
作者&投稿:詹阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

keep……away 远离……,离……远一点 sb. keep sth.\/sb. .away 某人离某物\/某人远一点 keep sb.\/sth. (away) from sth.\/sb. 让……远离……第一个是你说的固定搭配,第二个似乎keep是使动用法(保持):keep sb.\/sth. +介词\/dong sth....

get away与keep away的区别?
A吧...get away 是离开 keep away 是保持一定的距离

keep off 和keep away 的区别是什么?如果要说远离毒品应该用哪个词组...
keep off+n:使不接近。keep off the grass. keep away +from+n:远离。keep away from the dog原理毒品应该用keep away

英语keeps the doctor away怎么读
ktər əˈweɪ],意思是让医生远离。例句:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果医生将会远离。keep away的用法 1、释义 防范;不接近 2、例句 He is quite dangerous; you'd better keep away from him.他这个人很危险,你最好远着他一点儿。

let away和keep away
let away比较被动,keep away比较主动

keep away 和keep away from 的区别
Keep away from me = 离我远点 Keep me away (from something) = 把我和某东西隔开

Would you keep that dog away, please?请将那只狗赶远些, 好吗?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.为什么要用keeps而不用keep呢...
因为An apple a day是做主语,是单数形式,所以要用keeps

keep…away from造句
keep away (from)1.(使)远离,(使)不接近;(使)不在:You must keep away from the dog.你千万别靠近那条狗。Keep the children away from the fire.让孩子离火远一点。

Keep 是英语中的一个常用动词,用法如下:1.keep+adj 保持某种状态 e.g keep heallthy 2.keep+ n.+adj 使某人(某物)处于某种状态 e.g keep the room clean 3.keep doing sth. 一直做某事 e.g keep working 4.keep on dong sth 反复做某事 e.g keep on thinking about the game.5....

犹图19313762117问: 求解;'请勿靠近'的英文. -
巴楚县恒迈回答:[答案] keep away (eg.When the machine is in operation,keep away from it.) keep off (eg.Keep off unless you are a Specialist.) keep clear (不常用)

犹图19313762117问: keep away from 的用法his mother had thought it would be good for hie son to________from home and earn some money 为什么用get away 而不是keep away -
巴楚县恒迈回答:[答案] get away from和keep away from都有远离的意思,但get away from一般是指人主观上的动作,而keep away from常译为“使……远离”.另外,keep还表示动作有持续性.e.g.He keeps away from liquor and tobacco.他不沾烟酒....

犹图19313762117问: keep away from与keep off的用法之异同 -
巴楚县恒迈回答: keep away from:使离开, 使远离, 站开. I told the chilren to keep away from the fire. (远离生火) keep off; 不接近,不让接近 Keep off the grass. 勿踏草地 (这里不能替用)

犹图19313762117问: keep away from keep free from的区别! -
巴楚县恒迈回答: 两者意思一样,只是keep away from 之间不能插入任何成分,比如:Keep away from cold;而keep free from 可以插入宾语在keep 之后,比如:We put our books in bookcase to keep them free from dust

犹图19313762117问: keep away from是什么意思文翻译 -
巴楚县恒迈回答: keep away from 英 [ki:p əˈwei frɔm] 美 [kip əˈwe frʌm] 避开; 远; (使)不接近 双语例句 1 Keep away from the doors while the train is moving. 列车运行过程中要远离车门. 2 If you don't keep away from the dog, you may be bitten. 如果你不避开那只狗,你可能会被咬伤.

犹图19313762117问: Keep…away from是否动词短语 -
巴楚县恒迈回答: 是的,是动词短语 让什么远离什么 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

犹图19313762117问: 用词组 keep...away from 造句 -
巴楚县恒迈回答: . keep themselves away from viruses because they are invisible. 远离病毒,因为它们是看不见的 Do not eat. Keep away from fire. 切勿食用,远离火源

犹图19313762117问: 有关动词+away+from的动词词组 -
巴楚县恒迈回答: stay,keep away from. 望采纳

犹图19313762117问: keepawayfrom和keepfrom区别
巴楚县恒迈回答: keep away from释义:远离,回避例句:He warned Billy to keep away from his daughter.他警告比利离他女儿远点.视频:场景会话keep from 释义:隐瞒阻止抑制例句:...

犹图19313762117问: 英语短语keep away from跟 keep free from的区别! -
巴楚县恒迈回答: keep away from:远离,回避The police warns bystander to keep away from the blazing building. 警察告诫围观者,不要靠近燃烧的建筑物.keep free from:使……...

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