.will, before C.won’t .before D.will ,till4.How did you care for your little plant,Jenny?A.look for B.take care C.take ...

可茗19554728333问: “keep early hours”什么意思 -
麻阳苗族自治县蛇胆回答: 早起早睡

可茗19554728333问: 一个词组问题从书上看到,keep late hours是晚睡晚起的意思那么早睡早起,是不是 keep early hours --- ! -
麻阳苗族自治县蛇胆回答:[答案] get up early

可茗19554728333问: early可以和什么词连用 -
麻阳苗族自治县蛇胆回答: early:本身有形容词(adj)和副词(adv)两个词性.adv.(副词) early用作副词意思是“早; 先; 提早”,也可作“在初期,在早期”“从前,古时候”.early在句中可用作状语,主要修饰动态动词,也可修饰名词或介词.adj.(形容词) ...

可茗19554728333问: 早睡早起身体好用英语怎么说 -
麻阳苗族自治县蛇胆回答: 早睡早起身体好的英文翻译 早睡早起身体好 Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise. 重点词汇早睡早起keep early hours; early to bed, early to rise; go to bed early and get up [rise] early 身体好be in (good) shape

可茗19554728333问: 早睡早起用英语怎么说啊?
麻阳苗族自治县蛇胆回答: Early to bed early to get up

可茗19554728333问: early可以和什么词连用 -
麻阳苗族自治县蛇胆回答:[答案] early:本身有形容词(adj)和副词(adv)两个词性. adv.(副词) early用作副词意思是“早; 先; 提早”,也可作“在初期,在早期”“从前,古时候”. early在句中可用作状语,主要修饰动态动词,也可修饰名词或介词. adj.(形容词) early作形...

可茗19554728333问: 是词语辨析题 -
麻阳苗族自治县蛇胆回答: houir 有“时间, 时期; 时机; (某一)时刻”的意思 如:school hours 上课时间 office hours 办公时间 business hours 营业时间 the happiest hours of one's life 一生中最幸福的(一段)时间 after hours 办公[营业]时间以后 keep bad hours 晚起晚...

可茗19554728333问: It' good to keep early hours. 翻译. -
麻阳苗族自治县蛇胆回答: It' good to keep early hours.早睡早起有益健康.

可茗19554728333问: 早睡早起的英文怎么说? -
麻阳苗族自治县蛇胆回答: 有不同的翻译方法:1. Early to bed and early to rise2. Keep good/early hours3. Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark.

可茗19554728333问: 英文谚语、俚语、成语,越多越好,要有汉语意思. -
麻阳苗族自治县蛇胆回答: The early bird catches the worm-----捷足先登 Look before you leap----三思而后行 The more the better ---多多益善 louder speak than words ----事实胜于雄辩 Time is money----一寸光阴一寸金 Once bitten,twice shy----一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

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