
作者&投稿:庄阳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Scrump-diddly-umptious" 点解?
Q:"Scrump-diddly-umptious" 点解? A:Scrump-diddly-umptious是一个俚语。据称是由英国儿童文学作家、剧作家和短篇小说作家Roald Dahl所创话的一字。它的意思其实是: (1)extremely tasty and delicious (2)really good and wonderful (3)fun\/joyful 即用来形容某一物件极好\/很好\/很令人高兴之意 例...

A person’s life is just like a journey on a train; he has to get on and off the train umpteen times, sometimes accidents happen, sometimes pleasant surprises spring up, and sometimes unforgettable grieves strike……..?? We get on the train of life as soon as we are born...

求Jewelry【love story】的中文音译。是那个用中文标韩文唱法的。。谢谢...
弄木 怕波噶疼 及西哦搜 弄 冲吗 话噶哪给 黑搜 I dont wanna talk about it, I dont wanna miss a thing 哦呢办都 弄木那 可利哦得 你噶哦西 哪嫩 哦都尅 黑 她冷 共 冲吗 厂么 素 已嫩得 你噶 哦大嫩给 hin米的咯 hin米的咯 hin米的咯 哈样弄你 出恩么咯 内力面 已共...

请高手帮我翻译一个案例! 中译英。谢谢!
Case 1 "by air" in the end this is CIP or CIP [Case]A certain export companies with a customer in Singapore, there have been some differences in terms of price, has been at loggerheads over. A and this customer to do business is conducted by air transport, A that the "C...

郅眉18380891648问: jump about何解? -
乳山市复方回答: 首先你这句话如果是没错的,那我们看about的词性,它可以做副词,介词,形容词.happily是副词,所以介词的可能性排除,而形容词在这又不恰当,所以这里的about应该是副词,在副词的几个词义里有一个义项是到处,各处,例句有:They were rushing about in the garden.他们在花园里跑来跑去.所以对照你给的句子,可以翻译成:看!这个男孩高兴地跳来跳去.

郅眉18380891648问: jump out 和jump up 的区别 -
乳山市复方回答: 区别是:jump up有突然站起来的意思,也有跳起来的意思,一般是原地的.jump out是跳出来,不仅可以指原地的动作,也可以指位置改变.例句辨析:jump up1、he continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football match 他不停地上蹿下...

郅眉18380891648问: jump与mouse各是什么意思呀??? -
乳山市复方回答: jump KK: [] DJ: [] vi. 1. 跳;跳跃 The horse jumped over the ditch. 马跳过了那条沟. 2. (因喜悦、紧张等)跃起;猛跳[(+at/for)] My heart jumped at the news. 听到这消息我的心猛地一跳. 3. (对结论等)匆匆作出;(对话题等)突然变动[Q] ...

郅眉18380891648问: i was about to go up的about是什么意思 -
乳山市复方回答: About在这没有具体的意思,因为这是固定句型.sb be about to do sth 某人即将做某事copy 例:He was just about to leave when someone called him.他正准备离开的时候,有人叫住zhidao了他.I am about to take an exam next week.我下周将要参加一场考试.

郅眉18380891648问: jump是什么意思? -
乳山市复方回答: jump 释义:n. 跳跃;跳动;上涨 v. 跳越;暴涨 读音:英 [dʒʌmp] 美 [dʒʌmp] 单词变形: 1、过去式: jumped 2、过去分词: jumped 3、现在分词: jumping 4、第三人称单数: jumps 双语例句: The horse was behaving fractiously and ...

郅眉18380891648问: about是什么意思中文 -
乳山市复方回答: 1、“about”的释义如下:1. prep. 关于;大约 2. adj. 在附近的;四处走动的;在起作用的 3. adv. 大约;周围;到处 4. n. 大致;粗枝大叶;不拘小节的人 5. n. (About)人名;(法)阿布2、读音:英 [ə'baʊt] 美 [ə'baʊt] 3、词语辨析 (1)【...

郅眉18380891648问: 在英语里,leap和jump的区别是什么? -
乳山市复方回答: 1.jump 是个通用词,不问是从高处跳到低处,或从一点跳到另一点,都可使用I can jump off the box, but I can't jump off that wall. 我能从这只箱子上跳下去,但是我不能从那个墙上跳下去.After jumping about on the carpet and twisting the human ...

郅眉18380891648问: about 在表示"忙于,从事"及"在各处"两个含义时分别怎么用 -
乳山市复方回答: 1.到处,在各处(in various directions):There lay books about the room.书被扔得满屋子都是. /Flowers dot about our school.我们学校里到处点缀着鲜花./Sheep and cows are about the lawn.草地上到处都是牛羊.2.从事,忙于(concerned or...

郅眉18380891648问: 有什么常用的美国俚语吗? -
乳山市复方回答: 1. I couldn't care less. 这句话的意思是「我不在乎」,「缺乏兴趣」(lack of interest),也就是:I don't care at all. 或 I don't give a hoot. 例如: 人家如果问: What do you think of the budget-cut?(你对预算削减有何看法?) 你回答: I couldn't care ...

郅眉18380891648问: 动词+形容词最高级 比如:jump+ - ---(high) -
乳山市复方回答: jump highest

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