
作者&投稿:糜凝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


新概念英语2前20课单词... 急..!!!
private ['praivit]adj.私人的 1 conversation ['k3nv4'sei54n]n.谈话 1 theatre ['7i4t4]n.剧场,戏院1 seat [si:t]n.座位 1 enjoy [in'd93i]vt.欣赏 1 interesting ['intristi6]adj.有趣味的1 behind [bi'haind]prep.在...的后面 play [plei]n.戏;v.玩,游戏 loudly ['lau...


blah blah blah的英汉对照歌词
你一张嘴就是废话废话废话 ust zip your lips like a padlock and meet me at the back with the jack and the jukebox.快吧嘴巴关住不许说话 代号杰克丹尼和点唱机到休息室见我 I dont really care where you live at just turn around boy and let me hit that.我才不管你住在那 快转过...

乌斯滕格拉:UstengravExterior01,Ustengrav01,Ustengrav02 瓦尔图梅:Valthume00,Valthume01,Valthume02 斯格拉摩墓穴:YsgramorsTomb01 英格尔山峰:YngolBarrow01 城堡类 裂牙要塞:CrackedTuskKeep01,CrackedTuskKeep02 黑光塔楼 裂谷西南:DarklightTowerExterior01,DarklightTowerExterior02,DarklightTower...

keep one’s word 守信用;履行诺言 hold one’s breath 屏息;屏气 apologize \/?'p?l?d?aiz\/ vi. 道歉;辩白 drown \/draun\/ vt. & vi. 淹没;溺死;淹死 sadness \/'s?dnis\/ n. 悲哀;悲伤 obvious \/'?bvi?s\/ adj. 明显的;显而易见的 wipe \/waip\/ vt. 擦;揩;擦去 △ weave \/wi:...

ust invest to keep up with its surging traffic
省略了that 定语从句~

u ust g t bed earl and get up earl. And drin il ever da. u shuld nt eat un fd and drin cffee. u ust sleep nine hurs ever night. u ust tr t eat lts f vegetables and drin il ever da. ur health lifestle helps u get gd grades. Gd fd and exercise help u t stud better....

rating ['reitiŋ] n.级别;等级 UNIT 2 keep out 不让……进入 play v.播放 argue ['ɑ:ɡju:] v.争论;争吵 wrong [rɔŋ] adj.错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 What's wrong?怎么了?style [stail] n.风格、款式、式样 out of style 不时髦的,过时的 ...

...下特别谬误的几句话给大家参考:ust can’t keep my hands down...
Just can’t keep my hands down,错误: 我不能停下游弋的手 正确:我只是无法(就这么)放手。指代不能放弃。You got me in the zone,错误:你让我去开发这里 正确:你已经把我锁在(爱的)区域了。〔引申义:你已经得到我(的心)了,(这句有sex暗示的意思)〕girl let’s go on a ...

芷悦18259802846问: I just like a bird是什么意思 -
仓山区派君回答: i just like a brid的意思是我就像一只小鸟.justadv. 只是,仅仅;刚才,刚刚;正好,恰好;实在;刚要adj. 公正的,合理的;正直的,正义的;正确的;公平的;应得的n. (Just)人名;(英)贾斯特;(法)朱斯特;(德、匈、波、捷、挪)尤...

芷悦18259802846问: 有一首歌,fly with me ....just like a bird..是什么歌 -
仓山区派君回答: 完美世界 打印此页歌手:水木年华 不知日落夜深多少个夏秋 不知我一直飚奔跑了多久 我冲出森林追一生的寻求 远方那完美世界的爱和自由 fly with me in the perfect world ]go with me just like a bird 没什么能阻挡自由的天地 这样沉默爱你不知有...

芷悦18259802846问: fly with me ,in the perfect word .go with me ,just like a bird! 这句话什么意思? -
仓山区派君回答: 《完美世界》歌手: 水木年华 Fly with me, in the perfect world.Go with me, just like a bird!让我们一起,在完美的世界里飞翔.跟我一起飞,就当我们只是两只鸟.其他歌词:不知日落月升多少个夏秋 不知我已这样奔跑了多久 我从出生就注定一生的寻求 远方那完美世界的爱和自由 没什么能阻拦自由的天地 这样沉默爱你不知有多久 我愿付出我的生命和所有 我要你不顾一切跟我走 去向那完美世界的爱和自由

芷悦18259802846问: I like to keep bird as pet because they\'re becautifui.什么意思??? -
仓山区派君回答: 我喜欢养鸟作宠物,因为他们很漂亮.

芷悦18259802846问: 一首英文歌里一句just like you会拖长音女生唱的 -
仓山区派君回答: Feel It All - KT Tunstall I'm growing like a seed Rains been falling on me I've been covered in cold I've been shrouded and downed My heart is on a wire Sailing pretty like a bird But the hunter is out And the eagle is hurt The word that I Feel, feel ...

芷悦18259802846问: I will be just like a bird.这句话对吗 -
仓山区派君回答: 语法上说是没错的.希望能帮助到你~~ 望采纳~~~

芷悦18259802846问: If only i could keep a real bird什么意思 -
仓山区派君回答: 真希望我能够养一只真的鸟啊if only虚拟语气

芷悦18259802846问: fly with me ,in the perfect word .go with me ,just like a bird! 这句话什么意思?
仓山区派君回答: fly with me ,in the perfect word .go with me ,just like a bird! 和我一起飞翔,在这完美的世界里,和我一起走吧,就像鸟儿一样

芷悦18259802846问: i wish i - (can) fly like a bird -
仓山区派君回答: i wish i could fly like a bird 其实用can也可以,只不过这局是祈使句,用词较为婉转,所以用could.意思是我希望我能像小鸟一样会飞

芷悦18259802846问: justlikeabird是什么意思
仓山区派君回答: 就像一个鸟

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