
作者&投稿:鄂哈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

5 one-hundredths刊物英寸厚的颜色,金黄色,一个完美的“马鞍的卷发,“乐事土豆片的似乎并不统治全球武器。但它的制造者。菲多利整合而成。其它的想法。“吃洋芋片是为世界的快餐食品萨勒曼说:“公司总部张旭东等译,三联书店的全球销售。·阿明相信他们不角落,可以抵抗魅力的菲力的土豆片。菲多利是最大的...

roast 和 grill 都是烤的意思吗
从中文来说都是烤的意思,但roast是不与火直接接触的慢慢烘烤,比如烤鸭,roast duck,而grill是在烧烤炉上用明火直接烤的做法,就是最常见的野外或者家庭后院的烧烤之类的了,烤出来的肉上一般都能直接看到黑黑的烧烤痕迹。

新概念英语2前20课单词... 急..!!!
private ['praivit]adj.私人的 1 conversation ['k3nv4'sei54n]n.谈话 1 theatre ['7i4t4]n.剧场,戏院1 seat [si:t]n.座位 1 enjoy [in'd93i]vt.欣赏 1 interesting ['intristi6]adj.有趣味的1 behind [bi'haind]prep.在...的后面 play [plei]n.戏;v.玩,游戏 loudly ['lau...

go shopping \/5S pIN\/ 购物,逛街fast food \/fA:st 5fUd\/ 快餐restaurant \/5restr nt\/ n.餐馆early \/5Î:lI\/ adv.早Sunday \/5sÃndeI;5sÃndI\/ n.星期天cook \/kUk\/ vi.&vt.煮,烧but \/b«t;bÃt\/ conj.但是wash \/w S\/ vt.洗dish \/dIS\/ n.盘子go fishing \/5fISIN\/钓鱼water \/5w :t...

most of the time是什么意思
most of the time意思是多数情况下;大多时候。发音:英:[məust ɔv ðə taim]美:[most ʌv ði taɪm]例句:1.I realized that most of the time, all you have to do is ask.我因此认识到,大都数情况下你需要做的就是开口问问。2.But as ...

poster \/5p«Ust«(r)\/ n.海报,招贴画ball \/b?:l\/ n.球twenty \/5twentI\/ n.二十student \/5stju:dnt\/ n.学生school \/sku:l\/ n.学校an \/«n; Qn\/ art.(元音前)一(个,件……)art \/A:t\/ n.美术room \/ru:m;rUm\/ n.房间clean \/kli:n\/ adj.干净的twenty-one \/5twentI wÃn\/ n....

在英语单词中,玩、阅读、跳舞和画并不是同一类词汇,它们属于不同的词性和意思。玩 (play) 是动词,意思是做游戏或参加某种娱乐活动。阅读 (read) 是动词,意思是读书或阅读某种材料。跳舞 (dance) 是动词,意思是跳舞或跳舞表演。画 (draw) 是动词,意思是画图或画画。这些单词的共同点是它们都与...

J ust help yourself什么意思
Just help yourself.中文翻译:自己取吧,自己拿吧; 请自便 [例句]1、Don't wait to be served at the reception, just help yourself to the food.在招待会上别等服务员待候你,自己动手取食物。2、Don't be shy, just help yourself!别害羞,请自便!

40 you 1ust need to be careful.Ⅲ、阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Teenagers at one German school are learning how to achieve happiness alongside other...

夹霍19568008628问: JUSTFOOD注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册? -
柳北区皮炎回答: JUSTFOOD商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册1件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中.经八戒知识产权统计,JUSTFOOD还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、...

夹霍19568008628问: 求一篇以food为主题的英语短文 -
柳北区皮炎回答: 您好,以下为一篇以 My Favorite Food 为题的英语短文,希望对您有帮助:My Favorite Food I like many different kinds of food, eggs is my favorite kind. Eggs contain a lot of essential nutrients needed by the human body, and it's commonly found ...

夹霍19568008628问: 在英语中可以说we just sale fast food吗
柳北区皮炎回答: 不可以.sale是名词,你要用sell.这里是没有语法问题啦,不过就是just的问题,你是说:我们仅仅只是卖快餐吗.

夹霍19568008628问: what do you think of fast food ? 英文作文.100词
柳北区皮炎回答: In recent years, there are many foreign fast food restaurants appeared in China. Now, it is even hard to find seats in some fast food restaurants. Why can they draw so many persons' attention? Firstly, just as its name suggests, fast food is very fast ...

夹霍19568008628问: 写一篇“l like food ”的英语作文不少于40个词 -
柳北区皮炎回答: i like fast food. i like macdonald big mac burger. sometimes, i buy macdonald set meals, i get toys as gift. i collected many hello kitty toys. the kitty toys are all dressed up in different countries. i don't give a dame of people saying fast food is junk food...

夹霍19568008628问: 一道高中语法填空, most people choose to eat something just - ---the food tastes delicious -
柳北区皮炎回答: 填for

夹霍19568008628问: When you - ---- - at a restaurant, please order just enough food. A.eat B.will eat C.ate D -
柳北区皮炎回答: A 试题分析:句意:当你在餐馆里吃东西时,请点正好足够的食物.此处是when引导的一个时间状语从句,主句是祈使句,从句用一般现在时,故选A.考点:

夹霍19568008628问: What's your favorite food? Why? (一百字短文) -
柳北区皮炎回答: My favorite food is steamboat. First, you have to choose the kind of soup that you like. Basically, there are two types: the normal soup or the spicy soup. Then you select the kind of food you like. Food includes: meat, vegetables, noodles, ...

夹霍19568008628问: do you like fast food?why or why not?英语口语,大概十五句话左右,可以说一分钟这样子,尽量用简单句 -
柳北区皮炎回答: i do like fast food because it is convient when i am busy. i don't think fast food is good for our health,so i dont like it. fast food is OK,most of it is sweet since fast food has become fashion ,so why don't we like it fast food is my favorite i like fast food as much as i like myself

夹霍19568008628问: 请大家以"我最喜欢的食物”写一篇英语短文,不少于八句话,谢谢 -
柳北区皮炎回答: My favourite food is lemon.Lemon is a very sour food but it's very healthy too.You can see the lemons are yellow or green and they're Elliptic.Some people think lemons are very sour so it's not delicious food.I don't think so.When you feel hot and...

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